Debunked: Global Dimming vs. Global Brightening, as evidence for Geoengineering or Chemtrails

Mick West

Staff member
People who suggest there is some kind of covert geoengineering program going on (the term "geoengineering" is often used to refer to a variant of the "chemtrails" theory), often point to global dimming (a reduction of the amount of sunlight hitting the earth's surface) as evidence of this. Here's an example:
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5. SAG [Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering] and SRM [Solar Radiation Management] are causing "global dimming" on a scale that can hardly be comprehended. Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous. This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation
The problem with the above assertion is that it's wrong, it's basically an interpretation of data that is 20 years out of date. "Global Dimming" was a real thing, from around 1950 to the late 1980s. But it has since been replaced in most places (including North America) by "Global Brightening", generally because of the reduction in pollution brought about by the clean air acts around the world.

The most comprehensive overview of the Subject is by Wild, 2012, and his findings are confirmed by other studies. I've highlighted the important parts below.

Martin Wild, 2012, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Zurich, Switzerland. Published in the American Meteorological Society:
Enlightening Global Dimming and Brightening

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WHAT OBSERVATIONS TELL. Early studies carried out in the 1990s pointed to a remarkable decline of SSR [Surface Solar Radiation] at selected observation stations between the 1950s and the 1980s. These pioneering studies were based on sites in Europe (Ohmura and Lang 1989), the Baltic (Russak 1990), the South Pole (Dutton et al. 1991), different regions globally (Stanhill and Moreshet 1992), Germany (Liepert et al. 1994), and the former Soviet Union (Abakumova et al. 1996). By now a comprehensive literature exists that confirms declines of SSR during this period in many places around the globe (e.g., Gilgen et al. 1998; Stanhill and Cohen 2001 and references therein; Liepert 2002; Ohmura 2009; Wild 2009 and references therein). This phenomenon is popularly described as "global dimming" (Stanhill and Cohen 2001) (see Fig. 1 left, for a schematic illustration). Note that "global" thereby originally referred to "global radiation," a synonym for SSR, rather than to a globalscale dimension of the phenomenon

Qualitative SSR tendencies in those parts of the globe with best availability of long-term observations are compiled in Fig. 2. The left column illustrates the overall decline of SSR measured at sites in America, Europe, China, and Japan between the 1950s and 1980s (the "dimming phase"). Magnitudes of the tendencies (in W m−2 per decade) as prevalent in the literature are also added in Fig. 2 for illustration, but note that considerable spread exists in these regional estimates with undefined uncertainty ranges.

More recent studies using SSR records updated to the year 2000 found, however, a trend reversal and partial recovery at many of the sites since the 1980s. The term "brightening" was thereby coined to emphasize that the decline in SSR and associated global dimming no longer continued after the 1980s (Wild et al. 2005) (Fig. 1, right). Particularly in industrialized areas, the majority of the sites show some recovery from prior dimming, or at least a leveling off, between the 1980s and 2000 (the "brightening phase") (Fig. 2, middle column). The brightening is somewhat less coherent than the preceding dimming, with trend reversals at widespread locations but still some regions with continued decrease (e.g., India; Kumari and Goswami 2010). Note that observed brightening has generally not fully compensated for prior dimming, so that insolation levels at the turn of the millennium were typically still below those in the 1950s. Literature estimates for the overall SSR decline during dimming range from 3 to 9 W m−2, and from 1 to 4 W m−2 for the partial recovery during subsequent brightening (Stanhill and Moreshet 1992; Liepert et al. 1994; Abakumova et al. 1996; Gilgen et al. 1998; Stanhill and Cohen 2001; Alpert et al. 2005; Kvalevag and Myhre 2007; Kim and Ramanathan 2008; Wild 2009) (Fig. 1), with more likely values closer to the lower bound because of possible inherent urbanization effects (Alpert et al. 2005; Kvalevag and Myhre 2007) (see below).

The latest updates on developments beyond the year 2000 show mixed tendencies (Fig. 2, right column). Overall, observed brightening is less distinct after 2000 compared to the 1990s at many sites. Brightening continues beyond 2000 at sites in Europe and the United States but levels off at Japanese sites, and there are some indications for a renewed dimming in China after a phase of stabilization during the 1990s, while dimming persists throughout in India (Wild et al. 2009).

