Max and the WhistleBlower


  • External Quote:

    [*]Bobbyjoe Hollidaywell, so far found this Max maybe you can contact him & I'll keep looking .

    Al Gore Talks About Chemtrails on Ellen Show | Isn't it time they just admitted they are running a secret weather control program?
    3 hours ago · 1
    Max Bliss
    Al Gore...could he arrange a TV chat with me and him...? Bring along Bill Gates and David Keith
    3 hours ago · 1

  • My main concern with him at present is his attempts to link aero-toxic syndrome to chemtrails.

    External Quote:
    Hello friends can I request a favour please...? Can I have some volunteers to post this message on as many airlines as we can find world wide on facebook, my posting it has been blocked as spam....shame as this is a really important health message for all frequent flyers....PLEASE share this far and wide....many thanks.
    Aero-Toxic Syndrome has similar toxic effects that are reported from toxic chemtrails....simple hair analysis can establish the levels of toxic exposure to the heavy metals found in excessively high amounts in rain water analysis all around the world.....we are appealing for concerned frequent flyers to volunteer hair or finger nail samples to establish the levels of toxic exposure. Contact me" Mr Max Bliss" for Details.
    Dr Michael Mulder of the aerotoxic association confided in me in a lengthy conversation that he knew of chemtrails and he stated that they had been going on for years. However, although he stated that he would start testing for alu and barium etc...he now says it is too expensive, so he has NOT done any over the last 6 months. we have talked at least 3 times, therefore hair or finger nail samples are the way forward....I will arrange sponsorship for the PLEASE frequent flyers let us establish the facts, thank you.Simple tests can establish the facts ...would anyone want to continue poisoning themselves...? Put the UNITY back into your community and BE the change you want to see....PEACE 4 ALL
    Dr Mulder is Dutch so I am not sure if there was a language/nuance problem here. I am trying to contact Dr Susan Michaelis, who once briefed my pilots association committee on the syndrome to ascertain if she knows about this and possibly warn her of the consequences of talking to this man. Aero-toxic syndrome is still not recognised by the airlines or medical establishment and never will be if Max enters the debate.
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Max may have run into the same problems as Madison as far as FaceBook is concerned. His page has disappeared.

Some of his posting of late has been pretty extreme. He was posting graphic photos of birth deformities...
I'm looking at his FB page now. It's still there.

Seems pretty sparse, though.
That's his old one. Have a look at his Youtube. He does like his own voice ;-)

  • External Quote:

    [*]Bobbyjoe Hollidaywell, so far found this Max maybe you can contact him & I'll keep looking .

    Al Gore Talks About Chemtrails on Ellen Show | Isn't it time they just admitted they are running a secret weather control program?
    3 hours ago · 1
    Max Bliss
    Al Gore...could he arrange a TV chat with me and him...? Bring along Bill Gates and David Keith
    3 hours ago · 1

  • My main concern with him at present is his attempts to link aero-toxic syndrome to chemtrails.

    External Quote:
    Hello friends can I request a favour please...? Can I have some volunteers to post this message on as many airlines as we can find world wide on facebook, my posting it has been blocked as spam....shame as this is a really important health message for all frequent flyers....PLEASE share this far and wide....many thanks.
    Aero-Toxic Syndrome has similar toxic effects that are reported from toxic chemtrails....simple hair analysis can establish the levels of toxic exposure to the heavy metals found in excessively high amounts in rain water analysis all around the world.....we are appealing for concerned frequent flyers to volunteer hair or finger nail samples to establish the levels of toxic exposure. Contact me" Mr Max Bliss" for Details.
    Dr Michael Mulder of the aerotoxic association confided in me in a lengthy conversation that he knew of chemtrails and he stated that they had been going on for years. However, although he stated that he would start testing for alu and barium etc...he now says it is too expensive, so he has NOT done any over the last 6 months. we have talked at least 3 times, therefore hair or finger nail samples are the way forward....I will arrange sponsorship for the PLEASE frequent flyers let us establish the facts, thank you.Simple tests can establish the facts ...would anyone want to continue poisoning themselves...? Put the UNITY back into your community and BE the change you want to see....PEACE 4 ALL
    Dr Mulder is Dutch so I am not sure if there was a language/nuance problem here. I am trying to contact Dr Susan Michaelis, who once briefed my pilots association committee on the syndrome to ascertain if she knows about this and possibly warn her of the consequences of talking to this man. Aero-toxic syndrome is still not recognised by the airlines or medical establishment and never will be if Max enters the debate.

