New Member
Hi, I am new here, just stumbled across the site while researching the latest on chemtrails. I had read somewhere that the shadow government actually pays bloggers to attempt to deceive the masses. Now that I've been to this thread, I believe it! I grew up watching the sky, and after the mid- to late-90's, I no longer observe the normal sky and classic cloud types that used to exist. I am a scientist with a strong chemistry and physics background, and have been awake to the chemtrails since about 2004. One can point to any piece of literature they wish, but seeing is believing. Like seeing Ted Gunderson, having only months to live, passionately pleading with congress to come clean and stop what he called the Death Dumps.
Gunderson was the former FBI chief in Los Angeles. I have seen the leaked photos of large craft fitted from end to end with chemical tanks and specially designed sprayers. This and much more evidence, testimony, and scientific proofs of the damage these deliberate sprays are causing all the time is freely available on the internet for anyone to see. Whoever wants to stand for the illusion of persistent contrails either has not done enough research, or is working to cover up the truth. Either way, God bless us all.
Gunderson was the former FBI chief in Los Angeles. I have seen the leaked photos of large craft fitted from end to end with chemical tanks and specially designed sprayers. This and much more evidence, testimony, and scientific proofs of the damage these deliberate sprays are causing all the time is freely available on the internet for anyone to see. Whoever wants to stand for the illusion of persistent contrails either has not done enough research, or is working to cover up the truth. Either way, God bless us all.