Senior Member.
Um, no....that cannot be 'the' reason because one would then be negating the answer to one of the other favourite flat earther misperceptions. After all, a common claim by flat earthers is that if the Earth is rotating then why doesn't the ground zoom under us at 1000mph if we jump up in the air. We respond that our momentum is what prevents that scenario happening.
Coriolis is actually caused by the difference in angular momentum across latitude. Conservation of mass/energy and all that. It is a vector thing, rather than the ground moving 'under' the object. If Coriolis was caused by the ground moving under an object then the effect would be largest at the equator....when in fact the reverse is the case.
I wish it were that simple, but it isn't. Far from it.
To prove that, I could prefix this following sentence with a description of a scenario which would make the sentence undeniably one hundred percent true:
The coriolis effect is maximal at the equator.
The coriolis effect is caused by having a rotating reference frame. The apparently paradoxical scenario I (don't) describe above would be just as true on the surface of a cylinder rotating about its own axis, and yet the angular momentum is identical everywhere.
(For those who read MB without JS enabled, there's a spoiler block below - either enable javascript, or view html source.)
Bringing the cylinder into things makes the lattitude irrelevant. Another situation where lattitude is irrelevant is the one where there is no lattitude, such as the turntable. And that was mentioned as being an analoge to the poles. Where the coriolis effect is maximised. And for the same reason.
The coriolis effect is proportional to the cross product of the velocity and the frame rotation vector. At the equator, or anywhere on my cylinder world, if you make the velocity straight down (or straight up), the cross product will be directly forwards (or directly back). At the poles of globe earth, if the velocity's straight up or straight down, the cross product is zero. So the description to prefix the sentence above to make it true is:
I will drop a ballbearing from a tall perfectly vertical tower.
At the equator, the ballbearing will be deviated towards the eastern wall (*NOT* the western one, it doesn't lag because the ground's moving under it, it *leads* because the top of the tower's moving faster, and that's the velocity vector it was given at launch). At the pole, nothing happens.
You are permitted to imagine "mind blown" animated gifs here. It's not intuitive. I have terrible visualisation skills, and I can barely get my head around it, I just understand the cold characterless sterile mathematical equations. For me the ballbearing in a tower at the equator scenario might be the simplest one to visualise, and of course it's essentially the same as missing the igloo to the right in the earlier posts.
I will drop a ballbearing from a tall perfectly vertical tower.
At the equator, the ballbearing will be deviated towards the eastern wall (*NOT* the western one, it doesn't lag because the ground's moving under it, it *leads* because the top of the tower's moving faster, and that's the velocity vector it was given at launch). At the pole, nothing happens.
You are permitted to imagine "mind blown" animated gifs here. It's not intuitive. I have terrible visualisation skills, and I can barely get my head around it, I just understand the cold characterless sterile mathematical equations. For me the ballbearing in a tower at the equator scenario might be the simplest one to visualise, and of course it's essentially the same as missing the igloo to the right in the earlier posts.