Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse


Senior Member.
wikipedia summary, added by mick
The Container Ship, Dali left the Port of Baltimore at 12:44 am EDT (04:44 UTC) on March 26, 2024,[23] bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka[24] carrying 3,000 containers.[25] At 1:26 am[25] the ship suffered a "complete blackout" and began to drift out of the shipping channel (a backup generator did not power the propulsion system).[14] The ship dropped her anchors as part of its emergency procedures.[26] At about 1:26 am (05:26 UTC), a mayday call was made from the ship,[25] notifying the Maryland Department of Transportation that control of the vessel had been lost and that a collision with the bridge was possible, citing loss of propulsion.[1] Further traffic was immediately stopped from crossing the bridge at the request of one of the pilots.[5][27][28][29] The ship's lights went out and came on again some moments later; the lights then went off again and powered back on immediately before impact as renewed smoke spewed from her funnel.[10][30]

At 1:28 am (5:28 UTC),[31] the ship struck a support column of the bridge, beneath its metal truss and at the south-west end of its largest span, at 8 knots (15 km/h).[13] The bridge strike and partial collapse were recorded on video.[32] AIS data shows the ship traveling at a speed of 8.7 knots (16.1 km/h) at 1:25 am before departing the channel and slowing to 6.8 knots (12.6 km/h) by the time of the collision two minutes later.[30][33]

Within seconds of the collision, the bridge broke apart in several places,[34] leaving sections protruding from the water and the roadway's approaches cut off.[11] The main span fell onto the ship's bow and a section of it came to rest there.[3][35]

useful links
* this is the site where you can see all the specs for the ship, like their past inspections etc.
* Dali's IMO Number: 9697428. Call Sign 9V5283
* Marine Traffic (FlightRadar24 type) Software
* Dali on Marine Traffic Map:
* Port of baltimore map
* Update from owners of the ship

In the footage we see the cargo ships lights go out for a moment just before the strike. That's not normal, right?

(footage is the lower left screen)

Screenshot 2024-03-26 125232.png

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Looks like the light went out after the collision.
it went out twice before the hit too.

CBS has an engineer on and yea the ship lost power... apparently this happens often :( i guess dont drive over a bridge until the ships have already passed it.

here so we can now report James the ship
lost propulsion before the bridge
collaps talk to us about what that
really means and how a pilot might be
trained to react to something like that

The Beeb reports
External Quote:
Ship that collided with Baltimore bridge lost power - governor
- It suffered a "power issue" and issued a distress call moments before the crash, officials say, but was travelling too quickly to change course
18:17 Here's the latest
A mayday signal was sent when the ship was approaching the bridge, which gave authorities time to stop cars driving onto the bridge and "saved lives", Maryland Governor Wes Moore said
The crew on board the vessel, which is a Singapore-flagged container ship called Dali, told authorities they were having a power issue moments before the ship crashed

The governor said the vessel was moving at 8 knots, roughly 9mph (15km/h), which he says was "very, very rapid"
Sadly, six construction workers who were on the bridge may have been killed.

External Quote:

It's been more than 18 hours since a massive cargo ship crashed into Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge, and the US Coast Guard has just given an update to say those who were missing are now presumed dead.
  • Rescue teams, including FBI divers, had been trying to find six construction workers who were filling potholes when the collision happened
  • But with low water temperatures and the length of time they've been missing, those people are presumed to have died, the US Coast Guard says
  • Coast Guard will transition from a search and rescue mission to a recovery mission
  • The Coast Guard will try to find all victims to bring closure to families, a spokesperson said
"Six presumed dead after ship collides with Baltimore bridge", Bridge Collapses in Baltimore live reporting (23:53 GMT/ Zulu, 26/03/24) edited by Brandon Livesay, BBC News, US & Canada
Here's another view, in which lights go off then on again before the crash. Black smoke can be seen billowing from the ship before the crash, which suggests perhaps an engine room malfunction.