On the other hand, the longest observational records, which go back to the 1920s and 1930s at a few sites in Europe, further indicate some brightening tendencies during the first half of the twentieth century, known as "early brightening" (Ohmura 2009; Wild 2009).

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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of "dimming" and "brightening" periods over land surfaces. (left) During dimming (1950s–80s) the decline in surface solar radiation (SSR) may have outweighed increasing atmospheric downwelling thermal radiation (LWdown) from enhanced greenhouse gases and effectively counteracted global warming, causing only little increase in surface thermal emission (LWup). The resulting reduction in radiative energy at Earth's surface may have attenuated evaporation and its energy equivalent, the latent heat flux (LH), leading to a slowdown of the water cycle. (right) With the transition from dimming to brightening (1980s–2000s), the enhanced greenhouse effect has no longer been masked, causing more rapid warming, stronger evaporation/LH, and an intensification of the water cycle. Values denote best estimates of overall changes in surface energy fluxes over both periods in W/m2 (ranges of literature estimates for SSR dimming/brightening in parentheses). Positive (negative) numbers, shown in red (blue), denote increasing (decreasing) magnitudes of the energy fluxes in the direction indicated by the arrows. Changes in ground heat flux (GH) and sensible heat flux (SH) are considered small compared to the above mentioned flux changes.

One interesting thing there is "Note that "global" thereby originally referred to "global radiation," a synonym for SSR, rather than to a globalscale dimension of the phenomenon " - meaning "global dimming" did not actually mean the entire globe is dimming, even back in the 1980s. It was just the "global radiation" (i.e. the full spectrum) at particular locations.

Other recent studies have similar results.
2013: Wang
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Surface incident solar radiation has been widely observed since the late 1950s. Such observations have suggested a widespread decrease between the 1950s and 1980s ("global dimming") and a reverse brightening afterward.
2012, Hatzianastassiou, et al., Features and causes of recent surface solar radiation dimming and brightening patterns:
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surface measurements have indicated a widespread decrease of surface solar radiation (SSR) from the 1950s to the 1980s, described as global dimming, followed by a period with either no more decrease or even an increase at various locations worldwide till the end of 1990s, namely a global brightening.
An inter-hemispherical difference is revealed up to 2007, consisting in a clear dimming in the South Hemisphere (SH), against a no clear dimming/brightening signal in North Hemisphere (NH), under all-sky conditions.
2013, O'Dowd, et al.
Cleaner air: Brightening the pollution perspective?
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Here, we illustrate a coherence between the trends of reducing anthropogenic aerosol emissions and concentrations, at the interface between the North-East Atlantic and western-Europe, leading to a staggering increase in surface solar radiation of the order of [about] 20% over the last decade.
Update: Martin Wild gave a presentation on the topic at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco

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Dane Wigington of promotes this claim that global dimming is still influencing the US. He blames it on alleged geoengineering.
In this January, 2013 article he says:

Global Dimming, The Loss Of Blue Skies
There is a mountain of scientific data to confirm the reality of "global dimming'. Most have never even heard the term much less noticed the effect over recent decades. Though articles from main stream publications admit to the "global dimming" issue, most understate the percentage of dimming and all point the finger at "pollution particulates" as the sole cause. Countless jet aircraft which criss-cross our skies daily, dispersing millions of tons of toxic metal and chemical particulates, are completely ignored by all main stream media journalists and sources.

The article he references is from The Guardian, December, 2003. So, at least in his case he is working with material outdated by ten years.

Shortly after he started making that claim, he was informed by me via email that it was factually incorrect. He has chosen to ignore the information and continues to repeat the same claim for years. I hope he will eventually correct that.
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I watched an interesting documentary about global dimming a few years back. They did a study during the no fly period after 9/11 and showed an increase of temps that seemed to correlate with the reduced aircraft traffic. Surely it plays a part, and I believe some of the scientists in that documentary held the opinion that some of the global warming we should have experienced, but didn't, was being counteracted by global dimming. the pollution coming from the jet exhaust is going to dump some carbon up there, but the contrails are clouds and are doing exactly what you'd expect, reflecting some of that light back out. The time lapse satellite images you can see of the regular flight paths is kind of alarming when you see it, competely covering parts of the US and Canada, and extending right over to Europe.

