Max Bliss debates chemtrails

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I think it's a boat. Too much port and starboard. And I saw the word shore... And the HP is too low on the thrusters to be a train. I was asking if he had a sleep button on the boat too.
It's a 690 volt switchboard made by RAACI, maybe on some sort of offshore drilling support vessel?

There's status (and control of?): 4 generators, electrical buses A and B, electric motors for Port and Stbd thrusters, a crane, and leg jacking systems, stbd main deck disconnect, transformers supplying 480V mains, couple of load centers, etc.

Looks like power at that moment is being supplied by the starboard generators supplying both buses on a cross connect. Providing electricity to all but the 480V starboard switchboard and "spare". Looks like everything is humming along nicely?
It's a 690 volt switchboard made by RAACI, maybe on some sort of offshore drilling support vessel?

There's status (and control of?): 4 generators, electrical buses A and B, electric motors for Port and Stbd thrusters, a crane, and leg jacking systems, stbd main deck disconnect, transformers supplying 480V mains, couple of load centers, etc.

Looks like power at that moment is being supplied by the starboard generators supplying both buses on a cross connect. Providing electricity to all but the 480V starboard switchboard and "spare". Looks like everything is humming along nicely?
Very Good. We are jacked up about 70 feet in the air in 150 ft of water servicing an oil platform. The port ship's service generator is running but has been given a stop signal and is disconnected. The starboard main gen is under test a weekly test. Normal load while not underway requires either 2 ship's service gens or one main. The vessel is 295 ft long, and we have about 15 crew and 75 contractors on board. The screen is the main screen of the Human-machine-interface and has many submenus accessible using the drop downs along the top of the screen. Track ball cursor navigation. The 30 minute 'dead man' check in isn't used very often. I am Chief Engineer and here she is in action:

Your lift boat isn't doing much work. :P Your big Cat and baby Cat on the right side are just purring practically at idle me thinks...and your left baby Cat is in Stby and running while the big Cat is shut down...
Here's a glimpse into the automation network. Not the best image, but the network has four workstations 2 below and 2 in wheelhouse and double ethernet buses for redundancy. We are classed DP-2 with 2 separate engine rooms and can operate at least half of our total system even if the other half fails totally. DP stands for dynamic positioning and we can hold any position by GPS indefinitely, or creep in any direction required. The whole system is diesel electric. This is a z-drive boat electrically driven propulsion motors with variable frequency speed control. The z-drives can azimuth to thrust in any direction, and we have a bow thruster. Legs go up/down via a gear rack and pinions on 72 synchronized hydraulic motors. We weigh about 4000 tons and the legs are 335 ft long.

Always something to do here even though she is only 1-1/2 years old. Headed back to work now.


Is Max running out of arguments or is he just becoming lazy?
His latest video is just a clip showing a jet trail with some emotional music added to the first half. The other half is silent.

And you find claims such as:
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the institutional denial from an obviously corrupt establishment is looking increasingly like conspiratorial fact. Many of the loose ends are getting tied off, now...a few more to go but the picture is getting clearer....we are getting sprayed....
They've been saying this for years on years now. Does this mean "chemtrails" is even more of a fact now compared to last year when it was established a "fact"?
How much more "fact" do we need for it to become an "ultimate" fact?

I'm not trying to find sense in Max's claims, and I don't expect to find it either. When he says "picture is getting clearer", I thought he had already reached a conclusion that "chemtrails" does exist?
No, seriously. Max's rants sound more and more like a manic self-reassurance, and less like actual arguments. I feel sort of sorry for the guy.
Like all the rest of them, Max just keeps adding more bits of supposed "evidence" to the steaming pile of BS. It HAS to just keep getting "clearer" because they apply confirmation bias to everything they see. They see "proof" everywhere they look. Yes, it's a constant exercise in self-reassurance.
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It is ALL from the hoax. This guy Baran regularly posts this stuff on Max's page and Max never tells him.

Chemtrail believers it seems are so concerned about maintaining their followings that they will allow any follower to post anything no matter how discredited or rediculous.
It is ALL from the hoax. This guy Baran regularly posts this stuff on Max's page and Max never tells him.

Chemtrail believers it seems are so concerned about maintaining their followings that they will allow any follower to post anything no matter how discredited or rediculous.

