Steve Funk
Active Member
This is from Fleming"s 2010 book, "Fixing the Sky, the Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control."
Fleming's interview was featured in Whywats (after a lot of cut-and-pasting) but he confirmed to me in an email that he does not support the chemtrails conspiracy theory and never has. So I think we can still say that there is not one person with an advanced degree in any form of atmospheric science who believes in chemtrails. The quote from Cohen was from an unpublished department of defense briefing.
On the other side of the coin are conspiracy theorists who see a toxic cloud on every horizon. Their fears are fueled by statements such as those made in 1997 by Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, who warned of "an eco-typ of terrorism whereby [adversaries] can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, [and] volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves . . . . It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important." Cohen, known to levitate on occasion, at least rhetorically, was responding, off the cuff, to questions about the possibility of all sorts of futuristic weopons falling into the hands of terrorists, and his remarks should not be misconstrued. Nevertheless, conspiracy theorists have focused on his words in support of their suspicions that the military is supporting secret geoengineering projects involving directed energy beams, chem trails or other technologies.
Fleming's interview was featured in Whywats (after a lot of cut-and-pasting) but he confirmed to me in an email that he does not support the chemtrails conspiracy theory and never has. So I think we can still say that there is not one person with an advanced degree in any form of atmospheric science who believes in chemtrails. The quote from Cohen was from an unpublished department of defense briefing.