What Did I Film, Looking East from Norway?


New Member
I was sitting outside my house late wednesday night, when i saw a big glowing object slowly drifting in the sky. I looked at it for 4-5 seconds, i grabbed my phone and started filming, then it slowly faded away. The video is really dark, but you can see the object and barely my neighbours garage. It was kinda weird, and i have no idea what that was. I cheched to see if it could be the ISS, but no. Way to slow to be a meteor, too bright for a satellite (Or?), and it was not a plane.

Video was taken in western part of Norway, looking east-ish, Wednesday 20 March, 23:47.
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Here's a crop. Based on your time and location a satellite in the East would not be illuminated by the sun.

Possible the landing lights of plane that is initially flying towards you, and then turns away. Can you give a more precise location?

Looks like a satellite to me. Although @Mick West said this was unlikely that a satellite would be illuminated at that time & location, Heaven's Above (for a random Western Norway location) shows that there would have been quite a few illuminated at that time, although not very brightly.


We could probably narrow this down if you post a more accurate location. @Creamy Pasta is good at identifying satellite passes too.
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I think that the star to the left of your video is Vega in the constellation Lyra.


Assuming that to be correct, I put those co-ordinates into in-the-sky.org and checked for Satellites moving right-to-left past Vega at the time of your video. None of the usual candidates were there (space stations or 100 Brightest) but the OneWeb constellation had a satellite in the right spot at the right time moving in the right direction ONEWEB-0439.


That could have been what you saw ...?
lthough @Mick West said this was unlikely that a satellite would be illuminated at that time & location, Heaven's Above (for a random Western Norway location) shows that there would have been quite a few illuminated at that time, although not very brightly.
I think I've been looking at Starlink for too long :)
That could have been what you saw ...?
Seems reasonable. I`ve never seen a satellite that bright before, that`s why i thought it was weird. Also, i`m mostly sceptic, so i didn`t think we had visitors, just curious what it was.
Thanks for help :)