Debunked: Biden's Oval Office "Coming Apart at the Seams" [It's a Door]


Senior Member.
A rather silly one doing the rounds is the claim that the fake Oval Office set is coming apart. Just one example.



Of course it is just one of the concealed doors in the Oval Office. The door is slightly open and the gap is just the hinge side.

Short video of a child pointing out the same hidden door during Obama Presidency.


Concealed door on the other side of the fireplace.

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 09: Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen looks on as President Joe Biden meets with business leaders about the critical need for the American Rescue Plan in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021. Attending the meeting are Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Tom Donohue, CEO at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart, Sonia Syngal, President and CEO of Gap, Inc. and Marvin Ellison, President and CEO of Lowe's Companies, Inc. (Photo by Pete Marovich/Pool/Getty Images)

Seriously, they go to all the trouble of having a concealed door and then they put a big brass doorknob there? Haven't they ever seen Scooby-Doo? You're meant to tilt a statue, or press a section of bookcase or something!
I couldn't help but think of this old Batman show device after reading your post. Maybe that is why Biden has the Cesar Chavez bust right behind his desk.


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So, uh, I completely don't understand this entire "fake Oval Office" thing. Why wouldn't they be able to use the....actual Oval Office, even if there was an illegitimate "fake" president? Trump isn't using it right now. He lives in Florida. The room would otherwise be unoccupied. I've sorted through a lot of conspiracy theories in my day and can usually figure out how they think it makes sense, but I can't figure this one out at all.
So, uh, I completely don't understand this entire "fake Oval Office" thing. Why wouldn't they be able to use the....actual Oval Office, even if there was an illegitimate "fake" president?
I would say that most Trump supporters do believe that Biden is the president but that his election was based on fraud and therefore his presidency is illegitimate. Other QAnon-oriented folks, those that believe the most b*tsh*t conspiracy theories, are convinced not only that the presidency of Joe Biden is totally illegitimate but that he doesn't actually hold any presidential power at all and that Trump is still the president and/or the U.S. military is in control of the executive power. According to them, Biden and his administration are using movie sets, actors and even body-doubles.

Going further down the rabbit hole I found that some of them believe that several prominent people of the establishment are either dead or imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. This includes Biden, Obama, the Clintons, the Bush brothers and celebrities like Lady Gaga and Tom Hanks. Apparently, Trump is finally purging the swamp and he will victoriously return as the legitimate president on March 4th.

Yes, this is delusion, plain and simple. It is a coping process for the utter failure of numerous theories that Q-accounts peddled that made Trump appear like a god-emperor on a mission from Jesus Christ himself. They have invested way too much of their time and heart to the Q-cause to just make a 180° turn to sanity. So the above theories give them hope. It is a cult.
or it's just a way to keep making money... and only like 50 people in the US believe this fake oval office thing.

the article in the Op is removed from the website. which is strange. it looks like he started writing hardcore politics spring of last year, so it is possible he is escalating quickly and the authorities should probably be watching him.

Indisputably, I'm a whore. I'll write just about anything if you pay me.
and only like 50 people in the US believe this fake oval office thing
I doubt it. We saw during the 2020 election process just how widespread the QAnon phenomenon was. Perhaps the media is over-reporting it, giving it the impression it is more important than it actually is, but QAnon accounts, and the videos they post, generally draw thousands of people. Though, of course, a wise user told me not so long ago that YouTube comments shouldn't be used for reference purposes.
I doubt it. We saw during the 2020 election process just how widespread the QAnon phenomenon was. Perhaps the media is over-reporting it, giving it the impression it is more important than it actually is, but QAnon accounts, and the videos they post, generally draw thousands of people. Though, of course, a wise user told me not so long ago that YouTube comments shouldn't be used for reference purposes.

cnn is pushing that it is a truely fringe movement, although personally i think 10% "liking" q-anon is alot of people
Less than 10% of Americans like QAnon

but my point is that a "Fake oval office", i am guessing is too silly even for most q-anon supporters. I see it as a difference between "the earth is flat" and "the earth is flat and lizard people live in the earth". But that's just my opinion of course.
I see it as a difference between "the earth is flat" and "the earth is flat and lizard people live in the earth". But that's just my opinion of course.

Which one are you claiming is crazier? It seems to me that lizard people living in the Earth is more likely than the Earth being flat.
Which one are you claiming is crazier? It seems to me that lizard people living in the Earth is more likely than the Earth being flat.
The chance for both is zero; which means that neither is more likely than the other.

You can believe the Earth is flat if you lack the means and the inclination to observe the evidence to the contrary (that is a low bar since Egyptians and Greeks managed this more than 2 millenia ago), which under the circumstances may be a reasonable belief. As such, it has historical precedents.

Lizard people has never been a reasonable belief.
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I'm waiting to see where the goalposts get moved to,
after Trump does not magically return to the White House on March 4th.

History suggests that some portion of the QAnon zealots will feel
betrayed...but that most (unwilling to admit that they've fallen for a scam)
will probably just say "No, the real event will happen on _______ 2021, when Trump finally unleashes 'The Storm'."

I find it hilarious that, of all the people that one could imagine is
secretly battling the forces of pedophilia, satanism, and cannibalism, etc,. behind the scenes...they'd choose probably the laziest politician
in American history! A man who set a new (lowest) standard of presidential inactivity (that would make Calvin Coolidge look like a workaholic), watching Fox & Friends, etc., and barely showing up to the few select events that he enjoyed...before losing the election and doing
virtually nothing presidential for the last 2+ months of the term...
Though somewhat harder to disprove than Flat Earth, I'd think.
That's not the point. Coming up with the idea in the first place when there is absolutely zero evidence of it is the irrational part. At least Earth is almost flat locally, but we don't almost have lizard people.
That's not the point. Coming up with the idea in the first place when there is absolutely zero evidence of it is the irrational part. At least Earth is almost flat locally, but we don't almost have lizard people.
I should perhaps elaborate on that a little.

Obviously most people who believe in the lizard conspiracy, or believe that Biden isn't really the POTUS, didn't come up with that idea on their own. It is suggested by others who created a skewed view of the world for their own purposes (see's-analysis-of-qanon.11509/ for a more detailed analysis of that idea), be it QAnon or L Ron Hubbard; they're profitting off it.

Like all good con men, they get their marks to trust them; and that trust makes the marks want to rationalize otherwise irrational beliefs, e.g. that the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, or that the offer to good to be true actually is true -- or that "the mainstream" covers up huge conspiracies. To anyone outside this bubble, it looks like they've been brainwashed.

Be careful who you trust; otherwise you may one day find yourself in the midst of an insurrection thinking that the President of your country will avert the inevitable consequences. Like the mark who "bought" the Brooklyn Bridge, you'll likely find your hopes dashed, and yourself worse off than you were before.
Obviously most people who believe in the lizard conspiracy, or believe that Biden isn't really the POTUS, didn't come up with that idea on their own. It is suggested by others who created a skewed view of the world for their own purposes

most people didnt come up with the Earth is Flat or the "oval office looks fake" idea on their own either. 99% of them all got it off of Facebook or Youtube. another .87% got it off of other websites.

That's not the point.
and it is the point. you said "the chance for both is zero". You can prove the earth is not flat. you cannot prove lizard people don't exist.

I agree with Amber, lizard people are more reasonable than Flat Earth.

(of course my original point was subsets of subsets, being small numbers of people.)