I have been following this thread for a while, and this thought keeps disturbing me.
If Fontus is as magical as their IGG claims, the technology could save millions of lives in the US and abroad. The children being exposed to toxic water in Flint, Michigan could drink water that wouldn't poison them. Homeless people would have clean water to drink. Poor families in apartments with uncaring landlords could hydrate themselves. Families in developing countries could grow food, stay hygenic and drink water, saving millions. Doctors Without Borders could have clean water for washing and distributing formula to babies.
According to Fontus, this technology is available (?) and/or not available (?!) but accessible in the future (I might be confused, but it sounds like it's Schrodinger's water bottle to me...).
Now, with this incredible technology, the answer to major problems the world over, what does Fontus do?
Crowdfunding. Marketing an expensive item to people who have a fairly expensive hobby: biking. They could go straight to an organization with clout and some funds, like UNICEF or even the UN, and say "hey, we know how to do this but we need some help, it would save lives", get the product created and the tech down, manufacture it for needy people (for a slight profit) and THEN market it to cyclists and backpackers, using the profits to manufacture, but instead they go for the crowdfunding. I just don't get it.
IFLScience should change their name for endorsing this thing, too.