Debunked: There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. JFK

judging from the fact that the theorist's I've had the pleasure of reading on this forum have a general disregard for evidence (and apparently also for spelling, logic, style, and grammar)
Glad you wrote that. What's the plural of "theorist", again?

It seems like it either must be the funnest / funniest job in the world or the most frustrating.
Both. You've contributed a tad to both, as yet. But it's a voluntary calling.

Same to you. Remember plurals never involve an apostrophe*. Ever. I do wish everyone else here could remember that too. :)

* It's the possessive construction. Unfortunately this convention is immediately broken by the possessive of "it", which is written (illogically**) as "its". Hence confusion…

** Maybe not so illogically, because usage of "it's" for "it is" has forced the anomaly. It's a working language… (returns to anal introspection, and time for this:

). Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't have shot myself over "ignorami", which has been a personal joke for 59 years. Ignoramus, ignoratis, ignorant. This is a true statement. In Latin.

Oh, meaning at the time: "We are unaware, you are unaware, they are unaware", non-perjoratively. Where's my hat?
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Glad you wrote that. What's the plural of "theorist", again?

Same to you. Remember plurals never involve an apostrophe*. Ever. I do wish everyone else here could remember that too. :)

* It's the possessive construction. Unfortunately this convention is immediately broken by the possessive of "it", which is written (illogically**) as "its". Hence confusion…

). Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't have shot myself over "ignorami", which has been a personal joke for 59 years. Ignoramus, ignoratis, ignorant. This is a true statement.

Well said Jazzy. :-)

Serves me right for posting at 5:30 in the morning. ;)

Nice video by the way. Where is that from? I actually LOL'd.
Interesting how many people seem to be perfectly happy to carry on spreading disinfo, not caring if something is the truth or not, while simultaneously calling THIS site a disinfo site.

Either there is proof he said it or there isn't.
If there isn't, stop promoting it as if he did. the fact there is no proof he said it means it is MUCH MORE LIKELY that he never said, rather than that he did say it, but some evil overlords somehow went round expunging all reference to it in people's books they own at home or brainwiping all who heard it in person.
Mick and admins, do you guys get paid to do this or is it volunteer work?
Really this is just another mutual interest forum, like the thousands of others out there devoted to cooking or cats or gardening.
It's just interesting, you get to look at weird things - it's a continuation of an earlier interest in the paranormal and conspiratorial, with a better arsenal of critical thinking skills I lacked then.
Don't you think the illuminati would want us to believe Kennedy never said this. He was assassinated because he stood up to the evil men behind the curtain and their plans for the new world order.
That's speculation. Unless you have evidence to suggest that he said it and it was somehow erased from the record, then that's not a valid argument here.
Don't you think the illuminati would want us to believe Kennedy never said this. He was assassinated because he stood up to the evil men behind the curtain and their plans for the new world order.
Hi, Marissa.

Whether or not the Illuminati would want us to believe the quote cannot change the fact that there is no evidence for it.

The scenario is directly analogous to the following:

Imagine I am convinced that leprechauns mismatch my socks every night as I sleep. Then someone tells me, 'You know, Winston Churchill said leprechauns were doing the same to him!' I then go online but cannot find any indication that he in fact ever said or wrote anything of the sort.

Now: should I be convinced that the quote is accurate _because_ those pesky leprechauns would have buried it if they could?

(A theory/claim that can only survive by explaining why there is no evidence _still has no evidence_!)
Don't you think the illuminati would want us to believe Kennedy never said this. He was assassinated because he stood up to the evil men behind the curtain and their plans for the new world order.
And those who believe the illuminati want us to believe Kennedy never said this would want us to believe that the lack of evidence he said this is due to the illuminati removing it from all recorded history.
So we're back full circle to the original fact that there is no evidence he ever said this.
Don't you think the illuminati would want us to believe Kennedy never said this. He was assassinated because he stood up to the evil men behind the curtain and their plans for the new world order.