The entire chemtrail story is, at this point, running on the energy of people who don't care about fact-checking. They are "beyond proof" and accept anything which supports their basic presumptions without question while rejecting anything which undermines their basic assumptions without question. It's confirmation bias run wildly amok.
The entire chemtrail story is, at this point, running on the energy of people who don't care about fact-checking. They are "beyond proof" and accept anything which supports their basic presumptions without question while rejecting anything which undermines their basic assumptions without question. It's confirmation bias run wildly amok.

I get that impression as well from various so called "awake" groups on Facebook. There is much more conflict surrounding the subject "chemtrails" today than a couple of years ago. There are even rumours that "they" (insert random secret order here) deliberately spread "chemtrail" claims as a scheme to distract "awake" individuals from seeing the real crimes. I too get the impression that those who now remain believing in "chemtrails" are those who are "beyond proof" indeed. Most of them resort to secluded secret Facebook groups with heavy moderation of "trolls", ie. people of different opinion. They are not willing to debate with anyone.

But I guess this just follow the usual pattern of the conspiranoid mindset, when the arguments are stacked too high against you, claim that your previous belief was part of the actual conspiracy and you never have to admit being wrong.
The entire chemtrail story is, at this point, running on the energy of people who don't care about fact-checking. They are "beyond proof" and accept anything which supports their basic presumptions without question while rejecting anything which undermines their basic assumptions without question. It's confirmation bias run wildly amok.

Or brand new converts on fire for the cause.
Or brand new converts on fire for the cause.

Yes, but they still have crossed that line into being irretrievable. You can't reach them because they refuse to hear anything counter to what they have already decided is true. Any attempt only pushes them deeper down the rabbit hole because they see you as an 'evil' agent.
I don't get this. It seems to be Tankerenemy exposing the way random incidents are faked by chemtrail activists (oh the irony) which discredits the "researchers" who fall for it and distract from the real game. (Irony overload).

Then Max falls for it again in a different post, which was talked about here in August. Did I mention this is ironic?

Here is Max's FB post.

Ben Emlyn-Jones shared a link.
6 hours ago A major diplomatic incident has broken out after the interception of two aircraft over India and Nigeria...

HPANWO Voice: Chemtrail Planes Captured

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I don't get this. It seems to be Tankerenemy exposing the way random incidents are faked by chemtrail activists (oh the irony) which discredits the "researchers" who fall for it and distract from the real game. (Irony overload).

Then Max falls for it again in a different post, which was talked about here in August. Did I mention this is ironic?

Here is Max's FB post.

Ben Emlyn-Jones shared a link.
6 hours ago A major diplomatic incident has broken out after the interception of two aircraft over India and Nigeria...

HPANWO Voice: Chemtrail Planes Captured


Don't forget... Max doesn't read here- he gets his girlfriend to "monitor" us. That means he doesn't see stuff which would save him much embarrassment, like when he got hoaxed.
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"I'd like to know more about this, it reminds me of another identical incident!"...that turns out to be the hoax?
Max is getting into Freeman on the Land woo as well - I think the Red Queen is several levels above him in this rabbit hole! :/

max blis fmotl woo.jpg
Yeah Monckton has fallen foul of chemmies before by saying their hoax is rubbish - eg this interview in New Zealand - when shown pictures of contrails:

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Eisen says he asked him: "Do you think these are natural?" To which Monckton replied, yes, completely and that his air monitoring system in Scotland had given him no reason to think that anything was being put into the air. Hang on. What about all the evidence from around the globe that shows heavy metals listed on geoengineering patents are being put into the air? Monckton says he wants peer-reviewed evidence before he accepts anything as real – and for everyone to go back to sleep?

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"I believe Lord Monckton's role is that of controlled opposition and I hope that others confront him with posters of chemtrails or other images related to weather modification technology, as I did as he tours New Zealand this month, and help shed further light on this issue," offers Eisen.
So Monckton was seen as a disinfo agent of tptb.....
Poor Monckton just got a lot more work.
Not only is he attempting to debunk the vast majority of the scientific community, he also have to put up with the crazies at the other end. Talk about one-man army doing a two-front war...
I'm surprised he can spell Monckton. He didn't even come close with surreptitious. Heck, as cters are wont to say, I'm a genius and i had to look it up just to be sure! :)
It's odd to see someone ask if what we see in the sky is "natural". Of course it isn't "natural", it's man-made. On the other hand it is NORMAL and simply the result of modern aviation.
Max is on the telly. Sort of.

