As expected, Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch is claiming that the path of hurricane Harvey was manipulated, at
10:00 in this video.
External Quote:
9:57 be to all of us now that we have
9:59 hurricane Harvey wreaking havoc along
10:01 the Gulf Coast I want her backtrack to
10:03 how many programs have I brought up the
10:07 fact that we are in a 12 year major
10:09 hurricane drought starting to look
10:12 pretty bad for the United States when
10:14 the rest of the world other governments
10:15 around the globe know exactly what the
10:17 United States is doing that they were
10:19 blocking major impacts from the US well
10:21 not only allowing but perhaps fueling
10:23 major impacts in other countries and for
10:25 those who think such mass scale
10:27 manipulation is not possible you have
10:29 not done your research the weather
10:31 system is much more malleable than most
10:33 people understand or realize and this is
10:37 documented with
10:38 historical precedent with weather
10:40 modification programs like project
10:42 Stormfury to manipulate cyclones and
10:46 when we have now after such a long
10:50 period when the power structure needs to
10:53 break that drought we have a minimal
10:57 category three hurricane coming ashore
10:59 and putting a halt to the increasingly
11:02 suspicious twelve year major hurricane
11:05 landfall drought in the US what other
11:07 agendas are part of the ongoing right
11:10 now hurricane Harvey scenario the path
11:15 that the hurricane was projected to take
11:18 is truly astounding in fact by the
11:20 Weather Channel it was called
11:22 historically unprecedented astounding
11:24 miraculous they put a lot of adjectives
11:26 on that this is not a natural track and
11:30 when we have this just like we had with
11:32 hurricane sandy when they can't predict
11:34 often a few hours ahead of time just
11:36 like with hurricane sandy how did they
11:38 know seven days ahead of time that it
11:40 was going to take an unprecedented
11:41 westerly turn where it did say now that
11:45 they know that this hurricane is going
11:46 to go inland backtrack go right back
11:49 offshore hit another target further down
11:51 in Louisiana it tracks across most of
11:54 the extremely warm Gulf of Mexico
11:57 without really strengthening until right
11:59 before landfall when it goes up to
12:01 category three breaks the twelve year
12:03 drought it's going to drop lots and lots
12:05 of rain yes it will have to see on the
12:07 damage I'm doing do two I'll do a full
12:09 summary next week when all the final
12:12 assessments are in but the bottom line
12:15 is this is nothing short of weather
12:17 warfare period and that doesn't mean
12:20 that without climate engineering we
12:22 wouldn't have cyclones of course we
12:24 would have cyclones in fact they'll be
12:25 worse than ever because the planet is
12:26 warming radically and rapidly but when
12:30 something is manipulated when a weather
12:32 event is manipulated in fact when the
12:34 entire global climate system is being
12:36 manipulated and decimated at the same
12:38 time how can we consider anything
12:40 natural at that point and when we know
12:42 that the weather makers have the power
12:45 to eliminate or suppress the hurricane
12:49 this is patented technology and they
12:52 at minimum allow it to spin up and hit
12:54 word did or decide where it hits who
12:57 gave the weather makers the right to
13:00 make such decisions?
Dane paints a rather confusing picture of the reasons for wanting to steer Harvey. He first claims that all the other countries in the world know exactly what the US is doing, but that it's getting suspicious as there has been a "12 year drought" on major Hurricanes making landfall. So this was an event that's suspicious because it looks normal?
By 12 years he's probably referring to Katrina in 2005, causing $100 billion in damage. But it's not like there's been nothing since then. Hurricane Ike in 2008 caused $37.5B, Irene in 2011 cost $16B. And the other storm he mentioned, Sandy, cost $75 billion, in 2012. There have been others.
And if you look back over the history of hurricanes this century, it's just normal variation.
In fact, if anything the 2004/2005 spike was the anomaly - two very heavy back to back years like that has not happened in the historical record. The frequency since then has been pretty normal.
But how exactly did weather forecasters predict the path the hurricane would take so accurately? They just
forecast the weather. They record data from weather stations and satellites, they plug it into computer models that have been refined over decades, and they see what the computer predicts. In this case the computer predicted that Harvey would stall over Houston after making landfall on August 25th.
Hurricanes move based on what the high level (25,000 to 50,000 ft) winds are doing. Hurricanes generally are born from the tropical trade winds moving west, and then move north and eventually are picked up by the westerlies heading east. In this case there was a bit of a dead zone, meaning Harvey has very little upper air wind operating on it.,28.46,1640/loc=-92.618,31.745
Look at the big picture.