Given that Dr Mulder apparently used to fly for KLM I wonder if he is aware of what Max is claiming (especially as he confided in him)

It was the Daily Mail said he used to fly
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Air quality on most every airline aircraft I've been on is very good. The only complaint I could pose is on the BAE-146, made by the Brits. It stunk and I hated flying on it as I smelled like a muffler when I came home from a 4-day trip.

As for the article about air quality...the O2 mask they show in the picture is quite hilarious.

  • My main concern with him at present is his attempts to link aero-toxic syndrome to chemtrails.

    External Quote:
    Hello friends can I request a favour please...? Can I have some volunteers to post this message on as many airlines as we can find world wide on facebook, my posting it has been blocked as spam....shame as this is a really important health message for all frequent flyers....PLEASE share this far and wide....many thanks.
    Aero-Toxic Syndrome has similar toxic effects that are reported from toxic chemtrails....simple hair analysis can establish the levels of toxic exposure to the heavy metals found in excessively high amounts in rain water analysis all around the world.....we are appealing for concerned frequent flyers to volunteer hair or finger nail samples to establish the levels of toxic exposure. Contact me" Mr Max Bliss" for Details.
    Dr Michael Mulder of the aerotoxic association confided in me in a lengthy conversation that he knew of chemtrails and he stated that they had been going on for years. However, although he stated that he would start testing for alu and barium etc...he now says it is too expensive, so he has NOT done any over the last 6 months. we have talked at least 3 times, therefore hair or finger nail samples are the way forward....I will arrange sponsorship for the PLEASE frequent flyers let us establish the facts, thank you.Simple tests can establish the facts ...would anyone want to continue poisoning themselves...? Put the UNITY back into your community and BE the change you want to see....PEACE 4 ALL
    Dr Mulder is Dutch so I am not sure if there was a language/nuance problem here. I am trying to contact Dr Susan Michaelis, who once briefed my pilots association committee on the syndrome to ascertain if she knows about this and possibly warn her of the consequences of talking to this man. Aero-toxic syndrome is still not recognised by the airlines or medical establishment and never will be if Max enters the debate.

Max has posted a video of a phone conversation with Mulder. Mulder says, "I know about it, I agree with it, but I'm not going to incorporate it in my work at the moment." When asked by Max for advice on testing hair and fingernails for aluminum. barium, manganese and strontium, Mulder told him, "If you find the components of chemtrails in the hair, you have a direct link." The conversation was very brief (~ 1 minute) as Mulder had someone on hold and another call came in.

In this interview, Mulder says he has been involved in treating aerotoxic syndrome, and refers to Professor Mohamed Abou-Donia as a collaborator who has tested pilot's blood, but then describes a pilot being tested showing an "increase in cell death in his brain after a normal flight". That doesn't sound like a blood test to me.
Mulder also speaks of a treatment involving "nutritional supplements"

I am wondering if there is something "off" about Mulder. He is not mentioned on the website.

I haven't been able to confirm his credentials, has anyone else?

There appears to already be advertising for these nutritional supplements:

At the above link, it says:
Before he died four years ago this month, Captain Tim Lindsay, left, became so furious about a lack of industry action that he stole a cabin air filter from a Boeing 757 and sent it to Professor van Netten in Canada.
Van Netten is shown in this video but speaks only of wipe samples from a Condor airlines 757.

Here is the wikipedia overview:

I'm concerned that Mulder may not be exactly as claimed. I've seen before that people who have some higher education with a belief in chemtrails have eithr not really looked into it thoroughly, have credential problems or ulterior motives.
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then describes a pilot being tested showing an "increase in cell death in his brain after a normal flight".
How does one determine cell death in the brain?
External Quote:
then describes a pilot being tested showing an "increase in cell death in his brain after a normal flight".
How does one determine cell death in the brain?

