TMA is banned from being transported by air. The substance reacts violently with both air and water. Fire-fighting foam contains water. You cannot have a substance on board that would make a fire WORSE if you sprayed it with foam, or the aircraft ditched or simply crashed during a rain storm. It is absurd.
It seems to be a trait of these people... Somebody tells them something they want to hear and all discernment disappears. Somebody tells them something they don't want to hear, and the ad hominen attacks begin with no critical evaluation of the information presented.
From another Max post today..
Max Bliss shared a link.
5 hours ago near Angoulême, Poitou-Charentes
Kathy Kreg shares.... lets hear the excuses site.
During the war many advances in technology were made...many do not realise that is when RFid tags were invented. Also there were many experiments with persistent contrails to block the effectiveness of Radar when " Chaff" was first used and many other types of sprays....persistent contrails were also used for a visual screen for bombing raids.... the experimental drive to control and manipulate the weather has been ongoing since the war....the Contrail Science agents cherry pick a handful of pictures and expect everyone to have a memory lapse and think we have seen these contrails from all plane all the time like we see chemtrails does not take much to look in site seeing books of pre 1990's to see good quality blue skies, or older movies or your own sky memories...have a look at your holiday pics.... they say it is increased air traffic....well around the London airports it was always busy and we never saw the trails before like these days..... these guys are government disinformation agents... they also are complicit in the genocide and ecocide ensuing on this planet...watching all the plants and trees dying this year...knowing that GMO's will no longer be something to oppose because it will be the only things to grow in the toxic environment we can all check...look at PH levels and see or for £25 get a lab analysis.... These maligned counterintelligence agents at meta and CON are really sick individuals as they have all the information and keep people dissuaded whilst all around the plants die.... should we get a little emotional, angry...then get targeted by these traitors to humanity.... I pay them little attention and block their agents at first chance....time wasters...agents of the NWO satanic scumbags... allow a program to decimate nature...are they insane...? I imagine a lot of people working in the establishment do not know as much as these people and may wake up when they learn the cold hard facts.....but these guys are special psychopaths....hand picked for the disinfo job....
Edit: forgot to mention that TMA has the following effects once it starts burning. There is no way that this material should ever be let near a passenger aircraft. The USAF may have trialled it for use in afterburners, but that report specifically stated that the handling requirements of TMA made it unsuitable for use in that manner.
External Quote:
Pyrophoric liquid, decomposes violently in water. Skin contact can
cause severe burns. Fumes may cause skin and eye irritation.
Avoid inhalation of fumes.
Prompt medical attention is required in all cases of exposure to
Trimethylaluminum and its by-products. Rescue personnel should
be equipped with appropriate protective equipment (e.g. Selfcontained breathing apparatus) to prevent unnecessary exposure
and must be aware of the fire and explosion potential of
Contact may cause severe burns. Fumes may cause irritation.
Immediately flush affected areas with large quantities of water.
Remove affected clothing as rapidly as possible only if not stuck to
Contact may cause severe burns. Fumes may cause irritation.
Persons with potential exposure to Trimethylaluminum should not
wear contact lenses. Flush contaminated eyes with large quantities
of water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids open to ensure
complete flushing.
May cause irritation. Move exposed personnel to an
uncontaminated area quickly using self-contained breathing
apparatus. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has
stopped, apply artificial respiration. Medical assistance should be
sought immediately. Keep victim warm and quiet.