Last week there was a stir in activity relating to Thylacines still being alive in Tasmania.
Things kicked off on February 22nd with a video from Neil Waters, president of TAGOA (Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia. In the video titled "WE FOUND A THYLACINE" Neil claimed to have captured the strongest ever proof of Thylacines still surviving in Tasmania over 80 years after they were declared extinct.
In the video, Neil claims to have captured photos of 3 Thylacines, two parents and a baby making their way through the bush, captured by a trail cam. His confidence caused a stir in the Australian news and social media, with Facebook and Twitter coming out to either throw their support behind him or anxiously hold their opinions until he revealed the photos. The video also managed to rack up an impressive 300k views during this time.
Since the video was published Neil has made several radio interviews on the subject of these undeniable photos and defending the work of his organisations and other bushmen who have dedicated their lives to tracking down irrefutable proof of the species is still surviving to this day.
He promised that March 1st he would release the photos for all to see.
Well today Neil kept his promise and released a new video on YouTube, revealing to the world his undeniable evidence of Thylacines in the wild, see below:
This shot below is the "proof" that Neil has been shopping around for the last week:
What Neil is claiming here is that we are seeing the rear end of a baby Thylacine, moving away from the camera in a walk/run gait, one ear at the top left and the signature straight tail behind. I'll forgive you for not seeing anything at first, its like one of those magic eye puzzles.
The issue I've had with this entire thing from the start is that during the last week Neil has taken this photo around to several "experts" (vets, dog/cat breeders) who have all confirmed with him that what they're seeing is anything but a dog or cat, leading Neil to conclude that the only other option is a Thylacine. He claims you can see the classic rear end stripes just before the tail and the foot or "hock" being raised up on the right as it steps through the scrub.
My problem here is that Neil is leading these experts to his own conclusion, rather than letting them view these images in an unbiased way. According to him, their conclusions of what it isn't confirms exactly what it is and therefore in the eyes of science and expert analysis he has finally found proof of a living Thylacine.
This morning when the images hit the internet there was a massive influx of support for Neil and his team for finally proving that these animals are still alive. Sadly the lack of critical thinking in these groups have led to some pretty toxic attitudes towards anyone that would dare show even the slightest bit of scepticism.
I had a look at the photos before watching Neils video and came to a completely different conclusion, fortunately for me there were a few others that shared my thoughts:
Now I'm not claiming to have solved the mystery, or that my observation is any more valid than another however Occam's Razor surely has to prevail here right? The unfortunate truth about the Australian bush is that we have an absurd number of feral cats that cause massive amounts of destruction to our native flora and fauna. Tabby cats in particular are a problem and there must be hundreds, if not thousands in that area of Tasmania alone.
I dont want to sway the discussion in anyone way or another but I wanted to post here for you all to see what's happened here over the last week and to come to your own conclusions as well.
Things kicked off on February 22nd with a video from Neil Waters, president of TAGOA (Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia. In the video titled "WE FOUND A THYLACINE" Neil claimed to have captured the strongest ever proof of Thylacines still surviving in Tasmania over 80 years after they were declared extinct.
In the video, Neil claims to have captured photos of 3 Thylacines, two parents and a baby making their way through the bush, captured by a trail cam. His confidence caused a stir in the Australian news and social media, with Facebook and Twitter coming out to either throw their support behind him or anxiously hold their opinions until he revealed the photos. The video also managed to rack up an impressive 300k views during this time.
Since the video was published Neil has made several radio interviews on the subject of these undeniable photos and defending the work of his organisations and other bushmen who have dedicated their lives to tracking down irrefutable proof of the species is still surviving to this day.
He promised that March 1st he would release the photos for all to see.
Well today Neil kept his promise and released a new video on YouTube, revealing to the world his undeniable evidence of Thylacines in the wild, see below:
This shot below is the "proof" that Neil has been shopping around for the last week:
What Neil is claiming here is that we are seeing the rear end of a baby Thylacine, moving away from the camera in a walk/run gait, one ear at the top left and the signature straight tail behind. I'll forgive you for not seeing anything at first, its like one of those magic eye puzzles.
The issue I've had with this entire thing from the start is that during the last week Neil has taken this photo around to several "experts" (vets, dog/cat breeders) who have all confirmed with him that what they're seeing is anything but a dog or cat, leading Neil to conclude that the only other option is a Thylacine. He claims you can see the classic rear end stripes just before the tail and the foot or "hock" being raised up on the right as it steps through the scrub.
My problem here is that Neil is leading these experts to his own conclusion, rather than letting them view these images in an unbiased way. According to him, their conclusions of what it isn't confirms exactly what it is and therefore in the eyes of science and expert analysis he has finally found proof of a living Thylacine.
This morning when the images hit the internet there was a massive influx of support for Neil and his team for finally proving that these animals are still alive. Sadly the lack of critical thinking in these groups have led to some pretty toxic attitudes towards anyone that would dare show even the slightest bit of scepticism.
I had a look at the photos before watching Neils video and came to a completely different conclusion, fortunately for me there were a few others that shared my thoughts:
Now I'm not claiming to have solved the mystery, or that my observation is any more valid than another however Occam's Razor surely has to prevail here right? The unfortunate truth about the Australian bush is that we have an absurd number of feral cats that cause massive amounts of destruction to our native flora and fauna. Tabby cats in particular are a problem and there must be hundreds, if not thousands in that area of Tasmania alone.
I dont want to sway the discussion in anyone way or another but I wanted to post here for you all to see what's happened here over the last week and to come to your own conclusions as well.