Watching the discussion unfold, I have mixed feelings about what to do.
But I think that CT claims need to be debunked regardless. At the very least, we have an obligation to the truth
I'll offer this contribution.
Natural News [original source's boldface]
External Quote:
Get this: The location where the shooting was carried out today in San Bernardino -- the Inland Regional Center -- has been subjected to monthly active shooter drills, we're now learning.
The cited
LA Times story [my boldface added]
External Quote:
At first, Dorothy Vong assumed it was a drill -- just like all the others at her work.
At the Inland Regional Center, where she's a nurse, the staff works with clients and parents of clients who are sometimes angry. They have active-shooter drills every month or so.
It is a pretty small point, but important to my mind.
Natural News is manipulating information and spinning it ("Inland Regional Center -- has been
subjected to") in order to manufacture a story that is not there. This has been repeated on many other websites.
So, for the sake of the truth, I am going to start looking for those active shooter drill schedules. Maybe they were monthly "or so," maybe not.