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[*]Bobbyjoe Hollidaywell, so far found this Max maybe you can contact him & I'll keep looking .
Al Gore Talks About Chemtrails on Ellen Show | Isn't it time they just admitted they are running a secret weather control program?
3 hours ago · 1
Max Bliss Al Gore...could he arrange a TV chat with me and him...? Bring along Bill Gates and David Keith
3 hours ago · 1
My main concern with him at present is his attempts to link aero-toxic syndrome to chemtrails.
External Quote:Hello friends can I request a favour please...? Can I have some volunteers to post this message on as many airlines as we can find world wide on facebook, my posting it has been blocked as spam....shame as this is a really important health message for all frequent flyers....PLEASE share this far and wide....many thanks.
Aero-Toxic Syndrome has similar toxic effects that are reported from toxic chemtrails....simple hair analysis can establish the levels of toxic exposure to the heavy metals found in excessively high amounts in rain water analysis all around the world.....we are appealing for concerned frequent flyers to volunteer hair or finger nail samples to establish the levels of toxic exposure. Contact me" Mr Max Bliss" for Details.
Dr Michael Mulder of the aerotoxic association confided in me in a lengthy conversation that he knew of chemtrails and he stated that they had been going on for years. However, although he stated that he would start testing for alu and barium etc...he now says it is too expensive, so he has NOT done any over the last 6 months. we have talked at least 3 times, therefore hair or finger nail samples are the way forward....I will arrange sponsorship for the PLEASE frequent flyers let us establish the facts, thank you.Simple tests can establish the facts ...would anyone want to continue poisoning themselves...? Put the UNITY back into your community and BE the change you want to see....PEACE 4 ALL
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