Not an expert, just someone who likes to watch the ships: that seems to be more in line with an attempt to apply emergency reverse power to get at least a modicum of control over the ship or potentially an effort to steer via propulsion rather than the rudder. Heavy exhaust like that can be a sign of a less than smooth change on the throttle, so to speak. The tracking data may indicate a speed reduction at a faster rate than bleeding off momentum alone.

I've got a case of the heebie-jeebies about it. Ten days ago, my wife and I drove over that bridge. While we were going over it, I looked over the side and said "ok no ships." She asked me what I meant by that. I told her that I hadn't been over the bridge in at least six years. The last time, I was in stand-still traffic and there was a ship going underneath me while I sat on the main span. I said that I thought about the Sunshine Skyway disaster the whole time. Well, here we are: exactly what my anxiety was about!
This video provides a good initial overview of what happened. It was done by someone who knows the maritime industry.
He mentions that the port anchor was dropped. Does anyone know if that requires there to be power on the ship, so that it could not have been done during the power outage?
He mentions that the port anchor was dropped. Does anyone know if that requires there to be power on the ship, so that it could not have been done during the power outage?
i watched a vid this morning by another cargo ship guy and it didnt sound like power was needed to drop the anchor.

(ps. he also said what we likely saw after first black out was just the backup generator coming on..which isnt the engine. so not sure if the anchor needs the generator?)

edit add: also he said all ships have a black box, just like planes. so eventually we will know the exact events.
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this is the site where you can see all the specs for the ship, like their past inspections etc.
at 10 mins in, this Youtuber goes over those documents a bit. last inspected sept 13 in New York. everything allegedly ok.

embedded start time at 5:30 here as he goes over:
*2 pilots on ship
*approx 2/3 mile form bridge when engine first dies at 1:24a.m.
*sounds like rudder needs power and generator may not be enough power
*camera perspective makes it look like ship turned into the piling at last moment but that not true

note: the above video on rudders says rudders need speed (and time)to do much, as far as steering. post #13

*likely first [partial] light turn on was generators, then black and full lights come on (indicates they used air technique to start engine..which immediately fails again and ship goes dark)
*mentions early in video the anchor was dropped before bridge strike , but they dont know when yet, they know this based on angle of anchor chain.

*Marine (FlightRadar24 type) software
*port of baltimore map
*update from owners of the ship


camera perspective makes it look like ship turned into the piling at last moment but that not true
A fixed position camera can't really change perspective. Did he mean "ship deliberately turned into piling but that's not true", or is it the undefined "last moment" with which he takes issue?
A fixed position camera can't really change perspective. Did he mean "ship deliberately turned into piling but that's not true", or is it the undefined "last moment" with which he takes issue?
in the video it looks like the ship turns sharper into the piling at the last moments. thats why i added the screenshot of the actual course of the ship according to the Marine radar software.
I am seeing conspiracy theorists swarming to this disaster (as they are wont to do) on YouTube, FaceBook and elsewhere. Many seem to be zeroing on in the flashes of light visible in this GIF as the bridge breaks apart


Flashes are here:
bridge flashes.JPG

(GIF captured from
where the resolution is a bit better than my free GIF maker can do and the smaller flashes are more visible. But gif included in case video ever goes away.)

The CT explanation for this is, as you'd expect; it's controlled demolition charges.

A more reasonable explanation is that there are electrical lines running through the bridge, to power street lighting and navigation flashers, and possibly to carry electrical power across the river. As the bridge collapses, lines snap and there are flashes and arcs of electricity. It is worth noting that the lights on the bridge go out as it breaks apart, showing the power lines are breaking along with everything else...

I have also seen somebody wondering what the "odd" lights with diagonal trails are that appear over the bridge after it falls:

They are visible BEFORE the bridge falls, between the superstructure and the road bed, if you look closely, and are lights on cargo loading/unloading cranes in the background:

Fairly obvious stuff, but might as well get it on record in this thread, I suppose.
The CT explanation for this is, as you'd expect; it's controlled demolition charges.
why would demolition charges go off AFTER the collapse?

a bigger pic (the resolution of your video sucks, can we find a better resolution?

