Beat me to it. Which project? The sealift ships?
Very Good. We are jacked up about 70 feet in the air in 150 ft of water servicing an oil platform. The port ship's service generator is running but has been given a stop signal and is disconnected. The starboard main gen is under test a weekly test. Normal load while not underway requires either 2 ship's service gens or one main. The vessel is 295 ft long, and we have about 15 crew and 75 contractors on board. The screen is the main screen of the Human-machine-interface and has many submenus accessible using the drop downs along the top of the screen. Track ball cursor navigation. The 30 minute 'dead man' check in isn't used very often. I am Chief Engineer and here she is in action:It's a 690 volt switchboard made by RAACI, maybe on some sort of offshore drilling support vessel?
There's status (and control of?): 4 generators, electrical buses A and B, electric motors for Port and Stbd thrusters, a crane, and leg jacking systems, stbd main deck disconnect, transformers supplying 480V mains, couple of load centers, etc.
Looks like power at that moment is being supplied by the starboard generators supplying both buses on a cross connect. Providing electricity to all but the 480V starboard switchboard and "spare". Looks like everything is humming along nicely?
They've been saying this for years on years now. Does this mean "chemtrails" is even more of a fact now compared to last year when it was established a "fact"?External Quote:the institutional denial from an obviously corrupt establishment is looking increasingly like conspiratorial fact. Many of the loose ends are getting tied off, now...a few more to go but the picture is getting clearer....we are getting sprayed....
What does he think are nozzles here? The static wicks? The flap fairings? The engine exhaust cone?
It is ALL from the hoax. This guy Baran regularly posts this stuff on Max's page and Max never tells him.
Chemtrail believers it seems are so concerned about maintaining their followings that they will allow any follower to post anything no matter how discredited or rediculous.
The entire chemtrail story is, at this point, running on the energy of people who don't care about fact-checking. They are "beyond proof" and accept anything which supports their basic presumptions without question while rejecting anything which undermines their basic assumptions without question. It's confirmation bias run wildly amok.
The entire chemtrail story is, at this point, running on the energy of people who don't care about fact-checking. They are "beyond proof" and accept anything which supports their basic presumptions without question while rejecting anything which undermines their basic assumptions without question. It's confirmation bias run wildly amok.
Or brand new converts on fire for the cause.
I don't get this. It seems to be Tankerenemy exposing the way random incidents are faked by chemtrail activists (oh the irony) which discredits the "researchers" who fall for it and distract from the real game. (Irony overload).
Then Max falls for it again in a different post, which was talked about here in August. Did I mention this is ironic?
Here is Max's FB post.
Ben Emlyn-Jones shared a link.
6 hours ago A major diplomatic incident has broken out after the interception of two aircraft over India and Nigeria...
HPANWO Voice: Chemtrail Planes Captured
Max Bliss likes this.
Max BlissWould like to know more about this reminds me of an earlier incident in both Nigeria and India ? Also the base ....
3 hours ago · 1
Ben Emlyn-JonesYes definitely, Max. I'll send them an email, although the reply will be something like: "Details of air operations are classified... etc"
3 hours ago
andExternal Quote:Eisen says he asked him: "Do you think these are natural?" To which Monckton replied, yes, completely and that his air monitoring system in Scotland had given him no reason to think that anything was being put into the air. Hang on. What about all the evidence from around the globe that shows heavy metals listed on geoengineering patents are being put into the air? Monckton says he wants peer-reviewed evidence before he accepts anything as real – and for everyone to go back to sleep?
So Monckton was seen as a disinfo agent of tptb.....External Quote:"I believe Lord Monckton's role is that of controlled opposition and I hope that others confront him with posters of chemtrails or other images related to weather modification technology, as I did as he tours New Zealand this month, and help shed further light on this issue," offers Eisen.
In Conversation with Max BlissExternal Quote:Many thanks to Jonathan Adams and Pentos TV, I was very tired having not slept for a few nights but I am very happy with this interview, well done Jonathan and thank you.
We're pleased to announce the launch of the new free content section of Pentos TV. First up, an interview with passionate chemtrail campaigner Max Bliss
Max is on the telly. Sort of.
In Conversation with Max BlissExternal Quote:Many thanks to Jonathan Adams and Pentos TV, I was very tired having not slept for a few nights but I am very happy with this interview, well done Jonathan and thank you.
We're pleased to announce the launch of the new free content section of Pentos TV. First up, an interview with passionate chemtrail campaigner Max Bliss ( Quote:" We ARE of course GEOEGINEERING the PLANET on a DAILY basis NOW."
Julian Savulescu is a co-director on the Oxford Geoengineering Program. He has no apparent background in Climate science but appears to be a protagonist for Transhumanism, with a perchance for " GREENWASHING" controversial and morally challenging issues. He helped to initiate the EU ENHANCE project and there is much more to come on this dark character, whose wages are paid for by tax payers. There is much going on that we are not consulted on and only partially made aware of.... Do You Consent?
Bottom of Blog for screen shot...please share to help others become aware.
He states " ...we ARE of course GEOENGINEERING the PLANET on a DAILY basis now." ( Quote:It should be noted that geoengineering is a widely heterogeneous field and it is likely that the operation of normal patent regulations in some areas (such as, for example, biochar)
.we ARE of course GEOENGINEERING the PLANET on a DAILY basis now."
and deforestation, and all the rest.Isn't this also a reference to greenhouse gas emissions?