Trails from the back of Fighter Jets


New Member
Hey everyone
So I've gone through this a number of times with my friends, trying to show him the chemtrail hoax for what it is.
My disclaimer is that I in no way think chemtrails are a real thing, that SLAP is happening, or any of that

When I was in Las Trampas, NM in 2009 I did see fighter jets fly over our valley in a V formation. When they got over the valley something started coming out the back of the wings. It looked like they just started spraying. The trails did fan out and cover the sky slowly.
I do not ask this to try and prove anything. I genuinely want to know.
My question is: What was that?

When I was in Las Trampas, NM in 2009 I did see fighter jets fly over our valley in a V formation. When they got over the valley something started coming out the back of the wings. It looked like they just started spraying. The trails did fan out and cover the sky slowly.
I do not ask this to try and prove anything. I genuinely want to know.
My question is: What was that?

Hard to say for sure, but there's a few possibilities:

#1 - Exhaust contrails formed by water in the exhaust triggering clouds in cold humid air at high altitudes

#2 - Aerodynamic contrails - full wing

Jets sometimes create condensation from the full wing. At low altitude these don't last long, but higher up these can leave trails. I don't think I've seen a small fighter jet do it, but I see no reason why not.

#3 - Aerodynamic contrails - wingtip

Wingtip contrails you generally only see in high-g maneuvers, or when landing. They typically don't last long.

#4 - Smoke generators

Jets practicing for air-shows (or actually in air-shows) sometimes use smoke to create trails. This is made by injecting something like paraffin into the hot exhaust where it vaporizes and condenses as smoke.

#5 Fuel Dumps


Jets sometimes dump fuel if their mission is cut short. Occasionally they will do it for practice.
When I was in Las Trampas, NM in 2009 I did see fighter jets fly over our valley in a V formation. When they got over the valley something started coming out the back of the wings. It looked like they just started spraying.
Your description reminded me a Missing Man Formation that I saw over the American Cemetery near Cambridge, UK.
Is there a war memorial nearby? Did you see something similar to this video?:

In the cases like this, smoke generators are used.
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Looking at the pictures and the video it is pretty clear to me that it was smoke generators
Who knows why
Living in the Bay Area I have seen the Blue Angels flying over from time to time but this was NM
My brother in law who lived there at the time told me he'd seen that same incident many times