Senior Member.
There are a few anti-semitic websites claiming that a document "uncovered by the intrepid researcher Deanna Spingola" proves Jews in 1937 had foreknowledge of WW1 and a few other misc "evil jew" type claims. I'm only going to use an excerpt from Deanna Spingola's book as a source though because the other sites have some pretty unpleasant hate language, ergo i don't want to give them traffic.
from The Ruling Elite page 356
But i digress. There are two physical copies of this document on the internet, both are unclassifed FBI documents. Click thumbnails to see larger.

source: --- 100-HQ-530 --- Section 2.PDF#page/n117/mode/2up

Everything about this document says it was produced by anti-semite trolls ie a smear campaign.
1. Document says 1937. But the 47th conference was in 1936.
2. Document says New York. But 4th conference was in Cape May, New Jersey.
3. Document says "Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism", but the real wording is "to grant Jewish religious conscientious objectors to war the same exemption from military service as has long been granted to members of the Society of Friends and similar religious organizations" and page 74 "The Central Conference of American Rabbis reaffirms its conviction that conscientious objection to military service is in accordance with the highest interpretaion of Judaism"
4. "Goyim" it seems means nations in the biblical sense. And these are supposed rabbis writing this document. So saying "Goyim nations" as the document does would be redundant.
5. The boss who wanted copies made to spread around was named herbert Weldenarm. Doesn't sound like a jewish name.
6. The last paragraph says "You are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information", which is just a ridiculous thing to write on a printed flyer.
The 47th Central Conference of the American Rabbis was held in Cape May, New Jersey June 23-June 28 1936.
New York Times article dated June 25, 1936

Jewish Post,Indianapolis, Marion County, 3 July 1936
The 1936 Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook page 74
also from that yearbook page 15
and lastly an article dated May 26, 1937 affirming in '37 it would be the 48th Conference. Bold added for highlight
(here are some useful links in the FBI files that reference the circular letter)
October 13, 1943 Leland Boardman (Special Agent in Charge Cleveland FBI office) sends cover letter and copies of the "Special Notice to All Jews" letter, received from Charles M. Scott, to the FBI Director.
December 4, 1943 J Edgar Hoover (Director, FBI) tells him to investigate
January 18, 1944 Leland Boardman lost his copy of the circular letter, asks FBI Driector to send him a copy back.
general memos and chat back and forth in the FBI (mostly J. Edgar Hoover to Assistant Attorney General Tom Clark)
Miss Scott idntified who asked her to make copies of the circular letter at work. Her boss, Herbert Weldenarm said he found the letter in the washroom. Miss Scott request he not be interviewed or she may lose her job.
March 3, 1944 Mr. Scott 'quite disturbed' his daughter was questioned and doesnt want her boss questioned.
Statement by the League for Human Rights On Un-American Leaflets in Chicago
March 21, 1944 Agnes Truitt find another copy of the leaflet brings to the FBI
there could be more related documents, i didnt read through any further. This link allows you to somewhat search for key words --- 100-HQ-530 --- Section 5.PDF_djvu.txt
from The Ruling Elite page 356
(it's actually "The Central Conference of the American Rabbis" and the 47th Annual Conference was in 1936. )External Quote:
The Central Committee of the American Jews at the 47th Annual COnference, which they held on June 26, 1937, disseminated the "Exemption of Jews from military service."
Given the date of the meeting and the distribution of the circular, they evidently had information that American citizens were not priviledged to have.
But i digress. There are two physical copies of this document on the internet, both are unclassifed FBI documents. Click thumbnails to see larger.

source: --- 100-HQ-530 --- Section 2.PDF#page/n117/mode/2up

The Central Conference of American Rabbis at the 117th Annual Conference, held in New York City on June 26, 1937, declared for "Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism."
Our Talmud tells us "When you go to war, do not go as the first but as the last, so that you may return as the first."
Why should we, the only truly international people, be concerned with the mutaole interests of stupid Goyim nations? 'We must do everything in our power to help the great president who has helped us so greatly in establishing control. Support the draft law when it is presented to the American people. Support England and France, for they are fighting Judah's greatest enemy, the Goyim German State.
You are urged to support United States participation in this Holy war of Judah, without reservation and without fear. We can repeat our triumphs of 1918 if we maintain our united front and the dumb goyim will fight while we profit, with the aid of our friend in Wa.shington.
Powerful Jews will be on all Draft Boards, and Jewish physicians will protect you from military service. Arrangements are already made to exempt you, in case religious exemption cannot be prepared in time. You are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information if questioned by Gentiles, even under oath, as outlined in the Talmud and justified for the preservation of our race.
The Central Committee B.B.
Everything about this document says it was produced by anti-semite trolls ie a smear campaign.
1. Document says 1937. But the 47th conference was in 1936.
2. Document says New York. But 4th conference was in Cape May, New Jersey.
3. Document says "Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism", but the real wording is "to grant Jewish religious conscientious objectors to war the same exemption from military service as has long been granted to members of the Society of Friends and similar religious organizations" and page 74 "The Central Conference of American Rabbis reaffirms its conviction that conscientious objection to military service is in accordance with the highest interpretaion of Judaism"
4. "Goyim" it seems means nations in the biblical sense. And these are supposed rabbis writing this document. So saying "Goyim nations" as the document does would be redundant.
5. The boss who wanted copies made to spread around was named herbert Weldenarm. Doesn't sound like a jewish name.
6. The last paragraph says "You are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information", which is just a ridiculous thing to write on a printed flyer.
The 47th Central Conference of the American Rabbis was held in Cape May, New Jersey June 23-June 28 1936.
New York Times article dated June 25, 1936