3-27-2024 12-32-37 PM.jpg
I haven't (found better resolution footage)yet, but hope is free!
And now I have. Still not great, but better, and I am noting flashes I missed before. ALL are after the section of the bridge where the flash occurs has already begun to collapse.

As the bridge falls on the ship, starting at around 6 seconds in

In the "super structure" and at the roadbed, just left of the bridge pilings to the right of center, as noted in previous post, starting at around 5 seconds into the video:

Larger showers of sparks at and to the right of the pilings right of center, starting at around 14 seconds:

To the left and above the pilings right of center, starting at around 17 seconds:

The1st, 3rd and 4th of those are larger and look different than the second one, the one noted earlier, HERE. Those who have spent a lot of time looking at how metal beams react to a collapse, is it possible that we're seeing rapid heating/melting of the beams? That seems incredible to me, but I don't actually KNOW enough to form an opinion. Or is it more likely to be larger, more showy arcing and sparking of electrical lines?

In either case, the flashes happen after the structure fails, so they can't be what initiates it.

Here's the video:

In the "super structure" and at the roadbed
that's not really the"roadbed", only mentioning because that wording might confuse conspiracy theorists. this is the road. and the lights we see on the road are just the construction vehicle lights. the road/asphalt is the thick black bit.
Does anyone know if that requires there to be power on the ship, so that it could not have been done during the power outage?
It does not require power, it falls under its own weight. It requires someone to either rush to the bow, or already be there, and follow the procedure to release the brake for the anchor to drop to the seabed. Then the vessel starts dragging the anchor, so it can deploy and get a hold of the bottom. Watch the process from (02:48):

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National Transportation Safety Board update March 27 8pm EST (New York time)

Coast guard recovered Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)
12am-6am (but they can get past 30 days)
*VDR is a very basic system compared to a Flight Data Recorder. It is a newer model, but still extremely limited.
*Basically records audio from bridge, and radios. Limited sensor data...speed, gps, heading and rudder angle. and some alarm information.
*Only a "snapshot" of major systems.Engine room data not recorded, they are investigating to see what they can get from the engine room itself.

Audio issues: loud alarms and foreign languages, means they need more time cleaning up the audio and getting translators.

NO info at this time regarding any power outages. the VDR does not record such things and they need to use other methods to try and verify.

21 crew members plus 2 pilots.

Multiple teams will be investigating different areas of the incident based on their expertise.
Preliminary report expected in 2-4 weeks.

Video timestamp 20:45 in video attached below

what they got from VDR so far:

("all information is preliminary and subject to validation")
12:39 departure
1:24 true heading 141, approx 8 knots
1:24:59 alarms, sensor data ceased recording, audio continued to record [batteries].
1:26:02 resumed recording sensor, rudder +steering commands
1:26:39 tug assist call. MDT called regarding blackout.
1:27:04 drop port anchor and steering commands
1:27:25 pilot over radio 'Dali had lost all power and was approaching bridge'
Bridge closed to car traffic.
1:29:00 just under 7 knots
1:29:33 sounds consistent with bridge coming down.
1:29:39 pilot announces bridge down

VDR time and other time sources need to linked up to determine exact time of strike.

It does not require power, it falls under its own weight.
Thanks. It had to be said tho' the need should be implied from the necessity of "fail safe" provision of safety features.

The actual bridge collapse mechanism looks reasonably obvious - a succession of automatic progressions.

There is a lot of precedent for conspiracy theories arising from structural collapses arising from the impact of a transport vehicle.

And, tho' it is early days yet, this event already raises one issue that was at the high level of philosophy professional debate of the 9/11 WTC collapses. i.e. prevention of self-promulgating unstoppable disproportioate progression.

Should designs be such as to limit to prevent a single location failure cascading toppling domino style to other parts of the structure? Should the failures have been limited to only the single span on either side of the collapsed pier(s)?

