Debunked: HAARP Caught in Action


Senior Member.
I received this recent post from Dutchsinse.

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A large pulse of RF (radio frequency) has been unintentionally detected coming out of Alaska by the MIMIC microwave background imagery satellite composite feed.

In the past, even though this feed is designed to show "total precipitation" amounts, it sometimes reveals RF which crosses the same bandwidth masquerading as actual "water".

In reality, no actual cloud formations, or total precipitable water is being detected.

In past years we have seen large incoming pulses of energy following solar flares, and Earth facing CME's (coronal mass ejections) show up on this feed due to the incoming pulses crossing over the same bandwidth , or better put …. it is a false moisture return caused by matching energy on the same wavelength.

The post seems to be trying to create a link between "large pulse" in the images and HAARP

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Man made facilities such as HAARP in Gakona Alaska are working across HF (high frequency) bands which can be used to generate plasma which gives off its own "microwave" signal. In addition to the HF facilities, there are next generation RADAR system(s) being built currently in Alaska which reach from regular Microwave bands at 2GHz, far beyond in the higher bands of SHF (super high frequency) crossing the 30GHz spectrum.

Previous threads have addressed claims made by Dutchsinse:

This subject is way outside my expertise. A little help would be greatly appreciated.
The big red dot marks the location of HAARP. So it's not centered around HAARP. It's just a processing error. Besides, the lowest frequency HAARP transmits is 2.7 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of a 111 meters. Those bands are a lot farther apart than 111 meters.

haarp dutchsinse.png
Dutchsinse, as is the case with Dane, constantly misinterprets various types of images. A hardcore chemtrail believer sent me some time ago a link to one of Dutchsinses interpretations that the Pigsah Crater here in the So Cal high desert near where we live was in the process of producing a large volcanic eruption, even though this crater had not erupted in may thousands of years and is considered dormant. He was looking at a water vapor image and what he was really seeing was an ongoing thunderstorm cell over it.
I received this recent post from Dutchsinse.

Maybe Dutch should pull a Murphy/Roddie and crash the American Geophysical Union conference going on right now...or maybe the next International Ionospheric Effects symposium and share his ideas :)

External Quote:
The UAF/GI encourages the scientific community to plan experiments at HAARP and bring their remote sensing instruments to HAARP for extended or permanent operation. The power and flexibility of HAARP and its unique location in the subarctic will help secure the future of this facility as the foremost laboratory for active experimentation in the ionosphere and upper atmosphere.

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IES2015 offered an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and program managers to review current activities and solutions to system impacts of ionospheric phenomena and space weather events.
The big red dot marks the location of HAARP. So it's not centered around HAARP. It's just a processing error. Besides, the lowest frequency HAARP transmits is 2.7 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of a 111 meters. Those bands are a lot farther apart than 111 meters.

View attachment 16698

Makes sense. The error also conforms to his misinterpreting other data. Thanks!
Dutchsinse, as is the case with Dane, constantly misinterprets various types of images. A hardcore chemtrail believer sent me some time ago a link to one of Dutchsinses interpretations that the Pigsah Crater here in the So Cal high desert near where we live was in the process of producing a large volcanic eruption, even though this crater had not erupted in may thousands of years and is considered dormant. He was looking at a water vapor image and what he was really seeing was an ongoing thunderstorm cell over it.
When you look at the individual frames these arcs appear at 19:00h 20:00h and 21:00h and they don't move. at 18:00h and 22:00h there is nothing to be seen. a real pulse should move outward. this most certainly is an artifact
Another way to know that it is a processing artifact is that the image is derived from data collected by a satellite in polar low earth orbit. It goes round and round the earth top to bottom every 90 minutes or so. Each image comprises adjacent strips of data that were taken at ~90 minute intervals and stitched together.

If the satellite could detect what comes from HAARP (it can't) the arcs wouldn't line up like that across the edges of the strips. Stuff that is moving fast relative to the time interval between satellite passes gets warped on the edges. You really see that around vigorous cyclones when the water vapor is moving quickly and the computer has trouble integrating the movement between images when stitching together the mosaic and trying to put the whole thing in motion.
a real pulse should move outward.

What do you mean? If they were pulses from HAARP (which they're not, of course) they would move at the speed of light. As soon as HAARP was turned off the pulses would disappear. They wouldn't slowly expand outward like an ocean wave. I think you mean something else and I am misinterpreting what you mean. Can you clarify what you mean by 'move outward'?
Something (i don't know what) HAARP is supposed to cause in the atmosphere, detectable by MIMIC. Not the EM pulse itself.
Another thing which illustrates how basic reason and logic is somehow ignored by people, like those who believe in chemtrails, the person ( RP ) who sent me the pigsah/dutchsinse info, showed this behavior in this situation. After contacting me I told him that if there was really was a volcanic eruption, it would be all over the local and national news. I knew it was not happening but I did call the BLM, the agency the controls the area where the crater is and they confirmed hearing of this claim, and of course said there was nothing going on. I passed this on to RP and he would still not except neither the idea that it would be on the news, or that the BLM was telling the truth. He actually told me that I should drive out there ( its 30 miles from where we live ) to see for myself if it was erupting. I told him too that it was just thunderstorms over the crater that Dutchsinse was seeing, and he would not except that either.