Of course, there's a lot more to that, what's going on with the sun at the time, the magnetosphere, all of that plays a role. But I did notice the chemtrailers pointing at global dimming, and some of those patents for releasing aluminum particulate into the upper atmosphere to help speed up global dimming. As the data in the first post suggests, we're experiencing global brightening in some areas, probably related to clean air act and other factors, while nations who are industrializing like China and India are still experiencing dimming to some extent.

I like to smack those people who argue against climate change taking place with this fact. If we stopped polluting, we'd see an increase in temps, if we continue to pollute, we'll continue the greenhouse effect. A carbon tax isn't going to help, spraying barium or whatever else they claim isn't going to help.

I have a hard time beliving it's a vast geo-engineering conspiracy, and I can't swallow this global depopulation agenda that Alex Jones keeps HAARPing on about
I live on eastern Long Island, NY. I often watch a beautiful clear blue sky turn into a haze of grey while watching the 'geo-engineering' planes coming from the northeast. I am a farmer and i used to commericial fish in the 1980's. I had to learn about clouds and weather as my life depended on it. Often, i see clouds that have no form or category in the meteorology that i studied and the clouds that i grew up seeing. I have found fibers floating in buckets of water and upon examination under a microscope found tiny insect legs and blood cells [human] and motile fibers. I do not know what you would want to call this, but i do not think that hits is normal. This past spring there was an article about how they have found the lone star tick on Nantucket and the east end of Long Island. That sounds like they were dropped from an airplane to me. If you folks think that geo-engineering is not real i wish that you would share what you are smoking with me! pleeeeze? sstorch
[...]That sounds like they were dropped from an airplane to me. If you folks think that geo-engineering is not real i wish that you would share what you are smoking with me! pleeeeze? sstorch
I encourage you to start a new thread with a cogent explanation of your "dropped from an airplane" idea.
This past spring there was an article about how they have found the lone star tick on Nantucket and the east end of Long Island. That sounds like they were dropped from an airplane to me.

Considering the Lone Star Ticks natural range covers the entire East Coast, why would anyone be surprised to find them in various locations along the East Coast? And why would an airplane be required to deposit them on Nantucket or Long Island when any number of people and their pets could bring them back home after a vacation in the woods?



Start a new thread if you wish, the conspiracy of ticks being dropped from planes aspect will get debunked in a heartbeat.
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I live on eastern Long Island, NY. I often watch a beautiful clear blue sky turn into a haze of grey while watching the 'geo-engineering' planes coming from the northeast. I am a farmer and i used to commericial fish in the 1980's. I had to learn about clouds and weather as my life depended on it. Often, i see clouds that have no form or category in the meteorology that i studied and the clouds that i grew up seeing. I have found fibers floating in buckets of water and upon examination under a microscope found tiny insect legs and blood cells [human] and motile fibers. I do not know what you would want to call this, but i do not think that hits is normal. This past spring there was an article about how they have found the lone star tick on Nantucket and the east end of Long Island. That sounds like they were dropped from an airplane to me. If you folks think that geo-engineering is not real i wish that you would share what you are smoking with me! pleeeeze? sstorch

How did you know they were human blood cells?

I live on the East End of Long Island also, neighbor! If you're a farmer I'm sure you're familiar with the haze that comes in from the ocean and the sound in the warmer weather.

Where are you? North Fork?
Considering the Lone Star Ticks natural range covers the entire East Coast, why would anyone be surprised to find them in various locations along the East Coast? And why would an airplane be required to deposit them on Nantucket or Long Island when any number of people and their pets could bring them back home after a vacation in the woods?



Start a new thread if you wish, the conspiracy of ticks being dropped from planes aspect will get debunked in a heartbeat.

Thanks for the map! Seeing as how many people in the north east spend a lot of time in the south, second homes or children living there, I'm not surprised at a migrating insect.
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How did you know they were human blood cells?