As if Kennedy wasn't one of those men "behind the curtain." You think he was standing up against the system? He was part of it.
This is what really annoys me about the JFK assassination conspiracy theories: the Kennedy hero worship that goes along with them. None of it could be any further from what the Kennedys actually were. JFK started the escalation of the Vietnam War and Bobby authorized the FBI to spy on Martin Luther King.

And the quote is fake. Deal with it.
Topic started off with; "The quote does not exist in any book indexed by Google, or Amazon"... aah .. the reliable sources.. NOT .. biggest joke site ever,,, have a good one
Then find a book that does contain that quote. Photograph the whole page to show the complete quote in context. Post the picture here with full details of the book - Title / author / publisher / ISBN number / year of publication / edition number etc. Then someone here will track down the book and verify your claims, and if you have provided the correct quote in context the admins here will willingly change 'debunked' to 'confirmed'.

I await your proof.... but I will not be holding my breath.
Someone got a tattoo with this quote:
I came across a documentary Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon (2004) by Christian J. Pinto.
Here is a screenshot showing the quotation with source:

The video can be found here.

The original source is quoted to be:
Wealth for All
R. E. McMaster

This reference was posted earlier:

I found several sources over 30 years old for this Kennedy "Columbia" quote in books and one from US Congress:

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations
U.S. G.P.O., Jan 1, 1997

Wealth for All: Economics
R. E. McMaster, A.N., Inc., Jun 1, 1982

A Declaration of Financial Independence
John Grandbouche, Spencer Judd, 1983

To Seduce a Nation
Lindsey Williams, Worth Pub. Co., 1984

Of course that doesn't mean it's accurate, but it's definitely not just an Internet rumor, and it may help further research.
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Since it seems fairly certain that the Columbia/foment quote is the origin of the "enslave" quote, I've updated the OP to reflect this.
Given Kennedy's famous secret society speech, there's a strong possibility that he did make the quote on the plot to enslave every man. Although this may not have been released in the media.

As MB said "it's definitely not just an Internet rumor".
Given Kennedy's famous secret society speech, there's a strong possibility that he did make the quote on the plot to enslave every man. Although this may not have been released in the media.
One of the biggest dangers in reading historical quotes is interpreting them through modern eyes.

Take Winston Churchills famous 1920 quote
"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extra- ordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
Anyone with a very basic knowledge of history and the world political situation at the time will see immediately that he was referring to the rise of Bolshevism, socialism, trade unionism and the establishment of the Soviet Union. But viewed through modern eyes who are either ignorant of the historical context, or worse are aware of the context and chose to ignore it, then this quote can be used to back up all kinds of modern conspiracy.

ALWAYS check the history and the historical context of a quote before claiming it refers to any modern context, theory or situation.
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Oh, no - unwarranted thread resurrection! (And, oh my, what an insane thread it was.)

I find it amusing that JFK was [bunk]supposedly announcing that he was going to tell you something vitally important later[/bunk], all while he was in front of cameras and the press, that is, having a perfect opportunity to tell you something vitally important right there and then.

The "it's important I announce now that I will say something important later, but I can't tell you anything about it now" trait is of course one that we're seeing from many in some corners of the pro-bunk community (namely the big name UFO pushers).

It seems that conspiracists have created a bunk JFK in their own image. (From which I'm tangentially reminded of the "every accusation is a confession" meme too.)
The other thing is, six decades later we're still waiting for the plot to unfold.

I remember radio talk show host Chuck Harder continuously talking about the Clinton plan to invite in the United Nations' armed forces and round up all the patriots in desert camps while they enslaved America. Which was why all the traffic signs on highways have reflective stickers on the back; since Europeans drive on the left (sic), they'll follow the backs of the American signs to the camps.
Do two misspellings denote a careless person, an ignorant person, or a person for whom English is a foreign language? I'm going with door number three. :)
Google Ngrams suggests that, after the rise of personal computers but before the advent of autocorrect, approximately every 200th occurrence of the word "assassination" was mis-spelled, with the British being slightly better at it.
SmartSelect_20240212-182611_Samsung Internet.jpg
SmartSelect_20240212-182524_Samsung Internet.jpg

"nolbe" is, of course, a language-independent typo.