Paint-balls were used to place blood on people.
I was inspired by the line above.
From the conspiracy circles we're hearing the terms hoax, fake, set up etc, to describe live tragic events. We are not hearing HOW that could be implemented. So! What would that entail in practical terms for say the Boston Bombings to be fake injuries?
Firstly we've a line of command from the top decision maker to the guys on the ground. There has to be a plan, funding, acquisitions, personnel, organisation and implementation. As you could imagine that's many people in many different departments. A pyramid effect of involved personnel if you like. There's obviously more to take into account but this opening post is definitely not all encapsulating. After all this is just a back of the envolope hypothesis.
Some of the accusation of Boston have been from a "closed film set" to "planted actors and crisis actors" in the crowd. For this to work there would need to be a film production of types. Private contractors or government departments it matters not as the principle to this remains the same.
In a production there's various departments, casting, location, props, film, wardrobe, script writers, and roadies to name a few. Casting crews would typically be dealing with advertising and or actors agents, actors, audition location, auditions and hiring. We could follow this line of description through every department, all the way through to dress rehearsals in some secretive location. Without going into every facet which I honestly don't know to much about I am demonstrating the overwhelming numbers of people being involved. If we include the whole of the crowd at the finish line area we could be close to another thousand people. Plants in the crowd makes the hypothesis easier to carry out but massively open to discovery.
Film, camera...action!
Here's where things get a bit funky with reality... if they haven't already. The first bomb goes off. The crowd takes to it's heels and the second bombs goes off. In a split second the actors disperse fake blood everywhere. The crisis actors shed and hide their clean clothes and fake limbs. They manage to do all this without a single video, film or still camera capturing this. They also manage to keep every shop worker / owner and marathon runner occupied enough not to see this. They also manage to stop any real witness from being in that area seeing this.
"Ah! but! It was a closed set. Filmed at another place and cut and pasted over the real venue"...I hear the conspiracists say.
Do you mean with technical trickery "they" filmed an action scene and released it to the press? OK! Lets run with both ideas but keep in mind the principle of production above still applies.
Now we're at the stage where the first aiders / responders get to the rescue. All these people would have to be complicit. If not they would report the fake injuries. As would the police, ambulance crews, nursing staff, hospitals and surgical theatre teams.
Without the injured being real, without them being picked up at the scene, without them being admitted into local hospitals the hoax, fake, set up plan would rapidly unravel. An ambulance crew, a nurse, a doctor and even a hospital porter would report no such persons were admitted / treated. No such emergence was catered for. Likewise the damage at the scene would also have to be real for similar reasons.
"Yeah but the media are in on it"...I hear the conspiracist retort. What? Every TV channel, radio station, news paper, paparazzi not just in state or country wide...but world wide?
There is no way in practical terms for the Boston Bombings to be faked in any way. Even if the props could magically have been dispersed in a split second timing. To contrive such a plan and implement it in total secrecy is impossible. If you were somehow involved in this illegal act by government would you expose it? I know I would.
Another way of thinking of things is like this. Of all the professionals, scientists, academics, generally bright people and the vast majority of people of the world, how come ONLY a small percentage of internet users have managed to bust events like 7/7 Boston and Woolich wide open as a conspiracy? Do conspiracy theorists really have a special talent, have the edge over everyone else, or is it more psychological?
I would like to see the opinion of a Conspiracy Theorist about to the practicalities outlined above.
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