Jay Reynolds
Senior Member.
According to Al, I am one of the defendants. Can't wait to have him as my deponent.

I love it...you must first send a sample of something you collect at ground level, and assume came from the trails in the sky, before you can register.
I just can't understand why these people can't see how odd these assumptions are. To look up, see a trail, and then assume what you capture in a jar came from the trail is just plain silly!
According to Al, I am one of the defendants. Can't wait to have him as my deponent.![]()
Speaking of that, right now he is looking for a pilot to conduct a contrail sampling flight. They know now about the bleed air process and how easy it is to take a sample from the cabin air.
He seems eminently reasonable and scientific in this video:
(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,, [1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
(3) arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or
(4) causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant's sole intention was to encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process;
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant's sole intention was to encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
I see Al is still at it. He has been fully informed of the false claims he has been making.
Be sure to go to page 2 of the above thread to see Big Al's buddy Gianluca Zanna taking a sample of chicken poop in water and calling it rainwater.
His lawsuit, if initiated, will be deemed frivolous and dismissed. He will waste many people's money and time once again. [...]
I wonder how they will handle what they actually get.External Quote:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW Room 5128
Washington, DC 20230
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request – Chemical spraying from jets of Aluminum, Strontium and Barium
Dear Gentlepersons: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552.I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me:
- All documents concerning "Chemical Trails", or "Chem Trails", which is meant to include the spraying of aluminum, strontium or barium into the atmosphere from jets.
- All documents concerning "geo-engineering" by chemical spraying into the atmosphere from jets, which is meant to include the spraying of aluminum, strontium or barium in the airways from jets in the government's experiments or efforts to modify the weather.
- All documents concerning climate modification programs or weather modification programs conducted by way of spraying the chemicals aluminum, strontium or barium into the atmosphere by jets.
- All documents concerning aerosol spraying of the chemicals aluminum, strontium or barium by jets into the atmosphere to modify weather.
- All documents concerning studies of attempts to alter weather by spraying the chemicals aluminum, strontium or barium into the atmosphere from jets.
- All documents concerning governmental programs and attempts to utilize HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) to modify the weather by sending high altitude radio frequency signals off of the materials aluminum, strontium or barium sprayed into the atmosphere by jets.
- All documents regarding instructions to pilots of jets regarding them spraying the elements aluminum, strontium or barium into the atmosphere by jets.
- All documents which discuss or refer to the use of Barium being sprayed into the atmosphere to aid in weather modification.
- All documents which discuss or refer to the use of Strontium being sprayed into the atmosphere to aid in weather modification.
- All documents which discuss or refer to the use of Aluminum being sprayed into the atmosphere to aid in weather modification.
In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a single attorney in a sole proprietorship, and have minimal money to pay for any photocopying costs. I am working for non-profit environmental organizations. This request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose and not for a commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not for any commercial interest.Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Joseph H. Marman
if you want a good laugh, check this page and its posters out https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalskywatch/
They have apparently submitted a FOIA request to the NOAA:
I wonder how they will handle what they actually get.External Quote:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW Room 5128
Washington, DC 20230
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request – Chemical spraying from jets of Aluminum, Strontium and Barium
Dear Gentlepersons: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552.I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me:
1. All documents which discuss or refer to the use of Aluminum being sprayed into the atmosphere to aid in weather modification.
Despite claims that our government has "stonewalled" against releasing any information regarding what people see in the sky coming out of airplanes (contrails) twelve years ago the NOAA, EPA, NASA, and FAA did release a full accounting. I have yet to see any chemtrail website dispute the information in a rational way. I challenge this lawsuit group and Joe Marman to take it on and try to disprove any of it.
They won't address the issue at all, in any way.
They are the ones stonewalling.
"Contrails Fact Sheet(2000)"
External Quote:Law Offices of
Joseph H. Marman, Esq.
Attorney at Law
8421 Auburn Blvd., Suite 145
Citrus Heights, CA 95610-0394
(916) 721-3324
E-mail: marmanla@localnet.com
Fax (916) 721-3633
Member: California Consumer Attorneys, Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association, Sacramento County Bar Assn., Placer County Bar Assn.
July 12, 2012
Leon E. Panetta
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
James N. Miller
Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
2000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-2000
General Norton A. Schwartz
Air Force Chief of Staff
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670
I want to know about your agencies' involvement in the chemical spraying of the US population in what we believe is the government's efforts to control or modify the weather. This is the spray emanating from jets flying overhead where the white plumes expand and drip and cover the sky, rather than evaporate like what were formerly "condensation" trails.
I would like to remind you of this prohibition of experimenting on the American public.
50 USC 1520a.
(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)—
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological
agent on human subjects.
If you are claiming there is an exception for your activities of spraying the American public with aluminum, strontium and barium, may I remind you of the requirement to obtain the consent of the people you are experimenting on.
