Did anyone do this debunking as well? The reason I posted in here because you guys were talking about the dates, so this is like one of them even though it's different subject!
Sandy Hook "Donation Sites UP Before Shooting!" BUSTED! PART 2/2
It has other stuff in the video, but this guy shows that Union Way of Western Connecticut was scamming people for donations because their link was posted on December 11, 2012. I think Google fixed it by now, but the nay-sayers still believe it's a "cover up."
Here's the donation page:
https://newtown.uwwesternct.org/ When I was investigating, I had to click on Facebook, and found this reply, a few days ago. 01.08.2013
Here's their Facebook response:

It looked like an issue was from Google's problem, and not the United Way of Western Connecticut.
And here's another one that can be debatable, it's from the same guy who upload the video one I've posted up top.
Sandy Hook "Donation Sites UP Before Shooting!" BUSTED! PART 1/2
On video 0:44, he's talkin about a lady name Desaree Juarez who had a GoFundMe site, and she put down asking for donation for the victims of Sandy Hook; however, it was created on 12.13.2012.
Here's the Google Search I did:
Edit on picture: *The day I view the video....
The page is no longer available; however, there's always Google cache:
In her defense:
She left a comment about why her GoFundMe page was made on 12.13.2012
However, I don't know how legit she is, but just saying that because GoFundMe can have legit people or have scammers. Her GoFundMe page was down, but it's either due to harassment, or it was due to something else. And if GoFundMe allows you to replace pages and keep the same date, this could be debunked as well.

However, the first one is more understandable as it was Google's fault, and I'm pretty sure both sides keep their e-mail as proof of evidence.