There are a couple of proteins that are released when a brain cell dies, in sufficient quantities to be detected by a blood test. There is a similar test for heart muscle cells to detect damage from heart attacks. I've had the blood test for heart muscle damage as part of a battery of routine blood tests, not surprised there has been one developed for brain cells as well.

External Quote:
"The blood test, according to Army Col. Dallas Hack, looks for unique proteins that find their way into the blood stream from damaged brain cells. The test was able to accurately detect mild traumatic brain injury in 34 patients involved in the research, which was overseen by Col. Hack. The Army scientists say that this new test can detect proteins in a patient's simple blood sample that are specific to brain injury. That is, when the brain is injured it releases these proteins into the blood stream."

Similar tests are available to detect heart attacks since heart muscles release a specific protein, troponin, when it has experienced an ischemic event.
I have sent a message via the contact page just to make them aware of the video and their new link to chemtrails.
Mulder is mentioned here Jay

and here

Edit: The phone call seems a classic fob off to me.

I don't see him at, and don't necessarily trust zoominfo.

He is mentioned as being connected with University of Amsterdam but doesn't appear on their employee listing:

Your zoominfo link and most of the other places do speak of him flying the Fokker 70 which should have given him some experience with contrails.

I'm just not finding much professionally on this guy.....
I don't see him at, and don't necessarily trust zoominfo.

He is mentioned as being connected with University of Amsterdam but doesn't appear on their employee listing:

Your zoominfo link and most of the other places do speak of him flying the Fokker 70 which should have given him some experience with contrails.

I'm just not finding much professionally on this guy.....
I found a few documents making reference to him and is involved with a (owns) company called Aviation Medical Consult based in Bussum. He is the requesting physician for lab tests e.g.

Also he has been credited in an article

He also seems to have considerable flying experience with a list of aircraft flown in this article

Sorry for been unable quote. I was going to search the Dutch medical register but gave up.
Sorry for been unable quote. I was going to search the Dutch medical register but gave up.

He is a registered doctor, you can find him here : (you do have to fill in name + place to find him)
(the BIG is the official register for every healthcare professional in the Netherlands)

It is a public search, but I don't feel like posting his registration number here right away. I have the strong impression this person doesn't have a clue what Max is talking about, and is really only interested in the aerotoxic problem. The way he responds in the last phonecall from Max makes me think he wants to get rid of him as soon as possible no matter what and just tells him what he wants to hear.
Incredibly, Max is still claiming that 737 wing tanks carry trimethyl aluminum @2:30:

Max, I know you are watching. You have claimed that your fig bushes are damaged by chemtrails. I see the same trails you do over here in the US.
Here are my first figs of the season, tasty and delicious, and my fig bush has immaculate leaves.

Wow. Max admits he was trying to set up Mulder. Wow...

Isn't he multiplying his possible legal woes over this by asking people to distribute it? Wow...
This is exactly the reason why I was trying to warn these people about Max.

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When Dr Mulder saw the whistleblower emails, it was clear to him that the aircraft details were all made up (I'm sure the pilots here knew that instantly) and dropped Max like a hot rock. The recorded call was a fob-off because he realises that there is something very wrong with Max and doesn't want to risk being associated with him. Understandably. This is a real hoot!
When Dr Mulder saw the whistleblower emails, it was clear to him that the aircraft details were all made up (I'm sure the pilots here knew that instantly) and dropped Max like a hot rock. The recorded call was a fob-off because he realises that there is something very wrong with Max and doesn't want to risk being associated with him. Understandably. This is a real hoot!

Strangely, in the vid phone call, Mulder says: "I know about it- I agree with it..."

PS: AND: "If you find the components of chemtrails in the hair, you have a direct link."
In Australia, the following is a criminal act: "Recording or listening to a private conversation without the consent of those in the conversation. It is not an offence if the recording is necessary to protect your legal interests or to protect the public interest (such as taking a photo of a crime to help police investigations)." (Lawstuff website). Max has committed a crime. Of course, he could claim it was necessary to protect the public interest. What an interesting development.
Strangely, in the vid phone call, Mulder says: "I know about it- I agree with it..."

