This effect is not consistent with amateur CGI from 2015. We also see diffuse reflections and partial specular reflections on the matte surface of the balloon. Another complex effect.
I agree it's probably a balloon of some sort, though something still seems strange about it. IF it's something else and IF someone like Ledrack is involved with it, he's not exactly an amateur GCI artist. He's not a Hollywood studio working on the latest Marvel blockbuster, but by 2015, he had been posting his work for 10 years and seemed to be a smalltime professional CGI freelancer.
He had been doing a very similar "shaky zoom in and out with changing focus" against the clouds as far back as '08:
By 2015, he was involved with commercials for Dominos:
However, I can't find anything to directly link him to the Madrid balloon '15, other than some of his stuff being compared to it by Jaime Maussan. And, so far, I haven't seen anything in his work that looks like the glints of sunlight.
It may just be a coincidence that Ledrack created an animation, based on a witch video, that looks a lot like the Madrid balloon 7 years before it appeared. Lots of "mysteries" are caused by coincidence, and if all these videos were versions of some sort of classic saucer or triangle it would be no big deal. But in this case the shape is much more unique and seems to repeat in an odd set of videos.
To that end, it's at least interesting to track down how this shape and these videos are inter-related, even it just turns out to be an odd balloon that got cross pollinated as usual in the paranormal/UFOlogy world.
I don't think it's going off topic, in that, it's Maussan that has linked the other older videos with the Madrid balloon video, even if he claims it's from Denver.
To summarize, on the April 18 edition of Maussan TV's show Tercer Milenio, Jaime Mausssan aired a segment about a UFO over Denver. This is only 7 days after JackFrostTV started this thread after seeing that the Madrid balloon video was really trending. This is the same segment that appeared on TPOtM in post #178. That segment is posted below. It consisted of 5 separate scenes.
First is the Madrid balloon video, followed by a stabilized version of it:
Then the '06 Bruja video:
Then the animated footage from '08:
And finaly some new footage of the UFO/entity flying over the Denver skyline:
Honestly, the Denver footage just looks like someone cropped the Bruja from some of the '06 video and composited it over skyline. Either the same Bruha from Monterrey showed up in Denver 16 years later, or it's just a shameless barrowing, if not an outright hoax.
Maussan was also involved in at least part of the original Bruja de Monterrey incident. He got with the police officer involved in the 2004 sighting and tried to relate the Bruja to the Flatwoods Monster, so at the time, going for a more paranormal rather than UFO angle.
External Quote:
Flatwoods monster (also known as the
Braxton County monster,
[1] Braxie,
[2] or the
Phantom of Flatwoods),
[3] in
West Virginia folklore, is an entity reported to have been sighted in the town of
Flatwoods in
Braxton County, West Virginia, United States, on September 12, 1952, after a bright object crossed the night sky. Over 50 years later, investigators concluded that the light was a
meteor and the creature was a
barn owl perched in a tree, with shadows making it appear to be a large
The original Bruja story is usually two stories run together, with the 2004 police sightings and the 2006 video all presented as contemporary.
External Quote:
The alleged witch was warned on May 17, 2006 by members of the UFO group Club Nuevo León, a group founded and directed by researcher
Diana Perla Chapa.
2The group filmed the flight of a humanoid figure, dressed entirely in black and with a kind of hood that covered his head. The witnesses were at the top of Cerro de las Mitras, located in the Mexican town of Monterrey (State of
Nuevo León).
Two years earlier, on January 16, 2004, a police officer from the municipality of
Guadalupe, in the state of
Nuevo León, Mexico, allegedly had contact with what he described as a witch.
3This event was over-disseminated in the local and national media. Journalist and ufologist
Jaime Maussan tried to link the event to the
Flatwoods Monster case. According to this, Maussan showed images of the Flatwoods monster to the policeman, named Leonardo Samaniego, and stated that the figures were very similar or the same as what he had seen.
Auto translated
The original Bruja video, or at least the main part of it was supposedly filmed by Jose Ramon Villarreal, a member of the
Integrante OVNI Club Nuevo Leon, an amateur UFO club.
I found conflicting stories about how the filming happened, perhaps Jeronimo Flores in this video is explaining it, but my Spanish just isn't that good:
In 2008 Ledrack posts a video on his channel titled
La Bruja De Monterrey (CG), where he imagines the witch as a space pod with an alien occupant. He seemed to repost it over the years.
Obviously with 6.5 million views, it's not exactly a secret.
Also obvious, is that this ~7 years before the Madrid Balloon video of a space pod with a possible alien occupant surfaced.
Ledrack's channel also contains several videos by or featuring Jaime Maussan as well as people like Steven Greer.
Are Maussan and Ledrack involved in the original Madrid balloon video of '15, or are they just using it for click-bait? If click-bait, why does Ledrack's space pod animation resemble the Madrid space pod, even though it pre-dates it?
Likely, it's just UFOlogists cross-pollinating with each other using whatever is popular at a giving time. In this case it's been mixed with some older stuff to give it a sense of history and then also brought into the modern day, as in just over a week ago. That would mean the resemblance of the '08 animation is just a coincidence.
But something does seem to smell about it all.