New Member

First time posting on this website, [off topic antagonistic commentary removed]. Recently I was browsing through an old thread regarding colored contrails in a video posted by conspiracy theorist "Sibec". Within the thread someone else posted another video by Sibec showing a CargoLux 747-400 (LX-VCV) flying over the UK:
The video itself:
When I watched this video I noticed a strange flickering where the contrail originates when it first appears at the 0:50 minute in the video. I'm kinda surprised that Sibec didn't use this as further evidence for chemtrails, but it wasn't investigated in the thread further either. I thought at first it must just be light reflecting off the 747 but when the aircraft itself becomes visible the flickering seems way too large. It looks like light reflecting off a cloud so it could be from aerodynamic contrails momentarily created by the jet, but even that seems too big. It definitely can't be light reflecting off the exhaust contrail itself, it almost looks like the type of cloud generated when an aircraft goes supersonic, but that can't happen to a 747 in level flight.
So anyway, what could this be?
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