BunkumWhat the heck is he up to?
And testing fibers? Fibers that showed aluminum and barium? What the heck is he up to?
It's the way poor science is done - You only test things to get results that you want to find.
Barium and strontium, besides being fairly expensive, have not ever been suggested for geoengineering. There is no rhyme or reason for using them or being suspicious about their use in geoengineering.Those two elements are just chemtrails folklore.Yeah, one common bit of poor science that is done is looking for the "fingerprint" of geoengineering, which has somehow evolved to be "aluminum, barium, and strontium".
- lines 44-46External Quote:atmospheric aerosol sprays for refracting radar/radio waves, cloud seeding weather modifi- cation sprays,
- line 176-177External Quote:or due to other military uses of Ba such as radar ducting aerosols [28].
- lines 285-288External Quote:as well as creating a Ba ion atmospheric aerosol [27,28] ducting path – for enhancing/refracting radio and radar signals during military jet practise or battlefield operations.
- lines 198-309External Quote:Another possible source of Ba contamination may have stemmed from the aerial dispersal of Ba based aerosols – such as the barium strontium titanate compounds used for enhancing radar/radio wave transmission [28] – along the flight paths of the military jet 'low flying' test zones that operate over these specific MS affected valleys in Scotland. The author recorded high levels of Ba in all of these Aberdeenshire MS cluster ecosystems, which in-cluded levels of Ba at 46 and 694 ppm in the vegetation and soils lying beneath the flight path entering the local military airbase at Lossiemouth.
lines 500-501External Quote:...military radar/radio ducting aerosols.
The first of these is is a typical chemmie claim - a patent for releasing barium from ROCKETS somehow means that it is released from aircraft - it is utterly irrelevant both to chemtrails in general, and also to the specific claims in this paper.External Quote:[27] Paine TO. NASA barium ion cloud. Patent US 3813875, Barium release system to create ion clouds in upper atmosphere. Application No.: US 1972000248761, Patent issue date, June 4th 1974.
[28] Dorsch J. Electronic news, January 11 1999.
A.C. Griffith said:"The aerosol sprayed into the atmosphere is barium salt mixture used in "Advance Radar Studies."
"It was used in the VTRPE computer model programs."
Everybody use your search engines - search for "Advanced Radar Studies." Read and study.
Try: www.metacrawler.com "Advanced Radar Studies" New doors of understanding will open for you.
Stay with "Advanced Radar Studies" until you get enough insight to begin to see into their projects. Later other project doors will open to you for further understanding.
I made absolutely no claim of accuracy of the research . . . my only point was the above cited research paper may be the source that had people connecting Barium and Strontium to the chemtrail conspiracy . . . You misinterpret my purpose. . .Jeff Dorsch wrote many articles for Electronic News around 1999.
Here is an abstract of the news article Purdy seems to be citing:
It speaks of a thin film application of the dieelectric material barium strontium titanate being used for DRAM chips.
Another article:
A whole symposium on this material:
It is also used in Varactors, variable capacitance diodes:
View attachment 689
North Carolina State was involved in this thin film research:
What has happened here is that A.C. Griffith has applied the "POWER WORD SEARCH", using the key words barium and radio frequency, and simply decided that barium strontium titanate was being sprayed. Well, maybe it was, but it was being sprayed on chips and capacitors in thin films, not wholesale across the world for some obscure "ducting" of radar.
George, if you want to track this down, contact A.C. Griffith and ask him for evidence that any barium strontium titanate was ever sprayed. I'd like to see what he has to say, he claims to have "gotten inside the project", ask him.
Go to the source. Just like I did when I tracked down the whole chemtrails hoax down to the instant of it's inception with Larry Wayne Harris and Richard Finke.
What you will find is one rumor building on another, one nutcase implying this, quoting another, added to by yet another, twisted and exagerrated by another, until you have an entire meme built up ready to be accepted by gullible folks like yourself.
Go ahead, George.......ride the horse.......you'll find at the end you are riding a jackass.....
So, Jay was exactly right.External Quote:
ADCS, the semiconductor materials and delivery systems business of ATMI, Inc., announced a new barium strontium titanate (BST)-related ferroelectric material development contract. This contract builds upon ADCS's expertise for developing liquid delivery and vaporization techniques for new processes and products based upon its existing BST materials and processing technology.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded ADCS a multimillion-dollar contract to develop BST--with a new combination of high dielectric tunability and low dielectric loss--for radar-based applications. The significant developments from ADCS's previous multi-year, multi-million DRAM Consortium laid a sound foundation for this new program. (The DRAM program developed materials and processing technology to demonstrate a chemical vapor deposition method for depositing BST capacitor thin films for one-gigabit DRAM cells.) Under this new contract, ADCS will further develop BST technology for high-frequency applications, with research collaborators Raytheon and North Carolina State University.
Okay, there is a single article (titled "BST Contract") in that issue of Electronic News that mentions barium.
Dorsch, Jeff. 1991. BST Contract. Electronic News. 45.2252 (Jan. 11, 1999) p22.
The article in its entirety (142 words, really just a paragraph after the abstract that Jay linked to before):
So, Jay was exactly right.External Quote:
ADCS, the semiconductor materials and delivery systems business of ATMI, Inc., announced a new barium strontium titanate (BST)-related ferroelectric material development contract. This contract builds upon ADCS's expertise for developing liquid delivery and vaporization techniques for new processes and products based upon its existing BST materials and processing technology.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded ADCS a multimillion-dollar contract to develop BST--with a new combination of high dielectric tunability and low dielectric loss--for radar-based applications. The significant developments from ADCS's previous multi-year, multi-million DRAM Consortium laid a sound foundation for this new program. (The DRAM program developed materials and processing technology to demonstrate a chemical vapor deposition method for depositing BST capacitor thin films for one-gigabit DRAM cells.) Under this new contract, ADCS will further develop BST technology for high-frequency applications, with research collaborators Raytheon and North Carolina State University.