PS: AND: "If you find the components of chemtrails in the hair, you have a direct link."
That does sound like a fob off. He just wants rid of him. Technically the last statement he makes is correct. You find the three in higher than referenced quantities and you have a link to your claim.
That does sound like a fob off. He just wants rid of him. Technically the last statement he makes is correct. You find the three in higher than referenced quantities and you have a link to your claim.
Certainly not any "direct" link. I can't tell where Mulder comes down on the issue at all.
If you look at the http address, it says "MrMaxBliss". The old page was just "MaxBliss". He changed the name of this page, I think. His page disappeared for recently.
He may have had multiple pages. There was a guy that kept getting banned from the BP page, that had over 20 pages. He would get one banned and then come back with another one with the same name and picture. There were days that he used up 3 in one day.
Certainly not any "direct" link. I can't tell where Mulder comes down on the issue at all.
I think he is clear in his statement. I still think he was been flippant, and kind, to get rid of someone. Not everyone would be comfortable saying [..............] and you can [..................] up your [...........] and don't ring back.
If you look at the http address, it says "MrMaxBliss". The old page was just "MaxBliss". He changed the name of this page, I think. His page disappeared for recently.

Quite possible that he has had multiple pages. On this page,, he began his diatribe on May 11, 2012. Prior to that this page was devoted to a few pictures of his dog, his relaxing in a hammock watching the clouds, showing a few pictures of the flora and fauna, he seemed quite content before these postings began.

I think he is clear in his statement. I still think he was been flippant, and kind, to get rid of someone. Not everyone would be comfortable saying [..............] and you can [..................] up your [...........] and don't ring back.

Maybe, but Max seemed to indicate that he had gotten a positive reception from Mulder earlier, saying: "funny though Dr Mulder talked with me at first for over half an hour, chatting freely about chemtrails."
The doctor didn't "confirm chemtrails". He confirmed that you can detect toxins in your body by hair and fingernail samples. To say he confirmed chemtrails is another one of Max's long bows...
Please refrain from additional personal attack on Max. It's quite clear from his actions that he's not being reasonable. Debunk his claims and lets move on.
I think Max have invested way too much time, effort, money and not least reputation into his beliefs that admitting error would be a major devastation, not only to himself but for large parts of the anti-"chemtrail" movement.

I consider this to be the equivalent of what happens when priests finally lose their faith, but have built up trust from a congregation over the years. Admitting failure means you leave a large group of people in the cold, confused and likely angry for letting them down. Just look what happened to former 911 truther Charlie Veitch when he proclaimed his disassociation to the 911 truth movement. He became and outcast, hated and scorned by his former followers.

This will beyond a doubt happen to Max Bliss too, if he ever reach that point were he just cannot keep up the illusion any longer. I don't think Max will reach that point soon, but it seems like he is cracking up over this "whistleblower" blunder he made.

So in a sense I really feel for the situation Max is in right now. He will of course try all ways possible to erase the fact that he failed to spot the hoax played on him, and he refused to listen when people explained to him it looked like a hoax. That's a double blunder.
I consider this to be the equivalent of what happens when priests finally lose their faith, but have built up trust from a congregation over the years. Admitting failure means you leave a large group of people in the cold, confused and likely angry for letting them down. Just look what happened to former 911 truther Charlie Veitch when he proclaimed his disassociation to the 911 truth movement. He became and outcast, hated and scorned by his former followers.

Just look what happened to G. Edward Griffin when he dared to broach the topic of threats or his findings that ordinary commercial planes were what was making "chemtrails". Max, Peekay, Joe, Saive and many others had the same findings but none of them supported Griffin. The peer pressure when coming out of deception even just a little bit is enormous. Still, exactly that sort of "coming out" of a major figure is both a breath of fresh air and possibly a way to suck all the air out of this hoax. I can only dream that some day such a figure will emerge with the temerity to overturn the chemtrails world. Generally, they make part of such a move, see the trainwreck coming and crawfish out silently.

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