She speaks of "infra"sonic undulation, then "sonic" undulation. Infrasonic means below the frequency of sound, and sonic is within the frequency of sound.
So far as I know, no one heard any of these sounds, and I don't know of any physical way that sounds can influence clouds in the sky. I just went out and shouted at the sky. Nothing happened. If sounds were able to cause clouds to undulate, why ddn't anyone hear these sounds?
The "dumps" she points out don't look like anything being dumped, they look lke convective cells of rising air making clouds brighter than the surounding clouds.
These are an odinary occurrence around hurricanes and are commonly known as "thunderstorms", fairly common.
I think she is just making stuff up.
The "Reverend" Michele sees herself as quite important:
View attachment 998
She is asking for attention, and gving it might simply be feeding the beast.