Michael J. Murphy, the producer of "Why In The World Are They Spraying" posted this image on his Facebook page on July 5th, 2012. He also added this comment to a shared copy of the image:
He claims it's a "chemtrail", but it's just a plane (probably a Boeing 747) dumping fuel. We can tell this because the location and shape of the trails looks exactly like those in known photos and videos of 747s dumping fuel.
It's a shame that most of the chemtrail photos are taken with low resolution cameras. It would take very little money, just a few hundred dollars, to be able to take photos like the one on the right below (source):
Here's a video of a similar incident, quite possibly the same one inaccurately used by Michael J. Murphy:
And here's a full list of things that are not contrails, but are also not chemtrails:
External Quote:This is a screen shot of a graphic in our soon to be release film Why in the World are They Spraying?

He claims it's a "chemtrail", but it's just a plane (probably a Boeing 747) dumping fuel. We can tell this because the location and shape of the trails looks exactly like those in known photos and videos of 747s dumping fuel.

It's a shame that most of the chemtrail photos are taken with low resolution cameras. It would take very little money, just a few hundred dollars, to be able to take photos like the one on the right below (source):

Here's a video of a similar incident, quite possibly the same one inaccurately used by Michael J. Murphy:
And another from a closer perspective:External Quote:Delta 747- Flight 275- lost Engine #2 after takeoff DTW today [video dated Oct 23 2011]. Flew big ovals just West of Ann Arbor at 7,000ft dumping fuel. Crew sounded busy but calm. Asked ATC for normal approach after safe landing weight was achieved. Impressive sight of 747 with vapor trails at only 7,000ft.
And here's a full list of things that are not contrails, but are also not chemtrails:
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