Debunked: Obamacare RFID Chip Implant Law Hoax

Mick, I think this thread has been debunked. One more false flag event like 9/11 and all the sudden this chip will be mandatory for the security of the people of the United States. If you do not take this chip, then you will be labeled a terrorist and sent off to one of these FEMA camps that are already ready for the task at hand. This bill was the final nail in the coffin that carries what we once knew as liberty.
This thread debunks the idea that Obamacare makes RFID implants mandatory.

The idea that the government might make them mandatory if there's another 9/11 is pure speculation.
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.

Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.

Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.

Totally different.

I don't think it is that different. Mandate is a mandate. They can mandate vaccinations and it is something injected in the body and way worse.
I don't think it is that different. Mandate is a mandate. They can mandate vaccinations and it is something injected in the body and way worse.

So, you think that mandating that there be a national registry of hip implants is the same as mandating everyone have a hip implant?
This thread debunks the idea that Obamacare makes RFID implants mandatory.

The idea that the government might make them mandatory if there's another 9/11 is pure speculation.

It's fascinating to see some of the comments on this. Maybe part of the issue is with the word 'mandatory'. I think a large of amount of Americans don't like being told what to do by the feds, and they're right not to like it. No-one likes being told what to do.

It's obvious you're right - it's not mandatory to have a chip implanted under 'Obamacare', the law says that everyone is required to have medical insurance, which is a bit different. But I imagine that seems a bit 'un-American' to a lot of Americans - being told something so basic is now 'mandatory' - there's a serious aversion to that type of talk. It appears 'socialistic' or 'communist'.

comments like Unreg above

I don't think it is that different. Mandate is a mandate. They can mandate vaccinations and it is something injected in the body and way worse.

indicate a real concern; deep, entrenched...
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.

Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.

Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.

Totally different.

"Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world."
"Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world."

Of course they exist, nobody ever denied that. Anyone who has a dog or a cat knows they exist.

But nobody makes them mandatory. Your first video was a guy who did it for fun. The second is the manufacturer Verichip trying to sell the idea. Neither are anything to do with anything being mandatory.
They don't name the chip as 'RFID chip', but as 'class II device'. (Check in description all the links)

I think you did not read the first post in this thread. A "class II device" covers thousands of devices.

But the biggest misunderstanding is failing to notice that the bill DOES NOT MANDATE ANYTHING BEING IMPLANTED.

Really, it does not. Read it. Read the explanation in the first post. It just mandates that there be a national registry, so they can keep track of how safe thousands of different medical devices are.
Mumbling guy got a point about being it too vague:

There's nothing wrong with NDAA, CISPA, SOPA, ACTA, and now PPACA being shoved into our faces all around the same time. Nothing fishy at all... other than millions of people around the globe claiming these to be unconstitutional. "war on terror" lmao

Don't be naive lil Mick, you trust your government way too much. It's not like they ever lied to us... right?
I don't trust the government. I think there's a lot of corruption in the government.

But there's ZERO evidence of a mandatory rfid chip implant program, and the Obamacare bill says nothing at all about such a thing.
It doesn't say that everyone has to have an implanted device. That's really the key point - not if it passed or not.

It simply establishes a registry. It's mostly for stuff like pacemakers.

honestly even if it starts off being non compulsory it will be much easier for leadership to change the legislation once the law has been passed. This does not mean it will change to being compulsory, but it is far more likely.
Not sure if this went through before, but honestly I think even if the implant was passed but not made mandatory there could still be a problem. Once the legislation passes it will be far easier for government to change the law and make the chip compulsory. Even if the idea does not process, there will more than likely be a plan to bring it in in the near future.
This chip your talking about is used in Europe for a long time.Its nothing new.
My wife is a Intensive care nurse and says it been used for reading info of a device like a pacemaker or so.

Nobody is controlled here i can tell you ; )

People are reading the bill how they like to read it.
But one with a sane mind knows that its just a medical thing.

Extreme religious people and anti Obama people are just using it for there cause.

