Mick West 57:23
So you're saying that Kevin Day saw them at 80,000 feet?
Robert Powell 57:27
Yes, he definitely saw, remember the objects that are flying South at 100 miles per hour. they'd seen them for four to five days. Right? So let me back up, you've got a Carrier Strike Group that seeing objects 80,000 plus feet, this is going on for several days, sometimes they see three or four objects, sometimes one, sometimes four or five. They're moving south very slowly. They don't know what they are. They recalibrate all the radar equipment. And they are apparently there, right. But they don't do anything because they're not a threat anyway to the Strike Group. Then the strike group gets ready to have an air exercise on November 14. In the late morning.
Robert Powell 58:14
At that time, the objects drop out of high altitude and drop it down to an altitude where they are now a safety hazard to these F-18s that are going to perform an exercise. At that moment in time, Kevin Day contacts the Captain of the ship, the USS Princeton. And remember, they're responsible for the entire Strike Group because they control radar systems. And he asked them "what should we do because I consider this a safety hazard". And he said, we've got some FAA teams in the air to have them.
Robert Powell 58:51
Should we, you know, go check this thing out. The captain gave him authorization. He redirected Fravor's and Slaight's aircraft, to the radar, to the nearest radar contact because he had multiple radar contacts. And they went and interrogated that latitude, longitude, location, and that's when they found the Tic Tac.
Mick West 59:14
Yeah, the problem with that, though, is that that's not what Kevin Day says now, he gives a very specific account, which has really nothing to do with him seeing objects at 80,000 feet. And he says that for precisely 10 days, he had seen objects at 28,000 feet moving south, he never was aware of this 80,000 feet figure during this event, it never up.
Robert Powell 59:40
No, I think you've got that wrong. You
Mick West 59:42
No, I've got I spoke to him, you know, just few months ago, and we discussed it in great depth. I actually pressed him on this point three or four times because I was kind of surprised. Not surprised, but I needed to clarify.
Robert Powell 59:54
Yes. Yeah, I don't that's not that's not correct. Just think about it logically make you don't have objects at 28,000 feet flying over an air Carrier Strike Group and they're not doing anything about it.
Mick West 1:00:07
But this is what Kevin Day says what happened.
Robert Powell 1:00:10
What he told you a few days ago whether that's true or not whether you are remembering it incorrectly or whether he has
Mick West 1:00:19
I have the transcript in front of me right here
Robert Powell 1:00:22
Well, but he's at multiple other times said 80,000 feet. So perhaps he was confused on that day. That's not what's important here, because
Mick West 1:00:31
Oh, I think it is what's important actually, because we're talking about the veracity of the eyewitness testimony
Robert Powell 1:00:36
I interviewed him, January 2018. He specifically and I've got it the recording 80,000 plus feet. Not only that, Gary Voorhis said they were originally at 80,000 plus feet. Fravor has said that they were at 80,000 plus feet. When I interviewed James Slaight, he said that we're at 80,000 plus feet initially. So there are multiple people who've said it's an 80,000 plus feet. What happened to your interview with Kevin Day, three years after we first began investigating this, I don't know. I mean, I don't
Mick West 1:01:11
So you think that over the course of three years, he could have forgotten it and completely changed his story.
Robert Powell 1:01:15
I don't I don't know and I don't care. That, there's no doubt that
Mick West 1:01:19
You don't care?
Robert Powell 1:01:19
the objects were at 80,000 feet.
Mick West 1:01:22
But the problem here is that the events happened in 2004. And you interviewed him in what, like, like four years ago, which was 10 years after the event. So if you think his his memory can completely change in three years, then surely it can completely even more change in 10 years,
Robert Powell 1:01:39
you get your you're making an assumption, his memory changed. I don't
Mick West 1:01:43
you're telling me, you're telling me he has different accounts
Robert Powell 1:01:46
Mick, he maybe he misunderstood what you were asking him, I don't know,
Mick West 1:01:50
Oh no, he understood exactly what I was asking
Robert Powell 1:01:52
I'm just telling you
Mick West 1:01:53
I can read you the transcript if you want. And