I'd like to begin by saying that I was never really a conspiracy theorist. What made me a committed conspiracy theorist was at the beginning of the pandemic back in 2020.
I had seen some 9/11 videos back in 2019 that made me suspicious but I didn't look any further into it.
It all started to take a different shift back in February 20, 2020. The coronavirus was starting to spread across to a few countries. I was really scared you could say. Since I stumbled upon Alex Jones videos back in 2016, I decided to check his coverage of the spread of covid. I literally ate up everything he said on how this is the end of the world, and China is to blame for this mess. I started to prep. I bought 400 dollars worth of groceries & face masks and gloves.
Yes, believe it or not, but Alex Jones promoted masks early on quite agressivly. I live in Sweden so I was probably the first one with an fppv-3 mask on at the mall. People looked at me like I was some sort of alien(hehe). This was back in February 2020.
After that I just got deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Another person who contributed alot to me getting down there was a women named by Amazing Polly. She was not banned on YouTube at that time(2020) and had well over 500k subs. She was sorta a qanon follower. She made an video about event 201 which was the tipping point.
I felt like I had my proof as event 201 was pandemic simulation exercise held in Oktober 2019.
I thereby started to check out 9/11 videos, freemasons, Jesuits, illuminati and the whole 9 yard of conspiracy theories.
I got engaged in conspiracy communities on discord & on telegram. I became a 'both sides' when it came to politics. I found trump funny but since I was a conspiracy theorist, I thought he was an evil guy.
I really believed illuminati ruled it all even tho deep down I knew it didn't make any sense.
The final stage of the rabbit hole is probably gematria. I got deep into that and got familiar with the a guy Named Zackary K Hubbard. He connects all these numbers to these events and believes that that the news is run by the occultic numbers which he decoded.
So I know alot about numbers you could say but since I was sorta a critical thinker, I wanted more. I decided to decode the news by the numbers and errors after errors started to come up. It wasnt accurate. That eventually lead me to leave and throw away all the gematria books since it was all just a hoax. Zackary makes 25-30k scamming people each month on sports picks by the numbers.
After that I stumbled upon a guy which is very unknown in conspiracy circles. His name is David Livingstone and he has his own website called ordoabchao.ca. He is sorta a conspiracy theorist but he usually sticks to legit sources. His webpage goes thru all different cults, secret organizations, monarchies etc and their ties to each-other.
I really started to trust him as my main source. I then read his last parts of his work on Russia and Trump. I didn't really believe in the Russian collusion because I saw it as "mainstream news bs", but since I put my trust in him, I started to believe David and all of sudden I started to believe what I read in the news.
David Livingstone doesn't write about typical conspiracy theories like chemtrails, 9/11 or reptiles. He sticks to real conspiracies which made me question if he thought 9/11 was an inside job. I asked him and he said no, and he said it was right wing bs. That made me very mad for a period of time because I hate being lied to(by conspiracy theorists in other communities)
Unfortunately David is quite anti-Semitic as he's a Muslim but he does a great job of exposing fake conspiracies and the right wing role in shaping americas conspiracy world. He even exposes David Icke on his site and many other right wing figures. I first thought it was a left wing agenda but since David was writing about conspiracies I put my trust in him.
Anyhow, after this happened I left pretty much all conspiracy theories I once believed for 2 years since the start of the pandemic. Mick West book has also helped me alot too. I never really believed in chemtrails or UFOs tho. I didn't have an interest in it so that's why.
I parted ways with my conspiracy theorist friends online and they all got mad. I started to debunk their claims and sources and they didn't like it.
What consequences did all of this lead to? Well, I manage to make my whole family anti-vaxxers. Now I'm trying to decovert by watching Susan Oliver who does a great job at debunking vaccine misinformation by the likes of John Campbell. I would really appreciate it if Mick had time to interview her. She's a scientist and her YouTube channel is called "back to the science"
That was pretty much it. If you have any questions, ask away.
I had seen some 9/11 videos back in 2019 that made me suspicious but I didn't look any further into it.
It all started to take a different shift back in February 20, 2020. The coronavirus was starting to spread across to a few countries. I was really scared you could say. Since I stumbled upon Alex Jones videos back in 2016, I decided to check his coverage of the spread of covid. I literally ate up everything he said on how this is the end of the world, and China is to blame for this mess. I started to prep. I bought 400 dollars worth of groceries & face masks and gloves.
Yes, believe it or not, but Alex Jones promoted masks early on quite agressivly. I live in Sweden so I was probably the first one with an fppv-3 mask on at the mall. People looked at me like I was some sort of alien(hehe). This was back in February 2020.
After that I just got deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Another person who contributed alot to me getting down there was a women named by Amazing Polly. She was not banned on YouTube at that time(2020) and had well over 500k subs. She was sorta a qanon follower. She made an video about event 201 which was the tipping point.
I felt like I had my proof as event 201 was pandemic simulation exercise held in Oktober 2019.
I thereby started to check out 9/11 videos, freemasons, Jesuits, illuminati and the whole 9 yard of conspiracy theories.
I got engaged in conspiracy communities on discord & on telegram. I became a 'both sides' when it came to politics. I found trump funny but since I was a conspiracy theorist, I thought he was an evil guy.
I really believed illuminati ruled it all even tho deep down I knew it didn't make any sense.
The final stage of the rabbit hole is probably gematria. I got deep into that and got familiar with the a guy Named Zackary K Hubbard. He connects all these numbers to these events and believes that that the news is run by the occultic numbers which he decoded.
So I know alot about numbers you could say but since I was sorta a critical thinker, I wanted more. I decided to decode the news by the numbers and errors after errors started to come up. It wasnt accurate. That eventually lead me to leave and throw away all the gematria books since it was all just a hoax. Zackary makes 25-30k scamming people each month on sports picks by the numbers.
After that I stumbled upon a guy which is very unknown in conspiracy circles. His name is David Livingstone and he has his own website called ordoabchao.ca. He is sorta a conspiracy theorist but he usually sticks to legit sources. His webpage goes thru all different cults, secret organizations, monarchies etc and their ties to each-other.
I really started to trust him as my main source. I then read his last parts of his work on Russia and Trump. I didn't really believe in the Russian collusion because I saw it as "mainstream news bs", but since I put my trust in him, I started to believe David and all of sudden I started to believe what I read in the news.
David Livingstone doesn't write about typical conspiracy theories like chemtrails, 9/11 or reptiles. He sticks to real conspiracies which made me question if he thought 9/11 was an inside job. I asked him and he said no, and he said it was right wing bs. That made me very mad for a period of time because I hate being lied to(by conspiracy theorists in other communities)
Unfortunately David is quite anti-Semitic as he's a Muslim but he does a great job of exposing fake conspiracies and the right wing role in shaping americas conspiracy world. He even exposes David Icke on his site and many other right wing figures. I first thought it was a left wing agenda but since David was writing about conspiracies I put my trust in him.
Anyhow, after this happened I left pretty much all conspiracy theories I once believed for 2 years since the start of the pandemic. Mick West book has also helped me alot too. I never really believed in chemtrails or UFOs tho. I didn't have an interest in it so that's why.
I parted ways with my conspiracy theorist friends online and they all got mad. I started to debunk their claims and sources and they didn't like it.
What consequences did all of this lead to? Well, I manage to make my whole family anti-vaxxers. Now I'm trying to decovert by watching Susan Oliver who does a great job at debunking vaccine misinformation by the likes of John Campbell. I would really appreciate it if Mick had time to interview her. She's a scientist and her YouTube channel is called "back to the science"
That was pretty much it. If you have any questions, ask away.