Active Member
Wow, to any good materials scientist, Iron Oxide, Kaolinite clay and epoxy is paint.
To a 9/11 conspiracist, particularly a thermitist, it's explosive nanothermite.
Wow. Just. Wow.
Has it blown up a steel beam? Nope, not a single one has been blown up experimentally to prove the thermitist claim.
Did it blow up the towers? Gee, I dunno, did aliens blow up the towers? There's about the same amount of evidence for both thermite and aliens. It's near zero.
Since iron-rich or silicon-rich microspheres are in no way evidence of temperatures needed to melt steel, why do thermitists keep insisting that they are? In the RJ Lee report it is clearly stated that '
The conflagration activated processes that caused materials to form into
spherical particles such as metals (e.g., Fe, Zn, Pb) and spherical or vesicular
silicates or fly ash.'
They are expert at understanding and analyzing these processes, they do not see it as evidence of temperatures at the melting point of steel.
Fine steel wool can be burned, producing pure iron microspheres, yet no thermitic process is required - just oxygen and a flame.
This incorrect meme needs to be put to rest. It is falsified as a proof of thermitic materials in the towers on 9/11.
The idea that the red layer of the chips is some kind of magic nanothermite is also falsified. It has no chemical ability to produce a thermitic reaction.
It's turned into another Zombie Doctrine which can't be killed with facts. But it sure is fun to shoot at zombies anyhow...
To a 9/11 conspiracist, particularly a thermitist, it's explosive nanothermite.
Wow. Just. Wow.
Has it blown up a steel beam? Nope, not a single one has been blown up experimentally to prove the thermitist claim.
Did it blow up the towers? Gee, I dunno, did aliens blow up the towers? There's about the same amount of evidence for both thermite and aliens. It's near zero.
Since iron-rich or silicon-rich microspheres are in no way evidence of temperatures needed to melt steel, why do thermitists keep insisting that they are? In the RJ Lee report it is clearly stated that '
The conflagration activated processes that caused materials to form into
spherical particles such as metals (e.g., Fe, Zn, Pb) and spherical or vesicular
silicates or fly ash.'
They are expert at understanding and analyzing these processes, they do not see it as evidence of temperatures at the melting point of steel.
Fine steel wool can be burned, producing pure iron microspheres, yet no thermitic process is required - just oxygen and a flame.
This incorrect meme needs to be put to rest. It is falsified as a proof of thermitic materials in the towers on 9/11.
The idea that the red layer of the chips is some kind of magic nanothermite is also falsified. It has no chemical ability to produce a thermitic reaction.
It's turned into another Zombie Doctrine which can't be killed with facts. But it sure is fun to shoot at zombies anyhow...