What?! 'Evil illuminati'? Where did that come from?
It's a comment on the theories of people like Kte1313, above.
What?! 'Evil illuminati'? Where did that come from?
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.
Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.
Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.
Totally different.
I don't think it is that different. Mandate is a mandate. They can mandate vaccinations and it is something injected in the body and way worse.
This thread debunks the idea that Obamacare makes RFID implants mandatory.
The idea that the government might make them mandatory if there's another 9/11 is pure speculation.
I don't think it is that different. Mandate is a mandate. They can mandate vaccinations and it is something injected in the body and way worse.
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.
Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.
Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.
Totally different.
"Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world."
They don't name the chip as 'RFID chip', but as 'class II device'.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYOpgCPiJ3o&feature=plcp (Check in description all the links)
It doesn't say that everyone has to have an implanted device. That's really the key point - not if it passed or not.
It simply establishes a registry. It's mostly for stuff like pacemakers.
You sited a wiki article on what a Class II Medical Implant Device is. Here is a link to the FDA site that explains exactly what a Class II device is. You had posted that it could be a pacemaker and may not actually be implanted. It's pretty clear that the implant is NOT a pacemaker but is an implantable RFID chip that will contain "patient identification and health information."
Well, I see that HR 3200 was called a hoax but I have to have issue with that because they didn't pass HR 3200.....they passed HR 3962 and can be it can be found here http://housedocs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf ......Page 1501 if you scroll down. Also if you go to www.FDA.gov and you click on medical devices and in search area place RFID666, It will come up as a Class 2 device. To me this not very good debunking when even a lay person can prove that it is very much a fact. Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's hand puppet and we all know that as a fact. We know what is next.
And if you look up THE ACTUAL LAW that passed, there is NO mention of the registry at all.External Quote:9 ''(g)(1)(A) The Secretary shall establish a national10 medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as
11 the 'registry') to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety
12 and outcomes data on each covered device.
13 ''(B) In this subsection, the term 'covered device'—
14 ''(i) shall include each class III device; and
15 ''(ii) may include, as the Secretary determines
16 appropriate and specifies in regulation, a class II de-
vice that is life-supporting or life-sustaining.
Are you really that naive....I agree with unregistered.
People just believe what they want to believe so please go on believing that the "CHIP" is good for you dont come crying when it is toooooooo LATE
I'm not taking either side here, but I think both sides are blind to a very large extent because everyone is going off of what they have seen on the internet... Which if you haven't figured it out yet is a source of media... Get off your rears and read the bill in paper form if you want to b**** about it or defend it
It's hardly the same thing. Requiring people to buy health insurance is far far removed from requiring people to have a chip implanted in their bodies.
Mandatory health care is supported by 50% of the US population, and is a standard and welcome public service in most developed countries.
Mandatory chips are supported by nobody. Nobody uses them anywhere in the world.
Totally different.
You may have "looked" at Ickes lectures, but idk if you listened.. Im by no means saying all he says is true, but he is very easy to understand and a good place to start. Do fact checks on what he says. Most of the info can be validated if YOU actually do the leg work. If David Icke is a little much, look up Mike Ruppert.. he deals with conspiracy FACT , not conspiracy theory. He will fuck your head up. We have to stop going after each other and go after the true criminals..
Its not a hoax you derp it was included in 3200 only some vigilant souls intervening got it removed.
They reluctantly took it out but once they bring US to its knees financially it will be very easy to get the majority to succumb to the language again.
What do they say about mandatory RFID chips?I have three nurses who work for doctors offices in my family, all of them are now talking about the conversion of the medical records that are taking place in the offices. Don't care what snopes says its wrong.
I have three nurses who work for doctors offices in my family, all of them are now talking about the conversion of the medical records that are taking place in the offices. Don't care what snopes says its wrong.
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act provides HHS with the authority to promulgate regulations and guidance to support the development of an interoperable, private and secure nationwide health information technology infrastructure.
Reducing Paperwork and Administrative Costs. Health care remains one of the few industries that relies on paper records. The new law will institute a series of changes to standardize billing and requires health plans to begin adopting and implementing rules for the secure, confidential, electronic exchange of health information. Using electronic health records will reduce paperwork and administrative burdens, cut costs, reduce medical errors and most importantly, improve the quality of care. First regulation effective October 1, 2012.
I really can't see any benefit to the evil illuminati to make microchips mandatory. It's going to be far easier to simply use biometrics that can be read at a distance.