The "relatively small text files" here are what I've been trying to get out of Fugal for a couple of months. Worth a separate thread when I do the actual analysis, but basically, they did an experiment dropping bottles with GPS trackers out of a helicopter over the wormhole (!) and then claimed the results showed the bottles bouncing off something.Fugal shares the opinion of being open with the data. In contrast, it's interesting to see how what he said then, two years ago, appears now—being unwilling to share even relatively small text files. However, I think Fugal's being honest, or at least genuinely believes he has convincing evidence, even though most of us can see that the evidence is pretty poor.
You can see there does not seem to be a real bounce there from the TV shots, but the actual data would make it very clear.
An abridged version of this segment is found here:
Here's the end result
The Yellow line is just the helicopter. The blue line is one bottle track, with (expected) altitude errors initially separating it from the yellow (vertically), then the toss-out and descent.
I've asked Brandon if he'll release the data (around 1MB in two NMEA formatted text files) he has not refused, but has not released them either. What I would do with that data is put it into Sitrec make a 3D visualization simular to the above, but animated, with graphs for velocity and acceleration which would show any "bounce" or unusual invisible force (other than the wind)
Brandon does seem to be a true believer, as do most of the cast of the show. I think @sgreenstreet agrees with this.
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