NorCal Dave
Senior Member.
They include reams of data and the methodology used to collect and analyse it.
I guess I fail to see what the point of a detailed analysis of Art's Parts is going to show. The real question is why AARO was fooling around with them at all? I suppose it's because some credulous member of congress insisted on it. The result is we now have AARO giving credence to this sample and a purported cover up by not sharing all the relevant data.
To review, these bits of junk have been floating around the UFO community for over 25 years and have been repeatedly analyzed. It's pretty common knowledge what they are made of and where they came from to a point.
The particular piece from Art's Parts collection mentioned by AARO is the sample of layered magnesium and bismuth. It has ZERO provenience. It just showed up in the mail addressed to Art Bell of the fringe late night radio show Coast to Coast AM as part of a collection of "recovered" pieces from the Roswell UFO crash. Or that's the story told in the bonkers set of anonymous letters that accompanied it. Again, zero provenience, nobody knows where it originated or how it was collected.
It has a checkered provenance after showing up in Art Bell's mail. He seems to have given it to "investigative UFO journalist" Linda Moulton Howe (LMH), a regular on his show up until she pushed a story about the Apollo 20 mission finding aliens on the moon. Apollo 17 was the last mission. She had a number of people look at it including, a then unknown Travis Taylor, now a regular on Ancient Aliens, the star of Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch and former chief scientist for the UAP Task Force. In a demonstration he did in the '90s for LMH it appears he first suggested this material would be weightless if enough current was run through it.
LMH would occasionally take Gorgio Tokoplos of Ancient Aliens to some secret looking room to show him Art's Parts, including the one in question. At some point former Blink 182 front man Tom DeLong got a hold of this sample in an undisclosed way. He had the busniess accument to then sell the sample to his own company for a cool $35K. His company, The To The Stars Acadamy (TTSA) was founded by him, an ex-CIA guy and Dr. Hal Putoff. I think we will be hearing Putoff's name a lot in this thread.
Puthoff and DeLong managed to convince some US Army people that this bit of junk was special and entered a non-paying contract to study it. It appears form the AARO report that TTSA, or whatever is left of that company, gave the sample to AARO for yet more testing.
My own personal opinion is that AARO should have just said: "This piece of junk has no known origin and despite all the claims of its current and former owners, no one has EVER, EVER, EVER demonstrated any thing remotely close to the claims associated with it. Until such demonstrations are made, we will ignore it."
History of the sample here:
EDIT: @deirdre pointed out to me that TTSA actually had other parts of Art's Parts, besides the Mg-Bi layered one. Like the Mg-Bi sample, they were sent in the mail but turned out to be just bits of aluminum, including some sort of vent. Those parts were covered in this thread and shows that Art's Parts were simply pieces of junk that were only associated with the Roswell UFO crash because of the previously mention fantastical letters that accompanied them:
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