Let them be.
They will see in a year there is nothing to worry about.
You sited a wiki article on what a Class II Medical Implant Device is. Here is a link to the FDA site that explains exactly what a Class II device is. You had posted that it could be a pacemaker and may not actually be implanted. It's pretty clear that the implant is NOT a pacemaker but is an implantable RFID chip that will contain "patient identification and health information."
You sited a wiki article on what a Class II Medical Implant Device is. Here is a link to the FDA site that explains exactly what a Class II device is. You had posted that it could be a pacemaker and may not actually be implanted. It's pretty clear that the implant is NOT a pacemaker but is an implantable RFID chip that will contain "patient identification and health information."

You are getting things backwards.

An human implantable RFID chip IS a class II medical device.

But a class II medical device IS NOT ALWAYS (or even often) a human implantable RFID chip.

It's just a classification. Like a Toyota RAV4 is an SUV, but SUVs are not always Toyota RAV4.

A swan is a bird, but not all birds are swans.

There are thousands of different class II and class III medical devices. Now you'll note that the bill covers ALL the class III medical devices as well, so does that mean you have to have one of every class III medical devices implanted as well?

TL/DR: Bill covers thousands of devices, does not require anyone gets any of them.
Well, I see that HR 3200 was called a hoax but I have to have issue with that because they didn't pass HR 3200.....they passed HR 3962 and can be it can be found here ......Page 1501 if you scroll down. Also if you go to and you click on medical devices and in search area place RFID666, It will come up as a Class 2 device. To me this not very good debunking when even a lay person can prove that it is very much a fact. Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's hand puppet and we all know that as a fact. We know what is next.
Well, I see that HR 3200 was called a hoax but I have to have issue with that because they didn't pass HR 3200.....they passed HR 3962 and can be it can be found here ......Page 1501 if you scroll down. Also if you go to and you click on medical devices and in search area place RFID666, It will come up as a Class 2 device. To me this not very good debunking when even a lay person can prove that it is very much a fact. Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's hand puppet and we all know that as a fact. We know what is next.

The house passed HR 3962, but it did not become law as it did not reach the Senate. The law that was actually passed was HR 3590, now Public Law 111-148. If you go by HR 3962, then it's even more debunked, as it does not even mention implantable devices. In fact it specifies only class II devices that are "life-supporting or life-sustaining", which would actually EXCLUDE RFID chips.

External Quote:
9 ''(g)(1)(A) The Secretary shall establish a national10 medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as
11 the 'registry') to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety
12 and outcomes data on each covered device.
13 ''(B) In this subsection, the term 'covered device'—
14 ''(i) shall include each class III device; and
15 ''(ii) may include, as the Secretary determines
16 appropriate and specifies in regulation, a class II de-
vice that is life-supporting or life-sustaining.
And if you look up THE ACTUAL LAW that passed, there is NO mention of the registry at all.

And searching for RFID666 on the FDA site returns nothing:
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Are you really that naive....plenty of very educated and well read people have noted that the medical device is just that a micro chip that is ingested by people for whatever it is that they want to do with it. You really need to get your head out of your bias and open your mind up and out. Nazi Germany wasn't suppose to be what it was and for 6 years they pillaged and dear boy, when you live the night mare you'll be able to see the forest through the trees as I. Your Obama isn't the man you think he is, in fact if you are as clever as you think you are by "debunking" what you beleive is a lie than for once sit and connect some dots if in the morning the world was in a different state of affairs. Look around you, the cameras are in place, the banks at a moments notice can cut you off, credit is critical versus cash in hand and all are numeric. Freedom is slowly being eliminated and your life is changing more radically than you think as you have been asleep for too long. Remeber, crazy people don't think they are crazy because they have nothing to compare themselves to. Likewise, the change that has been invoked over the last two decades are not remembered nor felt by you as you have bathed in the warm pot by your surroundings which is about to boil you alive and you are totally clueless to it all.....THE CONSTITUTION HAS BEEN RE-WRITTEN by that Bstrd AND YOU SAY "It's all about DEBUNKING." He isn't about positive liberty and change, he's about alligning himself with the notion of improved wellfair.
I sorry, I really don't get what your point is. Are you even talking about the RFID chip thing? Or just a general distrust of Obama?
Every reference everyone has mentioned comes from some form of media... Why is it that people forget that other people write what is on the internet. Until you sit down and read the actual bill that passed and made it to law you don't have two shts of a clue what it really says. I could say that white is brown, brown is green and green is white, but it doesn't make it true.. Everything is written by someone else, and without looking at an actual document in your hand, you have no clue what it really says. I'm not taking either side here, but I think both sides are blind to a very large extent because everyone is going off of what they have seen on the internet... Which if you haven't figured it out yet is a source of media... Get off your rears and read the bill in paper form if you want to b**** about it or defend it, but I'm betting that none of you people have done that, and none of you will take the time to actually do it either because most of the world is too lazy to find the facts on their own any more.
I'm not taking either side here, but I think both sides are blind to a very large extent because everyone is going off of what they have seen on the internet... Which if you haven't figured it out yet is a source of media... Get off your rears and read the bill in paper form if you want to b**** about it or defend it

