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Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, affecting every possible aspect of human pathology.
My mother is on the UK yellow card reporting due to the Covid vaccination.
May I ask you guys something,
Im not sure what to believe anymore, I see lots of reports about excess deaths in young people, (should i find it that concerning that ive seen people censored if they simply ask 'could it connect it to the covid vax?)
However, I have seen the more heavily locked down & vaccinated places (like New Zealand) reportedly does not see a spike in deaths (
Why does America still have it recommenced for anyone & everyone including babies over 6 months
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For the best protection, CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older.
While here in the UK its only over 65 unless you have co-morbidity
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aged 65 years old or over, aged 6 months to 64 years old and are at increased risk. living in a care home for older adults. a frontline health or social care worker.
So I don't understand why young, healthy people are being told to take it (And would have been ordered by the state to do so had some got their way)
Can we all agree that we was overtly lied to at certain points?
If you do not think we were, can you explain the following to me please (I'm not going to cite these statements as I'm assuming we are already very familiar with them)
'100% safe & effective!'' (No Medical intervention is)
''Stops Transmission!'' (They admitted they never even tested for that, they just made it up & in my opinion it was the root cause of anger/panic towards the unvaccinated with shouts of ''Granny killer'' or ''don't give them hospital treatment'')
''Mask up'' (Cloth masks to stop a microscopic virus, World Leaders seen publicly putting them on for a speech & removing them off stage. Yet heavily enforced on the public)
''Ivermectin is horse de-wormer, you are not a horse, stop it!'' (From the FDA & all over MSM when they know it can be prescribed by GP's.)
I also see articles like this one from Phys.org raising questions relatively early (2021)
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Clandestine contracts for medical goods and services have become the norm in many countries, while data on COVID-19 cases and deaths has been manipulated and underreported.
Along with Gov data updates from Dr John Campbell etc the picture I see being painted is not good.
The Covid enquiry being delayed by the UK Gov is also unacceptable, (I will try to get something mundane with no serious public health ramifications like my tax return also delayed for a year or two and see how far I get.)
Now, I have no issues about the first variant & first lockdown, we truly did not know how serious it was.
But by the time we get to Omnicron the measures seemed more like an exercise in profiteering than public safety,
I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, I'm not 'anti-vax' either like I had the MMR vaccine a few years ago.
But something isn't right about this.