Jewish Post,Indianapolis, Marion County, 3 July 1936 Quote:CAPE MAY, N.J. (Spl.)-The historic 47th convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis closed here with the reform ....
External Quote:The Central Conference of American Rabbis reaffirms its conviction that conscientious objection to military service is in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism and therefore petitions the Government of the United States to grant to Jewish religious conscientious objectors to war the same exemption from military service as has long been granted to members of the Society of Friends and similar religious organizations.
(Statement of the Central Conference, 1936)
The 1936 Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook page 74 Quote:The Central Conference of American Rabbis reaffirms its conviction that conscientious objection to military service is in accordance with the highest interpretaion of Judaism and therefore petitions the Government of the United States to grant to Jewish religious conscientous objectors to war the same exemption from military service as has long been granted to members of the Society
ofFriends and similar religious organizations
also from that yearbook page 15
and lastly an article dated May 26, 1937 affirming in '37 it would be the 48th Conference. Bold added for highlight Quote:Admitting that Reform Judaism has failed to make "any deep impression upon the great bulk of Jewry," Dr. Felix A. Levy, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis declared tonight that "our reformation days are over" and urged a return to traditional practice.
In a momentous presidential message, Dr. Levy called on the 48th annual convention of the Conference to find "....
(here are some useful links in the FBI files that reference the circular letter)
October 13, 1943 Leland Boardman (Special Agent in Charge Cleveland FBI office) sends cover letter and copies of the "Special Notice to All Jews" letter, received from Charles M. Scott, to the FBI Director.
External Quote:and since, in his opinion, it contained Semitic propaganda, he felt obliged to submit it to this office.
the matter will receive no further investigative attention, pending contrary advice from the Bureau.
December 4, 1943 J Edgar Hoover (Director, FBI) tells him to investigate
External Quote:This matter has been referred to the Criminal Division of the Department which has requested that efforts be made to identify the authorship and source of circulation of the circular letter in question
January 18, 1944 Leland Boardman lost his copy of the circular letter, asks FBI Driector to send him a copy back.
general memos and chat back and forth in the FBI (mostly J. Edgar Hoover to Assistant Attorney General Tom Clark)
Miss Scott idntified who asked her to make copies of the circular letter at work. Her boss, Herbert Weldenarm said he found the letter in the washroom. Miss Scott request he not be interviewed or she may lose her job. Quote:information has been recieved from the League of Human Rights, Cleveland Ohio, to the effect that identical circulating letters were distributed by unknown parties throughout Cleveland during June 1941. Furthermore, a review of the Bureau's files shows that identical letters were in circulation in Chicago, Illinois, during the Fall of 1941 and in this connection there is attached for your information a copy of a report submitted by SPecial Agent L.H. Frutkin at Chicago on September 23, 1941, in the matter entitled "unknown subjects; Publishers of Circular entitled 'Special Notice to All Jews; International Security-G." [..] It would appear conclusive that Herbert Weldenarm did not originate the letter.
March 3, 1944 Mr. Scott 'quite disturbed' his daughter was questioned and doesnt want her boss questioned. Quote:Mr. Scott advised that he has been employed by the East Ohio Gas Company, Cleveland for the past twenty-five years, and at the present time is in charge of meter readers. It should be noted in this respect that Mr. SCOTT would be in a position to be of great assistance to this office in conducting official investigations in the future if Mr. SCCOTT's request can be granted.
Statement by the League for Human Rights On Un-American Leaflets in Chicago Quote:The leaflet is a fake. The 47th Conference of American Rabbis, from
which this forged document had been purported to have been taken, took place
in 1936 (herein these people made a mistake claiming that the Conference was
held in 1937). The leaflet claims that this Central Conference petitioned
the Government of the United States, in a resolution, "to grant exemption of
Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of
Judaism." The exact sentence which was adopted by the Conference in 1936 was
'"to grant Jewish religious conscientious objectors to war the same exemp-
tion from military service as has long been granted to members of the Society
ofFriends and similar religious organizations."
We call your attention to the fact that the Central Conference only
asked for true, religious conscientious objectors and not for the Jewish people
as a whole. In every religion there are honest conscientious objectors. To
these the Government has granted some amelioration or exemption in every war.
Such a resolution is justified for any religious and cultural organi-
zation, and the Government in the draft law has granted such exemptions to
Quakers, Jews and any American who is a genuine conscientious objector. Never-
theless, this honest resolution has become the basis for this vicious leaflet.
The people of Cleveland have a right to knew where such fake originates
and who distributee these leaflets in Cleveland. Numerous calls came to the
League for Human Rights, which has frequently pointed out that the center of
anti-Semitism in this city is the United Mothers of America, 348 Old Arcade,
controlled by Father Coughlin.
The League consulted an expert (proof in our files) whose examination
disclosed that these anti-Semitic leaflets were typed on the same typewriter
used by the United Mothers of America on material which they publish under their
own name.
Although this material was mimeographed and distributed here, the publi-
cation indicates that it did not originate in Cleveland, because this technique
of slander by 'falsification bears all the earmarks of the well-known work of the
leaders of the United Mothers who are Father Coughlin, Catherine Baldwin and
Elizabeth Dilling.
March 21, 1944 Agnes Truitt find another copy of the leaflet brings to the FBI
there could be more related documents, i didnt read through any further. This link allows you to somewhat search for key words --- 100-HQ-530 --- Section 5.PDF_djvu.txt
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