It is a complex issue. Let's await the development of the discussion.
It is a complex issue. Let's await the development of the discussion.
not 100% sure i understand your vocabulary, but if i have your meaning right:

i think it's already been discussed as this is not the first bridge. when they rebuild this bridge they will use redundancies (and according to engineers and other bridge collapses will built barricades so ships can't hit the pilings in the first place. etc.

it's a fracture critical Bridge. what that means is if a
member fails that would likely cause a portion
of or the entire bridge to collapse there's no redundancy the preferred method for

Building Bridges today is that there is redundancy buil built in. whether that's
transmitting loads to another member or some sort of structural redundancy. uh this bridge did not have
there are 177,000 468 fracture critical bridges in the
United States out of 615,000 bridges total and that comes
from the Federal Highway Administration
Another CT issue: The ship was deliberately steered into the bridge! That's what Alex Jones is going with.

How to account for the change in course? Two basic factors:

-What the ship was doing: rudder(s), torque from the propeller(s), anchor(s).... etc.
I've just learned that there are left hand and right hand propellers and different torque effects.

What was done to the ship: Currents and winds. This doesn't seem to be entering the consciousness of most people; CTs or otherwise.

What can be easily seen is that the black stack smoke is being blown sideways to our left. Which indicates a strong wind blowing from our right to our left. Which is the direction the ship is drifting. And what was the state of the tide? And what about currents at that time and place?

Bonus: Inertia and momentum. "How does the ship keep moving without engines! C'mon, sheeple! Think about it!"

Something I learned from Flat Earth: Inertia and momentum are not well understood by the general population. Even well meaning Round Earthers on the Internet were saying things that revealed that they don't understand inertia.

As surprising as it is... It seems many people have it fixed into their consciousness that things can only keep moving when a constant thrust is being applied. Even Internet Round Earthers think that if you're riding a skateboard if you jump up, you'll come to a dead stop in midair and the skateboard will scoot out from underneath and you'll land on the ground behind it. Thus they'll say that the Earth's atmosphere pushes you along with the Earth's rotation. That's why you can jump up, or a helicopter can hover and not be left behind. (But what keeps the skateboard and the atmosphere moving?)

That was something about Flat Earth that boggled my mind.

It goes against common experience. How do baseballs keep moving once they've left the bat? Haven't people ever coasted on a bike?

My best guess is that it goes back to the most basic thing. You have to keep consciously moving your own body to keep it moving. To this kind of person, the basic metric is living will. Once the will to keep moving is gone... the motion is gone.
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Today's update:
External Quote:
Dali, the ship behind the fatal bridge collapse in Baltimore on Wednesday, had suffered from a "severe electrical problem" for days before it lost power during its ill-fated trip out of the Maryland harbor, a port worker told a CNN affiliate on Thursday. Julie Mitchell, co-administrator of Container Royalty, a company tracks the tonnage on container ships coming in and out of Baltimore, said the massive container ship had sat in the port for two days suffering from "total power failure, loss of engine power, everything."
Large ships leaving the Port of Baltimore typically follow a standard route under the Francis Scott Key Bridge, according to a CNN analysis of historical shipping data, but Dali diverged from that path moments before the crash.
Note: Each dot depicts a transceiver point from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) showing the locations of cargo ships and tankers as they travelled around the Port of Baltimore from Sept. 30 to Dec. 31, 2023.

Sources: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, NOAA,, National Transportation Safety Board
Graphic: Renée Rigdon and Matt Stiles, CNN
And what was the state of the tide? And what about currents at that time and place?
The previous high tide in Baltimore had been at 8:08 pm Monday, the collision was around 1:30 am Tuesday, with low tide coming about an hour later at 2:20 am Tuesday.


So the tide was running out, downstream, but was approaching slack tide. Tidal range at Baltimore is around a foot to a foot and a half. For clarity, the tidal range as far up in the bay as Baltimore is less than, say, at the mouth of the Chesapeake where the range is almost a meter. So tides are not huge in Baltimore. (
bltimore tidal range.JPG

Source: -- highlight showing tidal range added. Can't find a chart for THE day, but variations are slight.)

