Tic Tac hypothesis simulation


New Member
Hi, great work with addressing the issues regarding the UFOs, really great animation of the gimbal turn!

Are there any, and if not, could someone perhaps simulate the scenario according to David Fravors reporting but with a smaller thingy at closer range, that could be interpreted as Fravor did from a first person perspective and that would show an alternate explanation when also showing the scenario through an outside perspective?

DFs account:
(I know there are more details and observation reported, also from other people in combination of other data collecting instruments, but nevertheless)
  • Saw disturbance in the water, 6000(!!) feet up.
  • Noticing a fighter jet-sized tic tac.
  • Fravor circling downwards.
  • Tic tac mirroring, circling upwards.
  • Fravor trying to cut through the spiral to catch up with the Tic tac.
  • Tic tac shoots away, passing Fravor and vanishes.
Third person perspective:
  • One smaller object, closer to Fravor standing relatively still
  • When Fravor is circling down, object is still somewhat stationary (showing how it can seem to mirror Favor form his perspective while being still).
  • Fravor cutting through the circle, actually flying by the stationary object.
  • Object popping or being destroyed by a fighter jet passing it close by, by vibration or jet fuel or whatever, seemingly vanishing.

The important thing is that it should be only one animation, but played from the different perspectives, showing both, emphasizing the difference in interpretation due to perspectives, I think it would weigh enormously if people actually could see this for themselves rather than imagining such scenario.

And that's all I have to say about that.