I now have what very much looks like a genuine inside source for the covert chemtrailing operation. I have a lot of new information and will be disseminating everything possible, whilst still protecting my informant. How effective is the network for exposing this crucial information and how well informed of the dangers, to health and environment is your group? It will be crucial to be able to inform a shocked public of the full implementations of this covert spraying program. Global warming/climate change is relatively easy to explain and the subsequent fraud cover of geoengineering solution. GMO alu resist seed and tree stock already prepared now. Food prices set to soar as toxic tipping point approaches amid institutional denial from establishment. Compartmentalization means that only the very top may have a true understanding of the plan. The great cull is real, men's sperm count is already down 33% in just 16 years, disease and illnessesassociated with the toxic sprays, exponentially increased. All plants and trees already showing toxic overload and immune system breakdown. Aforestation and reforestation mentioned as part of the SRM model. Many laws and regualtions broken by airlines for CAA, JAA as well as governments breaking Nuremburg code...experimenting on population without consultation or consent. Others relevant laws and treaties must be understood and a dossier completed for full disclosure to lower levels of government, police and military so that the UN led, comitteee of 300/ Bilderburg group can be arrested and all connected suffer the truth being publicly understood.
Lets put the UNITY back into our community, encourage everyone to be the change they want to see....no matter how big or small, education and participation will be the turning point......PEACE 4 ALL