Measured wind speed was 1 knot (a shade over 1 mph, a shade under 2 kph). Gusts to 2 knots were noted. In everyday parlance, there was a very slight breeze. The weather station is listed as Francis Scott Key bridge, so should be accurate for the ship and bridge, with the caveat listed on the NOAA page:


Worth noting that the wind had been stronger about a half hour earlier, and would be stronger about 10-15 minutes later.

Direction of wind as measured at the station was "51 degrees true" -- so basically out of the NE.
(Source on wind data:

Handy wind direction visualizer relative to the bridge, arrow placed estimated by eye-ball but gives you the idea:
wind direction at FSK bridge.JPG

I cannot find information on the speed of the current, all data I have found so far is in flow rate for the river measured in cubic feet per second. But it is a minor river widening out to join the Chesapeake Bay estuary, flow speed is going to be somewhat leisurely.

Layman's opinion, based onthe above and having sailed the Chesapeake back in my high school days -- while wind and current will of course have influenced the movement of the ship, tending to carry it SE (current) and SW (wind) for an overall vector of "southish," I would expect the momentum of the massive ship to be the more important factor. Presumably at some point we'll get "black box" data on the ship's speed, presumably low when appraoching the bridge and surrounded by harbour, and if low enough it may be that the influence of wind/current was greater than I am thinking. And of course the critical point is that all vectors (ship heading out of port, wind, current) would have been moving the ship towards the bridge. Once she lost control, it was a roll of the dice if she'd hit it or pass under safely.
Something I learned from Flat Earth: Inertia and momentum are not well understood by the general population. Even well meaning Round Earthers on the Internet were saying things that revealed that they don't understand inertia.

I mostly blame Marvel and DC for this. I can't back that up with evidence, but I know it's one of the reasons I myself abhor pretty much every superhero movie. Yes, I'm no fun at parties either.
Presumably at some point we'll get "black box" data on the ship's speed, presumably low when appraoching the bridge and surrounded by harbour, and if low enough it may be that the influence of wind/current was greater than I am thinking.

the black box is called a voyage data recorder. the coast guard recovered this info so far: (although the investigation said they still need to verify info from the VDR.
1:24 true heading 141, approx 8 knots
1:24:59 alarms, sensor data ceased recording, audio continued to record [batteries].
1:26:02 resumed recording sensor, rudder +steering commands
1:26:39 tug assist call. MDT called regarding blackout.
1:27:04 drop port anchor and steering commands
1:27:25 pilot over radio 'Dali had lost all power and was approaching bridge'
Bridge closed to car traffic.
1:29:00 just under 7 knots
1:24 true heading 141, approx 8 knots
1:24:59 alarms, sensor data ceased recording, audio continued to record [batteries].
1:26:02 resumed recording sensor, rudder +steering commands
1:26:39 tug assist call. MDT called regarding blackout.
1:27:04 drop port anchor and steering commands
1:27:25 pilot over radio 'Dali had lost all power and was approaching bridge'
Bridge closed to car traffic.
1:29:00 just under 7 knots
How in the world did I miss that you'd posted that?:oops: Hand me the stoopid hat, I guess. Thanks for pointing it out!

I wonder how the 7 knots of final speed compares to the speed of the current. (off to frantically re-read entire thread again in case THAT's also been posted already.