I think the PDF should be adequate. If there's a difference between that and the paper version then heads would roll.

Feel free to print it out though. :)
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.

Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.

Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.

Totally different.

It's only a matter of time. Law provides precedence.. Even in the military there was talk of replacing our ID(dog) tags and card with an implantable chip several years ago. There were a lot of questions and concerns (even down to location since an extremity had the possibility of being lost) but if it ever came about, we would never have a choice in it. Also, the "mandatory health care" I received while in was some of the worst care I have ever received. 14 appointments for a cavity that turned into a root canal with dental tools broken twice (3 different facilities and a half-dozen different staff). Prescriptions given that had interactions (supposed to be verified by computer system) that caused me to be hospitalized. Five month wait for a neuropsychology appointment that was deemed "crucial" for me to get. The list goes on and on. My mother has been working at a hospital in various departments (floor and administrative) and the talk of what staff/doctors/etc are going to be moving towards will cause others to be quite shocked when some of the changes go into place.. I'm all for helping and healing others, but the way that this is designed, it's fundamentally flawed.
Rfid chips are being used in certain clubs as I write this. People get them implanted so they can go straight through the door. No lines, no ID, and no worries... My opinion, this is for some DUMB ASS MOTHERFUCKERS! Perfect way to softly introduce rfid chips to the masses as a "cool and hip" thing to do.Again, DUMB! Please take your time to listen to some of David Ickes lectures on the NWO, Illuminati, One World Government, the Rothschild's, Rockefeller, and the 13 Family's. Also keyword, The Federal Reserve, Fractional Reserve Banking,The Three City States, Free Energy, Nicola Tesla, and the word "compartmentalization". I can go on and on, but I think that's a good start for anyone who seeks the TRUTH. Things aren't what they seem and it's only when YOU make the effort, will you see the other side of the story. Remember what the cops say, two sides to a story.. We get the governments side through our supposed "free" mainstream media. And the information we get is just a fraction of the story if that. The other side of the story is out there and more of it is coming to the surface every day from people within the corrupt system, who finally see the agenda they we're a part of. Free your minds from these people who don't give a damn about us. They don't care. We will never reach Utopia or Peace in this system, NEVER! In fact, this economic paradigm we live in, calls for us to strip mine the earth more and more every year, faster and faster, to achieve a vibrant economy. And at the same time we kill the earth faster and faster to obtain a fictitious commodity, aka Money.. So wait, you're telling me that we need to destroy our home, earth, in order to make more money? Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me! As they all say, (the people in denial), "Oh, that's progress mate." I reply with something like, " if we keep turning living things into dead things, and call that economic growth, these will look like the good ol' days."
Expand your minds, remember why we are here! Stop letting the fear consume you, emanate LOVE. We are consciousness having an experience, as is above so is below.
I've already wasted some of my life looking at some of David Icke's ramblings - if that is what you consider proof of anything then I hope you recover some day.
You may have "looked" at Ickes lectures, but idk if you listened.. Im by no means saying all he says is true, but he is very easy to understand and a good place to start. Do fact checks on what he says. Most of the info can be validated if YOU actually do the leg work. If David Icke is a little much, look up Mike Ruppert.. he deals with conspiracy FACT , not conspiracy theory. He will fuck your head up. We have to stop going after each other and go after the true criminals..
You may have "looked" at Ickes lectures, but idk if you listened.. Im by no means saying all he says is true, but he is very easy to understand and a good place to start. Do fact checks on what he says. Most of the info can be validated if YOU actually do the leg work. If David Icke is a little much, look up Mike Ruppert.. he deals with conspiracy FACT , not conspiracy theory. He will fuck your head up. We have to stop going after each other and go after the true criminals..

