Debunked: Pilot Forgets To Turn Off CHEMTRAILS while landing [Aerodynamic Contrail, Wake Vortex]

Arrggh...too many years since a CFI, now can't help myself, and over-explain, over-complicate
well sometimes it's appropriate. obviously depending on who you are talking to, but for the bulk of non nerds simpler is better. like this "Temperature is also vitally important, depending on the gaseous element, or molecular compound that you wish to consider, in this science"
is total gobbley gook. "when its cold enough it freezes" (what "it" is doesn't matter) :)

Or maybe

"Air behaves like a fluid, it flows around an object like water does, leaving a swirling wake a bit like a boat does. Most of the time you can't see it, but if it's damp out the wake is sometimes visible, like in these examples...".
ah. not only did I understand that. I actually read it.
I too have seen the "look" come over people's faces on occasion, when I explain something. Usually I can quickly reduce it to something much simpler as in the above " when its cold enough it freezes".
Other times I take nasty pleasure in not doing that.
I too have seen the "look" come over people's faces on occasion, when I explain something. Usually I can quickly reduce it to something much simpler as in the above " when its cold enough it freezes".
Other times I take nasty pleasure in not doing that.
I would think it is even harder face to face. at least in text format I can reread and reread and reread the passage (and take time to look up all the words I don't know the meaning of) and look at the pictures ; )
I like pictures :)

I understand your point. Certainly enough of my posts indicate that I edit them after original posting.:D
Found this post . thought you guys would find it Funny . He is of course mocking a previous letter to the editor
External Quote:

Craig Colley: Chemtrails -- The big 'secret' is out
POSTED: 05/10/2014 01:00:00 AM MDT

I've been outed. It's all true. For 37 years I've kept "The Secret" but Leslie Taylor has forced me to come clean (Leslie Taylor, "Chemtrails show we are desperate about climate change," May 9).

Yes, when I joined the Navy in 1977 and was issued my first black uniform, I was told "The Secret" all Navy, Air Force and airline pilots know and now you know, thanks to Ms. Taylor.

I thought it was only us military pilots that knew, but when I was issued my first black uniform for the airlines, I found out that I was not alone with "The Secret." I can't tell you how many times I have pulled the big red lever in the cockpit that dumps the chemicals. I must have dumped millions of gallons of chemicals over my 37 years as a pilot.

Some days it was for climate change and some days it was for mind control over an unsuspecting populous. Please forgive me, citizens of planet Earth.

Craig Colley
Found this post . thought you guys would find it Funny . He is of course mocking a previous letter to the editor
External Quote:

Craig Colley: Chemtrails -- The big 'secret' is out
POSTED: 05/10/2014 01:00:00 AM MDT

I've been outed. It's all true. For 37 years I've kept "The Secret" but Leslie Taylor has forced me to come clean (Leslie Taylor, "Chemtrails show we are desperate about climate change," May 9).

Yes, when I joined the Navy in 1977 and was issued my first black uniform, I was told "The Secret" all Navy, Air Force and airline pilots know and now you know, thanks to Ms. Taylor.

I thought it was only us military pilots that knew, but when I was issued my first black uniform for the airlines, I found out that I was not alone with "The Secret." I can't tell you how many times I have pulled the big red lever in the cockpit that dumps the chemicals. I must have dumped millions of gallons of chemicals over my 37 years as a pilot.

Some days it was for climate change and some days it was for mind control over an unsuspecting populous. Please forgive me, citizens of planet Earth.

Craig Colley

I get the sarcasm....but, I am wondering if "true believing" chemtrail adherents will get it?

Time will tell, I suppose. Sometimes clever wit is lost on those who just can't "get it".
The Leslie Taylor letter is disjointed, and a bit of a mild rant. These turn up from time to time in Letters to Editors.
The Craig Colley letter has probably been waiting for an opportunity to be published, and Leslie Talyor provided it my mentioning Chemtrails almost in a "oh, by the way" manner.
That's the only connection. Randomness provided an opportunity.
Hysteria over contrails reminds me of the windshield pitting nonsense back in the fifties, where people were complaining that something in the air was damaging their windshields... nuclear fallout from atmospheric testing, sand fleas, etc. Turned out that it was just people looking at their windshields for the first time rather than through them. Anyway, the chemtrail business started long before the jet age... obviously our B-17s were dumping nerve agents all over Europe in WW2:

Hysteria over contrails reminds me of the windshield pitting nonsense back in the fifties... a self-identified "gear head", how did I ever miss this story?

But kudos on that WW2 photo, hadn't yet seen that particular version, great find. Notice that in that B-17 formation, they are at different altitudes. The 10 up higher (and also at various altitudes) are making contrails. Whereas the 5 (and presumably No. 6, whomever was taking the picture) are lower, and thus NO contrails.