I also asked RP on two separate occasions to explain to me regarding his belief of chemtrails, how he thought a fixed amount of a substance sprayed out of planes could on certain days expand to huge proportions, and, tell me how it could be possible for a plane to carry up enough material to lay down such a gigantic trail from horizon to horizon. That day he stated that he had witnessed at least 10 expanding trails in his skies. He ignored my questions. Of course, what could he say, to answer would show that lack of reason in what he thinks is occurring with the spray/planes.
While I agree there is a high probability these are artifacts I am not 100% convinced. The concentric nature of the images has little to do with north/south movement of the satellite collecting the data and assuming they are fast moving RF waves may disprove they are a direct measurment of HAARP waves but they can certainly be pulsed at very low frequencies and perhaps be more related to a ionospheric reflection event.

What they could actually be is beyond me at this point but to properly debunk this I think someone would need to find out where the center of the implied circle is and understand what could produce the same spectrally distinct pixels on the image. For them to be standing waves we've got to have some sort of reflective surface. I'm thinking out loud here but this could be some sort of Electo-magnetic pulse that is bounced off a point that represents the center of the concentric circle and creates some sort of concentric signature picked up by the satellite based on the ionospheric reflection.

Basically it is too easy to write this off as bebunked by just saying it is an artifact. Have there been similar artifacts that have shown up on these same satellite images? Or even similar shaped artifacts on satellite images measuring other things?
Here's a similar artifact:

In this case it stretches over the entire Atlantic ocean. I think one satellite worked intermittently and sent patchy data. Then the algorithm substituted older data for the missing parts. The arc shape results from the way the satellite sensor scans the surface.
Here's a similar artifact:

In this case it stretches over the entire Atlantic ocean. I think one satellite worked intermittently and sent patchy data. Then the algorithm substituted older data for the missing parts. The arc shape results from the way the satellite sensor scans the surface.

Yes that is indeed similar, though not as uniform or distinct in the banding. I do believe you may be on to something about the nature of the artifact due to the algorithmic processing substituting available data in for missing or faulty data. The fact that these artifact didn't fade in and out or move with the storm center is a bit strange. Perhaps an email to the image creator organization could provide a more specific explanation.
I wrote to The University of Wisconsin concerning the specific feature we were seeing as posted in this thread and heard back almost immediately from one of the algorithm developers there about these images. He responded as follows:

"The artifact comes from a series of bad scan lines from the original satellite data that is being composited and briefly "morphed" (advected) with time by our algorithm in the global product. Our algorithm can filter for some but not all of the scans flagged as bad data. which can happen quite often due to interruptions and corruptions in the signal transmissions from the satellite. The scan lines appear as an arc because of the conical scanning geometry of the sensor. These artifacts appear several times a week, more or less randomly, accumulating over the years. This one appeared around Alaska."

The developer requested that I not cite their names or email addresses due to problems and distractions they have had due to the insatiable appetite for conspiracy theories out there. :) Quite understandable actually.

Considering this information is from the actual algorithm developers responsible for the image we are discussing and the actual image in question was specifically evaluated by them with the conclusion that these were indeed artifacts, I'm certainly convinced that this one has been debunked.
Considering this information is from the actual algorithm developers responsible for the image we are discussing and the actual image in question was specifically evaluated by them with the conclusion that these were indeed artifacts, I'm certainly convinced that this one has been debunked.

While I agree with this, if I were thinking like a CTer I imagine I would believe that the university is part of "they", and that their algorithm is probably designed to automatically delete the HAARP pulses so that the general public doesn't learn about it (and the University can keep getting their government grants), and that the one shown in the OP inadvertently slipped through. If I were an on-the-fence CTer, I would be more persuaded if I were also shown an image showing a similar arc-shaped artefact in an area known not to have any HAARP-like facility. And, if I were a die-hard CTer, nothing would persuade me - the arc around Alaska is HAARP, and a similar arc around, say, Honolulu would be intentionally added to make it look like these are just artifacts so that you just think that the one around Alaska is an artifact!
While I agree with this, if I were thinking like a CTer I imagine I would believe that the university is part of "they", and that their algorithm is probably designed to automatically delete the HAARP pulses so that the general public doesn't learn about it (and the University can keep getting their government grants), and that the one shown in the OP inadvertently slipped through. If I were an on-the-fence CTer, I would be more persuaded if I were also shown an image showing a similar arc-shaped artefact in an area known not to have any HAARP-like facility. And, if I were a die-hard CTer, nothing would persuade me - the arc around Alaska is HAARP, and a similar arc around, say, Honolulu would be intentionally added to make it look like these are just artifacts so that you just think that the one around Alaska is an artifact!

I understand that you are playing the devil's advocate, but this die-hard CTer in you example would have to believe that "they" are competent enough to build this gigantic conspiracy with zero leaks and whistle-blowers from years and years, and at the same time create a flawed algorithm that causes this problem to "... appear several times a week, more or less randomly, accumulating over the years...". How many more years do "they" need to fix this bug?

I don't think it would change the mind of the die-hard CTer, but the on-the-fence CTer would have to consider this competence/incompetence dichotomy.
I think we've arrived at the point where the original post in this thread can be appended with the message from the U of Wisconsin and the other artefact examples. If completed, the thread title deserves being stripped of the question mark and receiving the DEBUNKED label ...
I think we've arrived at the point where the original post in this thread can be appended with the message from the U of Wisconsin and the other artefact examples. If completed, the thread title deserves being stripped of the question mark and receiving the DEBUNKED label ...

Okay by me.

I learned a lot on this one.