When i first saw the article earlier today...I fell for it rather quickly,that is until i did some investigasting..
Now this story is spreading like fire all over the globe....
I've done some investigating, my opinion is that it is not a cloud but just a different colour make up on the image
below is the hi rise image i used
then i also used google earths mars imagery for comparison
So, if anybody ellse can help me out with info,would be greatly appreciated
External Quote:UFO buffs claim this formation on the surface of Mars could be a nuclear bomb blast on camera.
Sub titles on the video say: "India's Mars orbiter captured something strange in the gigantic Valles Marineris Canyon of Mars. The image shows a huge mushroom cloud and we may wonder whether it is an enormous rare dust wind cloud , or caused due to a nuclear or methane explosion."
Dr Jonti Horner, astronomer at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, said: "Fun as it would be to imagine that this is evidence of nuclear weapons on Mars, or even the impact of a chunk of Comet Siding Spring smashing into the planet, that's sadly just not the case."
He said looking at high-resolution images of the same part of the canyon, showed the "cloud" was nothing more than an optical illusion at the junction of a crater with the trench.
Now this story is spreading like fire all over the globe....
I've done some investigating, my opinion is that it is not a cloud but just a different colour make up on the image
below is the hi rise image i used
then i also used google earths mars imagery for comparison
So, if anybody ellse can help me out with info,would be greatly appreciated
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