Department of Defense
July 12, 2012
P. 2
50 USC 1520a. (c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) only if
informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
May I inquire also whether you made you reported to Congress of these activities as required under the following sub-section (d) to 50 USC 1520a.
(d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 30 days after
the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of
plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department
of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving
the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent
or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to
the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee
on National Security of the House of Representatives a report
setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment
or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-
day period beginning on the date such report is received by those
I will also be following up with my request with a Freedom of Information letter to inquire and obtain all documents that relate to the US Government's programs to modify the weather by what is commonly called geo-engineering or weather modification, or Chem Trails.
Our movement is gaining momentum and we have thousands of people becoming more vocal daily about these questionable activities of your agencies.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Joseph H. Marman
[h=6]Al DiCicco
[/h][h=6] We have over 2000 people in this group. Our attorney, Joe Marman, is moving right along with freedom of information letters to DoD, NOAA, and other government agencies. That is how it is done in California. Although the case is originating in California, our goal is the federal courts after that. Our attorney Joe Marman is working pro bono, that means for free, because he is also sick of chemtrails. He does have expenses. If we don't help, or find people with some money that can help with a significant amount of funds for expenses, experts witnesses, etc., we will move slowly. I am asking all of you 2000 of you to send Joe Marman some money if you have not done so. $25 or more. Thanks.[/h]Like · · 20 minutes ago
Al DiCicco 1000 people sending in $25 is $25,000. That will get the case moving fast I assure you. If you are not serious and willing to help, why are you in this lawsuit group?18 minutes ago · Like
Al DiCicco Robert M Forgette I think we should start deleting people from this group that refuse to help. We do not need dead weight and this is NOT a spectator sport or for entertainment.16 minutes ago · Like
Al DiCicco when will Alex Jones, Roseanne Barr, Michael Murphy, Roxy Lopez and so many other socalled activists get tested for heavy metal toxicity and join this lawsuit? I think it's time many of us demand a valid answer to this question. If you agree, start asking them. My current opinion is, some are in this for ego and money and nothing more. I hope I am proved wrong. I have asked only to get replies as I did from Rosalind Peterson, who now says she has no evidence of chemtrails.
Yesterday at 10:02am · Like
Here is his listing at the California State Bar. He has been suspended a couple of times.
California Bar Journal Discipline Summaries
Summaries from the California Bar Journal are based on discipline orders but are not the official records. Not all discipline actions have associated CBJ summaries. Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.
September 7, 2000
JOSEPH HENRY MARMAN [#129517], 44, of Citrus Heights was suspended for 90 days, stayed, placed on one year of probation with an actual 30-day suspension and was ordered to take the MPRE within one year. The order took effect Sept. 7, 2000.
Marman stipulated that he did not comply with probation conditions attached to a 1995 disciplinary order by failing to pay restitution to two creditors.
In mitigation, he cooperated with the bar's investigation and he had serious financial problems.
April 25, 1998
JOSEPH HENRY MARMAN [#129517], 42, of Citrus Heights was suspended for 14 days, stayed, and placed on one year of probation. The order took effect April 25, 1998.
Marman practiced law while suspended in 1995.
As part of his probation in that matter, he was ordered to make restitution to nine parties over a four-year period. He submitted proof of restitution for three payments and claimed he made seven additional payments, but did not submit satisfactory proof. He indicated he was financially unable to continue making the payments.
Marman cooperated with the bar's investigation and harmed no clients by his misconduct.
The 1995 discipline was the result of client trust account violations and failing to properly supervise his staff.
I think either Al or more likely the lawyer is taking everyone for a ride.
Apparently Al DiCicco has left the Lawsuit Group..... again
"Robert M Forgette
Apparently, Al DiCicco's left the group... Means I'm left holding the bag. :-/ I just discovered he's removed himself from both groups. I dunno if I can handle this without his help... Being honest. This was never my intent to be left in charge of this groups fate. Please tell me what you all would like to see happen here. Anything you have to say is welcomed. Please respond and give your opinions. Thanks"
So it's not too unusual in chemtrail circles to believe things like this. I'm sure Michael J. Murphy and Roxy Lopez also think the same thing.External Quote:Over the past two years - and possibly longer - one of the biggest covert operations ever undertaken by a military in peacetime has caused illness and consternation across America as positively identified U.S. Air Force aerial tankers continue to spread broad white plumes in patterns that defy civil air regulations, public health and air pollution laws - and the physics of normal contrail formation.
As hundreds of thousands of North Americans jam hospital emergency rooms in a nearly year-round epidemic of sometimes fatal "flu-like" illness, it has been difficult not to believe that some kind of population cull is underway.
It's great that the Chemtrails lawsuit people have this document shwoing that their members aluminum reports are no larger than those from fifty years ago!