If it's all so easy to validate, then why is nobody in the entire world running their house, or car, or cellphone, on free energy?
Ruppert no more deals with facts than most conspiracy nutcases - and having read much of his stuff certainly did my head in - because reading too much stpidity burns. Peak oil he may have a point with - the rest is nonsense.
Its not a hoax you derp it was included in 3200 only some vigilant souls intervening got it removed.

They reluctantly took it out but once they bring US to its knees financially it will be very easy to get the majority to succumb to the language again.
Its not a hoax you derp it was included in 3200 only some vigilant souls intervening got it removed.

They reluctantly took it out but once they bring US to its knees financially it will be very easy to get the majority to succumb to the language again.

But the language NEVER said anything about mandatory implants. THAT is what the hoax is about.
I have three nurses who work for doctors offices in my family, all of them are now talking about the conversion of the medical records that are taking place in the offices. Don't care what snopes says its wrong.
I have three nurses who work for doctors offices in my family, all of them are now talking about the conversion of the medical records that are taking place in the offices. Don't care what snopes says its wrong.
What do they say about mandatory RFID chips?
I have three nurses who work for doctors offices in my family, all of them are now talking about the conversion of the medical records that are taking place in the offices. Don't care what snopes says its wrong.

You mean the conversion from paper records to electronic records? Welcome to the 21st century. I'm guessing your relatives are probably talking about what a pain in the arse all that data entry is. While there's always potential for abuse in any system, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being unconscious in an accident while out of town, the docs working on you having remote access to your medical records could be the difference between life and death. Not talking about chips or anything, just simply providing a secure way for peoples medical records to be available "online" to doctors no matter where you happen to be at the time. For people who frequently travel or move, electronic health records will be a real convenience. Identifying and responding rapidly to possible epidemics is another benefit of electronic record keeping.

HealthIT Regulations and Guidance

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act provides HHS with the authority to promulgate regulations and guidance to support the development of an interoperable, private and secure nationwide health information technology infrastructure.

Key Features of the Affordable Care Act, By Year

Reducing Paperwork and Administrative Costs. Health care remains one of the few industries that relies on paper records. The new law will institute a series of changes to standardize billing and requires health plans to begin adopting and implementing rules for the secure, confidential, electronic exchange of health information. Using electronic health records will reduce paperwork and administrative burdens, cut costs, reduce medical errors and most importantly, improve the quality of care. First regulation effective October 1, 2012.

Then again, if those records ever fell into the hands of Dr. Evil...
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I really can't see any benefit to the evil illuminati to make microchips mandatory. It's going to be far easier to simply use biometrics that can be read at a distance.

Mick Have you watched the interview of Aaron Russo about RFID? If you know who the Rockefellers are then You probably know that they pretty much run the pharmaceutical industry. You also may know that they are t a major player when it comes to influence in American politics. You may also know that the people who control our Country's money is the Federal Reserve. A private bank which the Rockerfellers have their hand in... When you watch the interview then you will see why these elite may want to RFID CHIP everyone!

But the question is why they would do it where there are better alternatives with biometrics?

(And don't forget the thread is really about debunking the bill, which did not mandate chips, and did not become law).
Maybe none of you are aware of the fact that medical devices have been registered and kept track of for a while.... Officially since 2007, but also long before that.....

They don't just implant a device and forget about it, all implants (whether they are artificial {pacemaker, hip implant} or biological {organs, tissues}) are kept track of on a national level via serial numbers and patient information.

"The Unique Device Identification (UDI) System is intended to assign a unique identifier to medical devices within the United States. It was signed into law on September 27, 2007, as part of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007."
(quoted from the above links homepage)

This is why I am confused, why are they proposing a law or program that is already in place??? Sounds to me that they do have something sinister up their sleeve, I just don't know what... Either that, or they just love wasting our tax dollars on redundancy.