Mick West

Staff member
Due to a failed upgraded I had to roll back to a backup. The site was down for around 90 minutes.

Post should all be restored, however attachments uploaded today will be lost. If you can't edit a post to fix this, send me the file attachments and I'll do it.

Any DMs or likes/reactions are unfortunately lost
There seem to be some data inconsistency issues.
I know I gave something positive to - almost certainly the default thumbs up - and that has, as you warned, been forgotten. However, one thumbs up has been remembered, but when I click on that to see who was so swift in restoring said upmod, the server tells me nobody's done it. So, is that post +1 or not +1, does only Schroedinger know?
Looks like the reaction counts are attached to the posts. But the reactions themselves are lost.

Might go away as things rebuild.
@Charlie Wiser lost an attachment at

@Trailblazer apparently has the wrong media displayed in (that's @JMartJr 's debunking humor post)

@Gary C has the wrong attachment displayed in (image cache?), that was probably lost as well ("the conspiracy awards are rigged")
Wow, that isn't' even from my computer.
No, the forum "forgot" you had uploaded that, and another upload received the same number. If you still have that image, you can open a conversation/PM with @Mick West via his profile and send it to him to fix your post.
No, the forum "forgot" you had uploaded that, and another upload received the same number. If you still have that image, you can open a conversation/PM with @Mick West via his profile and send it to him to fix your post.
I've just deleted that post, as all it was was the attachment.