Suspected explosive devices were sent to former US President Barack Obama and ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the US Secret Service has said.
It comes two days after a bomb was found at the home of liberal philanthropist and financier George Soros in the suburbs of New York City.
A US official told the Associated Press that a "functional explosive device" was found during a screening of mail sent to the home of Mr and Mrs Clinton in Chappaqua, New York.
One of the packages sent today had listed Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the sender.
The package sent to CNN appeared to have been addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, according to US media.
The list of people there seems very much like a QAnon hit-list. All of the above are frequently demonized as being part of some kind of New World Order satanic pedophile deep-state cult. Other packages are being discovered, and there's sure to be several developments as the events are investigated.
Of course the conspiracy theorists will say this is a "false flag", but it seems most likely to me that this is the result of their conspiracy theories in the same way as the shooting at Comet Ping-Pong was the result of the Pizzagate conspiracy theories.
It's not limited to the QAnon or Alex Jones crowd, of course. Fox News and other media have painted the targets as being part of a deep state conspiracy for a while.
Of course this (like EVERY major news event) will be portrayed as being a "False Flag". Although this seems a bit different, more mainstream - as Abby Martin (formerly a fairly extreme conspiracy theorist) noted:
Source: [deleted]
I think it's very likely the sender will get caught and convicted. Of course that won't quell the theories. It's going to be an interesting one to watch.
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