I live on the East End of Long Island also, neighbor! If you're a farmer I'm sure you're familiar with the haze that comes in from the ocean and the sound in the warmer weather.

Where are you? North Fork?
south fork east of southampton. i know all about the weather. i commercial fished for 12 years 70's -80's and now i work in ag. what i see is them geo-engineering and it usually drifts offshore and comes back in the rain a few days later.
Considering the Lone Star Ticks natural range covers the entire East Coast, why would anyone be surprised to find them in various locations along the East Coast? And why would an airplane be required to deposit them on Nantucket or Long Island when any number of people and their pets could bring them back home after a vacation in the woods?



Start a new thread if you wish, the conspiracy of ticks being dropped from planes aspect will get debunked in a heartbeat.
i have lived out here for 35 years. there were never lone star ticks out here. debunk away, i do not care to argue with you. believe what you like.
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i have lived out here for 35 years. there were never lone star ticks out here. debunk away, i do not care to argue with you. believe what you like.
I recently identified an Emerald Ash Borer (invasive species of beetle) here in Connecticut. Insects: they get around. I have photographed vultures further north than their range was previously mapped. Things change. The hills are alive! Or perhaps some sinister cadre is throwing vultures out of airplanes.
I live on eastern Long Island, NY. I often watch a beautiful clear blue sky turn into a haze of grey while watching the 'geo-engineering' planes coming from the northeast.

"coming from the northeast"?

Rather than having the identity of the planes remain a mystery to you. I'd suggest the next time you see these contrails you try identifying them. You will likely find that they are ordinary passenger flights coming in from Europe, considering you are seeing them "coming from the northeast" in Long Island.
The best for your use would be

For example, here is a view of all high altitude flights on a typical day:


Try identifying the flights, understand that flightaware data might be about 5-10 minutes slow, meaning the flight track shown on flightaware for a plane you see visually might be behind. In other words, look for the incoming plane to have a flight track shown on flightaware some distance behind. Also, be aware that you can sometimes see a contrail 50 or more miles away, since the plane is six miles high. Try it and get back to us.

G. Edward Griffin had a number of volunteers try this out a year or so ago. You know him, he co-produced the movie, What In The World Are They Spraying".
His group found that when they saw persistent contrails they called "chemtrails", they were coming from ordinary passenger jets.
i have lived out here for 35 years. there were never lone star ticks out here. debunk away, i do not care to argue with you. believe what you like.
Are you an acarologist who has done surveys of the tick species there? It's listed on the tick warning circular for Long Island State Park. A quick search of the literature shows that it is has been present there at least since the 1970s, and abundant since the 80s. See Ginsberg et al. (1991), "Increased population densities of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) on Long Island, New York." Journal of Parasitology, 77: 493 - 495.
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Lone star ticks, Amblyomma americanum comprised a significantly greater proportion of total ticks flagged on eastern Long Island and Fire Island, New York, in 1986 and 1990 than in samples reported by other authors from the 1940s (when A. americanum was not collected by flagging or from hosts) and the 1970s. Therefore, population densities of A. americanum apparently have increased in recent years on southeastern Long Island, where this species now is distributed widely.
Are you an acarologist who has done surveys of the tick species there? It's listed on the tick warning circular for Long Island State Park. A quick search of the literature shows that it is has been present there at least since the 1970s, and abundant since the 80s. See Ginsberg et al. (1991), "Increased population densities of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) on Long Island, New York." Journal of Parasitology, 77: 493 - 495.
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Lone star ticks, Amblyomma americanum comprised a significantly greater proportion of total ticks flagged on eastern Long Island and Fire Island, New York, in 1986 and 1990 than in samples reported by other authors from the 1940s (when A. americanum was not collected by flagging or from hosts) and the 1970s. Therefore, population densities of A. americanum apparently have increased in recent years on southeastern Long Island, where this species now is distributed widely.

And still increasing their range.

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The lone star tick, found for decades mainly on Long Island's East End, has been moving west into more populated Suffolk County communities, according to a county health official.

"The evidence is anecdotal but we are seeing more complaints and more people coming in contact with the tick," said Dr. Scott Campbell, the chief of Suffolk's arthropod-borne disease lab. "We have reports all the way to western Suffolk."