External Quote:"Coosfoos Coos edited a doc.
What the Defense May UseJust a quick doc to demonstrate what evidence a government defense lawyer may use in this suit.
1.) They are just contrails.
They will argue that those spreading, persistent white lines are just jet contrails comprised of frozen water crystals and regular jet exhaust, that can spread out into a cirrus cloud layer (called contrail cirrus). Ther...e are many studies of this phenomenon and it will be a tough task to discredit these studies. Here are just a few of them.
As a side note: Many of these studies involve the negative effects this artificial cirrus cloud layer has on the climate so this could be used to this lawsuits advantage. They just focus on the global cooling/warming effects they may have.
2.) Those soil/water/rain/snow/blood results are not dangerous/toxic.
Here the defense will argue that those sample results collected by your members are actually safe.
I am currently researching this aspect of it. I will compare EPA standards to other countries like Canada, Australia and countries in Europe. More to come.........
3.) Those soil/water/rain/snow samples were not collected properly and were contaminated.
Again I will look into sampling protocols for all these media and compare EPA methods to other country standards. This lawsuit will have to prove these samples were indeed collected properly.
More to come, there is a lot to process......."
To which this reply
" What the defense will have to contend with dwarfs the Samples collected by our members... Your document suggests we have a weak attack planned on those responsible for Geoengineering. Quite simple to assume that's all we have to go to court with. LOL
........ Rainwater, Air, Soil, Hair, Blood Samples are merely the Previews to the show you're about to see when we get to court... Our Legal Team has uncovered things which you'd never expect to see. Things which expose those responsible without a doubt. Many are coming forward from all parts of this country."
Wonder what the rest of the evidence is....... patents, photos ..etc??
As a side note: Many of these studies involve the negative effects this artificial cirrus cloud layer has on the climate so this could be used to this lawsuits advantage. They just focus on the global cooling/warming effects they may have.
Wonder what the rest of the evidence is....... patents, photos ..etc??
Unfortunately adding that seems to have led to me being banned:
Both Al & Robert have banned me twice before from those 2 chemtrail geoengineering lawsuit groups
right after I had submitted my hair toxin test results to the both of them via fb inbox message
this is a hoax in my opinion as so they both can steal personal ID information
including all IPS to hack into your computers
this is why the 3rd chemtrail geoengineering group was created
as you go into their website then they see all inside of your pc
many people who have tried to help them out were banned out of the groups and called trolls and shills
they have no real proof or evidence enough to hold up in a court of law
and they know it , it is all about mind control and ego's
they have created countless bogus fb accts and use them to dupe us all into thinking that these people have joined the groups
also after they hack into your fb acct they add your friends to the groups
this all needs to be stopped before it gets any worse
I'd like to confirm if what you say is true. We need to find documented and confirmable evidence to do that, and it should be clear enough by now that I, and probably most regular posters here, will not take the word of an 'unregistered' person for very much.
If you truly believe what you are saying, show us your real FB ID, be a real person.
If you know of a bogus FB account set up by Al or Robert, state which account is bogus and show some evidence.
If you know someone who was added to their group without their permission, name the name(s).
If you won't do any of those things, you are making accusations no different than those of Al or Robert (lacking evidence).
The ball is in your court, you are in play, the choice is yours, but don't expect anyone to assume that your claims are true, that is how this whole chemtrails hoax got started and is maintained. I personally won't be a part of anything that has no substance, so if you have something, bring it....
ok, now I'm really looking forward to this if it ever sees trial, but obviously not because I think they secretly have any compelling evidence. Like most of you, I've seen the gamut of surreal theories from this hoax, so I'm really interested to see the kinds of things they will try to use in court as if they were evidence.
I could even be surprised, as they continue to tunnel illogically miles down, mining pure seams of uncontaminated bullshit, the likes of which I happily lack the instability to imagine.
What luck. New admins on the Lawsuit page include,
Michael J Murphy
Edward Griffin
John Whyte ( chemtrails project and coordinator of Chemtrails above Conciousness conference).
As an added bonus, Clifford Carnicom is now an admin as well.
I think it's going to fail just from being not very well thought out.
I think it's going to fail just from being not very well thought out.
good eyes and if you watch the video "what in the world are they spraying " you will see John Whyte name in the ending credits as a financial contributor towards this video . the plot thickens
you still have no idea of whom you are dealing with when it comes to the new head person now in charge of them 3 chem trail law suit groups
do you ? i shall follow all of this more. the truth always comes out in the end and this person has ego written all over his last name money property and prestige whole entire family
what happened to very first interview with the person in charge of this group who was on truth denied with roxy lopez ?
why is it not in google search ? or is it ?
mick how can one find you on fb to add so i can share something with you or anybody for that matter
You can always register here, and PM me.
This photo is said by Michael J. Murphy to depict the DVDs of his new movie recently shipped out.This major chem trail conference was just another way to make more money off the original one that was made in 2011
This photo is said by Michael J. Murphy to depict the DVDs of his new movie recently shipped out.
View attachment 760
Not sure how many would be in these boxes, but multiply by $20US each.
Michael J. Murphy has no other means of support other than chemtrails, he has no real job, hasn't worked for years, what incentive does he have to solve the mystery he has handed you? If he did, he would have to go get a real job like the rest of us.