I love how you all are saying because it can be a hoax then it is a hoax.truth is an airplane seemingly disappeared and hasn't been found but thank you I've been reading about it everyday and finally i know the plane has to be in the ocean and anyone who thinks there could be a government coverup is crazy,because our government would never lie to us haha,bottom one ANYTHING is possible until they find the plane
Actually what youll find, if you take the time to read instead of TLDR, is that the only thing being stated as a hoax is the situation surrounding the phone.
Lets imagine for a moment that this is 100% legit...Explain this to me:
An aircraft is hijacked in midair by a government with ill intent. Is everyone on board a part of the conspiracy? Let's assume they arent since this particular individual managed to smuggle a photo out to the world. How long do you think the passengers had to realize that the plane was being taken over? Did commandos just leap up out of the seats and go all Pulp Fiction Intro? If they did, how did our man here get his iphone up his ass? Was he already in the lavatory?
Let's imagine for a moment that he was already in the lavatory and the Commandos DID just leap up and go all Pulp Fiction. What do you think his first reaction is going to be? Im sure that every single one of here would have the instantaneous gut reaction to cram a foreign object the size of a brick right up our backside... because thats exactly what anyone would do in a situation like that. Let's take it a step further.. WHY would his reaction be to stuff his phone up his rear end? Must be because he thinks he can use his phone later on. Sure that's reasonable.. but if that's the case why didnt he turn the GPS on so that he could be located?
IIRC Iphones use satellite GPS in concert with cellular towers to provide location data, which can be reversed to locate the phone itself. If thats the case, why wasnt the GPS turned on? Surely our guy must have known that the world would be looking for them, and that since he had the presence of mind to shove the phone into his rectum, he would have had the same mind to turn on the GPS?
Further to that, how did our guy protect the phone? He must have had some sandwich bags or plastic wrap handy in the lavatory to wrap the phone up so that it could be used later. Let's move on though.
How long do you think it took our hero to insert the phone into his rectum? A second or two? A minute? Several minutes? Now.. I dunno about you, but I seem to recall from highschool biology that the muscles surrounding the rectum apply an outward contraction and that because the sphincter is used for evacuation, the body's immediate response to insertion of objects is to tighten down.
Try taking a visit to the ER sometime on a ride along with paramedics.. talk to the doctors and nurses that remove foreign objects from rectums on a regular basis and ask them how their patients were feeling. You dont insert something the size of a brick up your keister without a LOT of discomfort, pain and tearing of the rectal tissue. So before you decide whether we're right or wrong "just because we say so..." remember that the vast majority of what we do here, is research. Familiarize yourself with Occam's Razor and the Scientific Method and inform yourself with a little research.
This is a really nice story, and it makes someone out to be a hero in a very bad situation, but the reality is.. if the plane is being taken over, you're not going to be relaxed enough to fit something THAT large up your ass in the time it takes for a man to walk down the aisle, open the door and yank your half naked butt out of the lav and toss you into a seat... or kill you.