The "drop port anchor" confuses me a bit, as the ship turns pretty convincingly to starboard at about that time, 1:27am, in this video:


Dropping the port anchor ought to cause a turn to port, unless I am missing some reason why it wouldn't on this ship or under these conditions. Of course times in the SkyNews video linked here may not be exact...
I noticed a few people mentioning the following on Twitter/X. A video of the disaster aftermath appears to show two birds (not seagulls!) flying in front of the wrecked bridge but simply disappearing in mid air. Note that the whole bodies of both birds disappear simultaneously, so it's not like they flew into a 'portal', if that's what someone was attempting to fake. The video purports to be taken by someone filming a TV screen. I don't know of any kind of camera or TV glitch which would have this effect, so I'm guessing the birds were photoshopped into an existing bit of film footage. Video here:

I suspect some sort of compression / digital noise reduction or other type of thing. Also it happens just before a cut.
Why would anyone add birds what exactly would the motivation be?
as the ship turns pretty convincingly to starboard at about that time, 1:27am, in this video:
we need to be careful of times. media isnt the best as far as 100% accurate reporting. and the NTSB warned several times that even the VDR (black box) needs to synchronized with other clocks they have (NTSB says they are not using media footage at this point).

it could also be possible the starboard anchor was dropped earlier... watch my timestamped section of the NTSB is informative.
It isnt clear but they didnt specifically list "anchor drops" as something the VDR recorded aside from audio commands...and audio commands are being furhter researched as loud alarms and foreign languages were hindering alot of what they could decipher so far.

(note: an anchor vid i watched the other day said the anchor itself doesnt stop a ship really. its dependent on what the bottom of the water is like (they slide over seaweed, rock is no good, sand is so so..really only sticky mud grabs the anchor firmly). and what really holds the boat is the weight of the chain.. not the embedded in the bottom part. )

add: and the rudder commands. my rudder video (some boat channel) taught me rudders work better and faster, the faster the boat is going. but even a fast boat it takes a bit of time for the rudder to "work" ie. move the boat.

the preliminary report will be out in 2-4 weeks.
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Another CT issue: The ship was deliberately steered into the bridge! That's what Alex Jones is going with.

actually he isnt. as of now. that tweet archived by is no longer on his twitter at this time. and i just listened to his latest boat discussion vid (march 26th 7pm) and a quick mention he gave on the 27th. He is leaning toward "accident"/incompetence because his guests say the smoke and anchor drops prove they didnt purposefully hit the bridge/did try to stop.

(apparently he's all freaked about some solar eclipse..ill have to look what eclipse? i skimmed that part so dont know what he's concerned about.)

oh and @Z.W. Wolf when Jones brought up inertia of the boat i started to chuckle. He told his audience about hte boat's inertia.
Also it happens just before a cut.
Why would anyone add birds what exactly would the motivation be?
Might it be a loop that jumps back to before the birds fly in, which is then cut by the TV station right after that jump? (Hopefully I've said that understandably...)

I did note that both birds disappear as they cross one of the parallel diagonal beams, and are spaced perfectly so that they hit those point right together. Of course, this may be a coincidence, but it is at least "odd-adjacent," weakly suggesting but by no means proving that somebody may have added birds after filming their TV.

Motivation would be hard to guess, but the YouTuber has also posted videos about whether bears in a zoo are really humans in costume, a possible ghost monk sighted along a highway, numerous shark attack themed videos (and at least on shark rescue, to be fair), lots of coverage of the recent Princess of Wales kerfuffle, a chemtrail video, an alien in Miami (noting that the footage is grainy and "always, always" is...), etc. They seem to not be particularly believers in a lot of CT stuff, from the videos I watched, but they DO seem to be looking for click-baity content for reposting, to attract those who are. I have not found the "someone" who he says filmed it elsewhere on YouTube, maybe they sent it directly to this person?
actually he isnt. as of now. that tweet archived by is no longer on his twitter at this time. and i just listened to his latest boat discussion vid (march 26th 7pm) and a quick mention he gave on the 27th. He is leaning toward "accident"/incompetence because his guests say the smoke and anchor drops prove they didnt purposefully hit the bridge/did try to stop.

(apparently he's all freaked about some solar eclipse..ill have to look what eclipse? i skimmed that part so dont know what he's concerned about.)

oh and @Z.W. Wolf when Jones brought up inertia of the boat i started to chuckle. He told his audience about hte boat's inertia.

There is an eclipse on April 8th, NASA or someone issued a fyi type warning about increased air traffic. the usual suspects are adding two and two, and getting absolute zero.