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Glad you wrote that. What's the plural of "theorist", again?judging from the fact that the theorist's I've had the pleasure of reading on this forum have a general disregard for evidence (and apparently also for spelling, logic, style, and grammar)
Both. You've contributed a tad to both, as yet. But it's a voluntary calling.It seems like it either must be the funnest / funniest job in the world or the most frustrating.
Same to you. Remember plurals never involve an apostrophe*. Ever. I do wish everyone else here could remember that too.Cheers.

* It's the possessive construction. Unfortunately this convention is immediately broken by the possessive of "it", which is written (illogically**) as "its". Hence confusion…
** Maybe not so illogically, because usage of "it's" for "it is" has forced the anomaly. It's a working language… (returns to anal introspection, and time for this:
). Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't have shot myself over "ignorami", which has been a personal joke for 59 years. Ignoramus, ignoratis, ignorant. This is a true statement. In Latin.
Oh, meaning at the time: "We are unaware, you are unaware, they are unaware", non-perjoratively. Where's my hat?
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