Distinguished by a single white dot on their backs, lone star ticks have been heading west with Long Island's deer population. The deer are needed for the ticks to multiply, Campbell said.
Insects get around. I found Apple Ermine Moth caterpillars on our apple trees for the first time in the seven years that I've been at my current location, near the southern edge of their range in Oregon. I confirmed the species with the county extension service, they appreciated being alerted to that pests presence in our area.
I live on eastern Long Island, NY. I often watch a beautiful clear blue sky turn into a haze of grey while watching the 'geo-engineering' planes coming from the northeast.

There is a dedicated aircraft arrival that flies the entire distance of the south side of Long Island, however, you won't see those aircraft leaving contrails as they are too low, they are landing at JFK. If you are seeing aircraft flying over Long Island leaving contrails, they are not landing anywhere near NYC.
"coming from the northeast"?

Rather than having the identity of the planes remain a mystery to you. I'd suggest the next time you see these contrails you try identifying them. You will likely find that they are ordinary passenger flights coming in from Europe, considering you are seeing them "coming from the northeast" in Long Island.
The best for your use would be

For example, here is a view of all high altitude flights on a typical day:

View attachment 4063
Try identifying the flights, understand that flightaware data might be about 5-10 minutes slow, meaning the flight track shown on flightaware for a plane you see visually might be behind. In other words, look for the incoming plane to have a flight track shown on flightaware some distance behind. Also, be aware that you can sometimes see a contrail 50 or more miles away, since the plane is six miles high. Try it and get back to us.

G. Edward Griffin had a number of volunteers try this out a year or so ago. You know him, he co-produced the movie, What In The World Are They Spraying".
His group found that when they saw persistent contrails they called "chemtrails", they were coming from ordinary passenger jets.

The planes follow right up the island when coming in from Europe. Done it many times myself "I can see my HOUSE from here!"
south fork east of southampton. i know all about the weather. i commercial fished for 12 years 70's -80's and now i work in ag. what i see is them geo-engineering and it usually drifts offshore and comes back in the rain a few days later.

Kudos to you farming on the South Fork! We farmed on the North Fork till 2007. Why do you think it is geo engineering and not flights heading to/from Europe. I used to spot the cannery in Amagansett flying in.
Well something stinks in Denmark . If its condensation nuclei it must be pretty dirty fuel
Well something stinks in Denmark . If its condensation nuclei it must be pretty dirty fuel
So, Joe, welcome back. Why would you think it has any smell at all or has anything to do with chemical warfare or even dirty fuel? When he says the small lower cloud is a "chem-cloud", do you believe this? If you are concerned about ordinary contrails being persistent, this guy is doing no good at all, what he is doing is the worst thing that could be said about it.
Do you think planes use dirty fuel?

Do you understand this guy might as well be blaming these ordinary contrails on satan, he is making a mockery of any concern about what is actually happening. He is being a fool. Oh, now I see he is blaming it on "anti-christ". Worse than I thought. You should try to help the guy by directing him here, instead you come here and make a silly statement about dirty fuel when what he is seeing is ice. It is September and probably already getting cold i Denmark, surely you know that contrails will be more frequent. Use your brain man, this hoax is the last thing you should be putting forth and you know it.
So, Joe, welcome back. Why would you think it has any smell at all or has anything to do with chemical warfare or even dirty fuel? When he says the small lower cloud is a "chem-cloud", do you believe this? If you are concerned about ordinary contrails being persistent, this guy is doing no good at all, what he is doing is the worst thing that could be said about it.
Do you think planes use dirty fuel?