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Many thanks to Jonathan Adams and Pentos TV, I was very tired having not slept for a few nights but I am very happy with this interview, well done Jonathan and thank you.
We're pleased to announce the launch of the new free content section of Pentos TV. First up, an interview with passionate chemtrail campaigner Max Bliss
In Conversation with Max Bliss
Max is on the telly. Sort of.

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Many thanks to Jonathan Adams and Pentos TV, I was very tired having not slept for a few nights but I am very happy with this interview, well done Jonathan and thank you.
We're pleased to announce the launch of the new free content section of Pentos TV. First up, an interview with passionate chemtrail campaigner Max Bliss
In Conversation with Max Bliss

To be fair to Max he makes a valid pont about access to academic journals that may make it seem secretive. Buying individual articles is expensive and there is a lot to be said in favour of open source journals.

However I will add that many universities allow reading rights to researchers and he would gain access to paper journals. Also there is the British Library. I used the repository at Wetherby a great deal but they will give the public access to all the journals they hold.

I have mentioned to some chemtrailers to see if they know any student who will let them use their Athens password or even to just register at a college or uni.
Don't let Max's crocodile tears fool you for a minute. Something that is published could be secret? Hogwash. Every element of the chemtrails hoax is debunked in published journals, yet he and the rank-and-file "insitutionally deny" it all. Their actions demonstrate that they don't give a damn about published journals. They keep information secret and "institutionally deny" from others anything that they don't want them to hear.
From Max's FB page. Max, I am happy to debate you any time. Topics include, but not limited to;

1. The weight problem. Why basic aerodynamics means commercial aircraft cannot lift the weight of a contrail, much less a soup of chemicals that weigh many times more.

2. The documented increase in world air traffic and what it means for contrail formation.

3. The disconnect between Geo Engineering proposals and what is seen in the sky.

4. Logistics. Why no theory of chemtrail dispersion by commercial aircraft stands up in the real world.

5. Contrails don't persist. Says who?

Anything else related to aviation. Over to you.

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" We ARE of course GEOEGINEERING the PLANET on a DAILY basis NOW."
Julian Savulescu is a co-director on the Oxford Geoengineering Program. He has no apparent background in Climate science but appears to be a protagonist for Transhumanism, with a perchance for " GREENWASHING" controversial and morally challenging issues. He helped to initiate the EU ENHANCE project and there is much more to come on this dark character, whose wages are paid for by tax payers. There is much going on that we are not consulted on and only partially made aware of.... Do You Consent?
Bottom of Blog for screen shot...please share to help others become aware.
He states " ...we ARE of course GEOENGINEERING the PLANET on a DAILY basis now." (

And here is a quicklink to the blog post Max is upset about: (

But of course, the "geoengineering" Julian Savulescu was talking about doesn't refer to trails seen behind airliners.
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It should be noted that geoengineering is a widely heterogeneous field and it is likely that the operation of normal patent regulations in some areas (such as, for example, biochar) (

Biochar (bio-charcoal) is technically also a form of geoengineering. To real scientists the word "geoengineering" means so much more than specific methods of 'solar radiation management'.

It comes as no surprise that Max et al completely misinterpret the very word "geoengineering", as they have brainwashed themselves to make the word synonymous with "chemtrails".
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As a former researcher in the "environment" field Max is just showing hiss cable ignorance of who the stakeholders are. There are so many areas involved it is unbelievable e.g. My MSc was Environmental Economics.

Max has had a number of requests by myself for a chat and even has my home phone number. I have heard nothing yet but he feels an academic at the University of Oxford should be talking to him and treating him as a peer. I spent years of real research before been able to do that.

The offer is there Max
This post on Max's FB shows a truly disturbing descent into unreason. The comments later on in the post from others are on a par. I remember when Max simply looked up and questioned the lines in the sky. Richard Branson buying the NHS???

Max has gone down the Chemweb route. He knows exactly what he is doing and playing to his adoring fans.

More spinning from Max. Note how he doesn't provide the time that the airliner passes over as it contrails? He does provide the date as 21st November. Notice how much emphasis he puts on claiming how low it is? He has the Flight Radar 24 app on his phone/tablet so why didn't he use it? It really is a shame that his followers can't see through his deception.

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