Since they are unconcerned about the contrails (as a visual indication to the enemy, from the ground), I can only surmise that they are returning to base in England, after an overnight bombing sortie. Since it's obvious that the Sun has come up, as the airplanes and contrails are illuminated.

Also, on the return after dropping the bombs (and burning the fuel to the targets), they would be much lighter, and able to climb higher for better fuel conservation, on the way back.
The B17s were strictly daylight bombing. Just finished reading "The Wrong Stuff" by Truman Smith. Highly recommended. They hated the contrails.
Since they are unconcerned about the contrails (as a visual indication to the enemy, from the ground), I can only surmise that they are returning to base in England...

Yes, returning... dumping Miracle Grow over all the Victory Gardens in England. It's Zyklon-B over the target, Miracle Grow on the way back.
the chemtrail business started long before the jet age... obviously our B-17s were dumping nerve agents all over Europe in WW2:

That may be funny, but lots of chemmies are being forced to accept that trails have existed for a long time and they are adapting their story to say that "spraying" has been happening since WW2. :confused: Example: Max Bliss.
That may be funny, but lots of chemmies are being forced to accept that trails have existed for a long time and they are adapting their story to say that "spraying" has been happening since WW2. :confused: Example: Max Bliss.

But, does this not dispute the earlier claims? (Since circa 1995). not the attempt to say that "chemtrailing" was conducted during the height of WW2 easily shown to be false? When the reality of LOAD capacity, fuel consumption as a factor of any increase in aircraft weight, and this the reduced range/endurance implications....when the
POINT and mission of a squadron of bombers during WW2 was to deliver a maximum LOAD of bombs?
But, does this not dispute the earlier claims? (Since circa 1995). not the attempt to say that "chemtrailing" was conducted during the height of WW2 easily shown to be false? When the reality of LOAD capacity, fuel consumption as a factor of any increase in aircraft weight, and this the reduced range/endurance implications....when the
POINT and mission of a squadron of bombers during WW2 was to deliver a maximum LOAD of bombs?

ProTip: Don't debunk claims without hearing them from the person making them :)
ProTip: Don't debunk claims without hearing them from the person making them

OK....I was commenting on something that was 'apocryphal' and 'hearsay', RE: possible comments by Max Bliss. I did not take the time to investigate and cite the direct source, but accepted that the person who conveyed this already had seen again, apologize for spreading "hearsay" without proper citation to sources that can be directly verified.
But, does this not dispute the earlier claims? (Since circa 1995). not the attempt to say that "chemtrailing" was conducted during the height of WW2 easily shown to be false? When the reality of LOAD capacity, fuel consumption as a factor of any increase in aircraft weight, and this the reduced range/endurance implications....when the
POINT and mission of a squadron of bombers during WW2 was to deliver a maximum LOAD of bombs?

Of course it conflicts with earlier (or still current) claims, bit I have yet to get one of them to respond to that problem. As far as the payload issue, it's not as if ANY version of their story isn't logically bankrupt, but when has THAT ever stopped them? I can't get ANY of them to respond to that payload bit either. :rolleyes:
This video was posted on Yahoo News. It has no audio commentary. Shows a lot of planes taking off and landing with wingtip vortices and/or aerodynamic contrails, very similar to what is posted above on this thread. A lot of them are clearly identifiable as passenger planes.
I'm sue that vid has been posted here before under a different title, something 'cool wake vortex's' or summit like that
This video was posted on Yahoo News. It has no audio commentary. Shows a lot of planes taking off and landing with wingtip vortices and/or aerodynamic contrails, very similar to what is posted above on this thread. A lot of them are clearly identifiable as passenger planes.
The rings off the flap edges is , for lack of a better word, neat!
I think there is a physical and visible difference between condensation trails and wingtip vortexes that disperse into the atmosphere within seconds and a vast difference between the afore mentioned and chemical trails that linger for hours.
I think there is a physical and visible difference between condensation trails and wingtip vortexes that disperse into the atmosphere within seconds and a vast difference between the afore mentioned and chemical trails that linger for hours.
There is certainly a difference between the condensation trails we see high in the sky and the wingtip vortices as shown in the video. For one thing, the former consist of ice crystals; the latter are liquid water droplets.

There is certainly no evidence for "chemical trails that linger for hours". Condensation trails can and regularly do linger for hours if the surrounding air is too humid for the ice crystals to sublimate. Search this site and you will find plenty of discussion of this.
I think there is … a vast difference between the afore mentioned and chemical trails that linger for hours.
Could you name any chemicals, apart of water, which cause "chemical trails" linger for hours? By what particular mechanism do they linger without dissipation, in contrast to smoke trails, which dissipate rather quickly after the smoke generator turned off? Could you also provide a reference to a scientific experiment, which created the trail of the named chemical lingering for hours in laboratory conditions?