Do you understand this guy might as well be blaming these ordinary contrails on satan, he is making a mockery of any concern about what is actually happening. He is being a fool. Oh, now I see he is blaming it on "anti-christ". Worse than I thought. You should try to help the guy by directing him here, instead you come here and make a silly statement about dirty fuel when what he is seeing is ice. It is September and probably already getting cold i Denmark, surely you know that contrails will be more frequent. Use your brain man, this hoax is the last thing you should be putting forth and you know it.
How you doing Jay ? :) I only watched and did not listen to what he said . Hard to understand with accent . Looked quite the same in FL as well . Pretty sad the skies look like crap . Sure were pretty heavy contrail s ? I meant to use the Shakespeare quote
Looks like geongineering on a grand scale .
"Looks like" is not good enough. Might not look like it to someone else. What concrete evidence do you have.
Its good enough for me . Iv found nothing that would convince me otherwise . Been looking for a reasonable explanation . Seems your fellow Long Islander isnt convinced either ?
Sept 4th 2013 Vero Beach

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"Looks like" is not good enough. Might not look like it to someone else. What concrete evidence do you have.
What evidence does anyone have that global warming exist ? Its not any warmer .
Its good enough for me . Iv found nothing that would convince me otherwise . Been looking for a reasonable explanation . Seems your fellow Long Islander isnt convinced either ?
Sept 4th 2013 Vero Beach

A lot of LIers don't seem to have been paying attention to the famous "3 Hs". All of a sudden they "look up!" and OMG it's HAZY. It's been in the weather reports as long as I can remember.

What evidence does anyone have that global warming exist ? Its not any warmer .

So says the scientist. But what evidence do you have, other than "it looks like geoengineering" do you have?
Fed up with Joe's trolling - added to ignore.
Whos trolling ? Anyone you disagree with is a troll ? I used to think most of you guys were trolls but decided to call you friends I disagree with ?
A lot of LIers don't seem to have been paying attention to the famous "3 Hs". All of a sudden they "look up!" and OMG it's HAZY. It's been in the weather reports as long as I can remember.

So says the scientist. But what evidence do you have, other than "it looks like geoengineering" do you have?
Yes Long Island was always hazy thats why I moved to Florida the Sunshine State ?
And what,Joe, you found out it's hotter and more humid, and therefore hazier, than here. And I might add more depressed economically?
But you don't present any evidence. You just disagree.
You dont either ? You just say scientist say it so so it must be true ? Jay and Mick do put up some good info . Iv learned much from them which is why I keep coming back. The rest just seem to mock . Evidence ? Im still searching for that .
And what,Joe, you found out it's hotter and more humid, and therefore hazier, than here. And I might add more depressed economically?
No actually its not hotter in the summer and been cooler than most . it averages 90 in the peak of summer it just last longer plus the cost of living is much lower and less crowded at least than Smithtown and Hauppage . I haven't been back to the Island since 1998 and wouldnt care if I ever returned . Maybe just Montauk :)
So, Joe, welcome back. Why would you think it has any smell at all or has anything to do with chemical warfare or even dirty fuel? When he says the small lower cloud is a "chem-cloud", do you believe this? If you are concerned about ordinary contrails being persistent, this guy is doing no good at all, what he is doing is the worst thing that could be said about it.
Do you think planes use dirty fuel?

Do you understand this guy might as well be blaming these ordinary contrails on satan, he is making a mockery of any concern about what is actually happening. He is being a fool. Oh, now I see he is blaming it on "anti-christ". Worse than I thought. You should try to help the guy by directing him here, instead you come here and make a silly statement about dirty fuel when what he is seeing is ice. It is September and probably already getting cold i Denmark, surely you know that contrails will be more frequent. Use your brain man, this hoax is the last thing you should be putting forth and you know it.
It is September and probably already getting cold i Denmark, surely you know that contrails will be more frequent. Use your brain man, this hoax is the last thing you should be putting forth and you know it.
well its 90 in florida and our skies looked the same Jay ? Not exactly as cold as Denmark ? and if he seeing ice doesnt that mean there is something that the ice has formed around ? Like particles or condensation nuclei ?
Mick, I can't seem to open the posting guidelines, actually almost nothing seems to open. I did manage to get the "whats new' button to work and as it just so happens I've had the following article on my desk top for a bit awaiting an opportunity to go over it more thoroughly. Great article from Gavin Schmidt over on realclimate about global dimming. Gavin was one of the authors of the IPCC who started a great blog if your interested.


I'm curious if you understand the rate of change issue. Climate change is a constant, things are always changing. but its the rate of change that determines if evolution can keep up. beyond a certain rate, extinctions occur. Soooooooo are you suggesting that we have not exceeded that rate ?
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