Debunked: MH17: Supposed satellite video of missile launch [Fake]


Senior Member
Update: The video is fake. It is created using a video game "Flaming Cliffs 2". The background is seen to be a patchwork of graphics from the game, which is set in Georgia.


Use the slider below to compare the in-game graphics with the video:



The game as a source of the images was first identified by "Egalite" of

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this is an interesting analysis, don't know where they got the Russian imagery:
Even with the conspiracy stuff it seems like they make a good point that no one saw a missile plume, there are too many holes in the plane wreckage for a pound or so of ball bearings. Maybe more technically oriented people could debunk?
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The Russians have finally allowed someone to send us their video of MH17. Judge for yourself. We stick to "bomb" but are taking this under advisement:

[ Note: What you will be watching below is not a black and white image but infrared one. Hotter items show up as white. What looks like a launch smoke plume is not...but the infared heat signature. If you rewatch it and freeze at the beginning you will see the white hot spot dot where the launcher was in the tree line. There is a smoke plume, very visible, loud, and more visible as it gets higher...Jim W. Dean ]
How can you say the article makes a good point. One hand they are saying a "bomb" seems like the most likely candidate, then they show this video;

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Which clearly shows a rocket, but then they go on to blame the Israelis. Seriously, they say;
Video shows Kolomoisky forces firing on MH17. These units are led by Israeli volunteers. Thus far, this is the "best evidence" though we are still going with wreckage until the US can offer its own suppressed satellite imagery.
Now how can they determine that this rocket was fired from Kolomoisky forces hiding in the tree line. Why is it shocking that there are no public witnesses to the smoke trail from the Buk missile system? When you live in a region of the world, thats involved in a "civil" war so to speak, do you suppose it's in their best interest to speak up about what they saw. And by saying what they saw could implicate the very people who govern their territory while walking around with black ski mask while carrying around AK-47's.

Just because the "media" isn't reporting that there were witnesses to the smoke trail it doesn't mean investigators haven't gathered evidence of such. Could be possible they have, and while there is limited video showing the plane exploding, all the video I've seen only show the explosion from the moment of impact. I don't see any footage of the sky, not too mention this buk wasn't fired in the immediate location, and was fired on a cloudy day.

As chew mentioned above, it doesn't take much fragmentation to take down a plane. All it needs to do is hit the plane at certain locations and any commercial airliner would be doomed.

It also makes no sense why the Ukranians would've shot this plane down since their ATCer's were able to track this plane's entire flight path across its nation. It's not like the plane just popped up out of nowhere or was crossing the Russian Border, it flew 100's of miles over the Ukraine and was about to enter Russian Air Space..
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this is an interesting analysis, don't know where they got the Russian imagery:
Even with the conspiracy stuff it seems like they make a good point that no one saw a missile plume, there are too many holes in the plane wreckage for a pound or so of ball bearings. Maybe more technically oriented people could debunk?

Google "veterans today" and then consider the source of the story.....

Hi all,

Long time reader, 1st time poster, and I love your work and reading the discussions.

I saw this over at *ahem* another site, claiming that video is actually a mock-up created with a combat sim game -

The areas of the map identified do look uncannily similar. I don't have access to the game, and couldn't find a similar map by Googling for the game. It also occurs that the game could use maps of real places.

Did VeteransToday get pranked, or maybe caught faking?


Ray Von

Hi all,

Long time reader, 1st time poster, and I love your work and reading the discussions.

I saw this over at *ahem* another site, claiming that video is actually a mock-up created with a combat sim game -

The areas of the map identified do look uncannily similar. I don't have access to the game, and couldn't find a similar map by Googling for the game. It also occurs that the game could use maps of real places.

Did VeteransToday get pranked, or maybe caught faking?


Ray Von

Veterans Today is explained here at the Southern Poverty Law Center
The video of the orange helicopter,

Has coordinates at the bottom, 42 14 27, 42 03 49

Which puts the location in Senaki, Georgia. 400 miles from the Ukraine. The nominal location of the tile under the helicopter is just to the south of the Airport:

However I suspect it has been used in many places.
Curious though, the high resolution image, while clearly the same layout as the in-game tile with models, is not the same.

It does however match the video footage. Meaning it's quite possible that this tile came from a real satellite image, and the 3D building were added to it.
The image in the corner can be seen on this page for the game:

However the game image is not the same overall, just that one "tile" has been used. The tiles are repeated elsewhere in the game's map. The helicopter image has the same layout.
Wow, great work Mick, as usual. What made you think the video in the OP was from a video game (combat simulator)? I can't believe the length some will take to make their opinions seem factual, just amazing. In order to overlay 3D blgs onto an existing satellite image it takes a bit of skill, right? What is a tile, it kind of makes me think about my kitchen floor, is software developed using tiles. Each tile is developed individually, and then they are stitched together, so to speak..
Wow, great work Mick, as usual. What made you think the video in the OP was from a video game (combat simulator)?

It was originally found by someone at, and reported here, via GLP, by Ray Von. I just dug in a little more.

A tile is a just a segment of a map that is "tileable" - i.e. you can put them together like your kitchen floor. There's other stuff going on to make them blend into the background though. But yes, the the tiles are developed individually, then used together to make the terrain.
Can't fake a satellite video? Of course you can. His explanation is nonsensical.

The original fake video is here:

(also attached as an mp4)

It's a bit higher resolution:

The guy who uploaded it also has two other videos that look like they are in-game recreations of a plane being shot down.


The Russians are themselves spinning the "video game" fabrications on recent imagery released by NATO. The fact that the imagery is from Digital Globe seems to be lost on them. Of course the claims are ludicrous but is shows you the mindset at work when they go into denial mode.
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The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, acknowledged reports about the satellite images on Friday but claimed previous imagery was from video games and the Nato photos "happen to be much the same quality"
Amateur sleuths? The term is a red herring. As a scientist I suppose I am a "sleuth" but, in general, I analyze data as a profession as most scientists do. Gordon is obviously a professional sleuth sharing secret sleuth information in that "VT is NOT published for the general public", even though it is on the web without a login to read it! So anyone other than Gordon is an amateur?
It appears that Gordon Duff on VeteransToday still hasn't grasped it. He still thinks that "you can't fake a sat video". I posted this thread link on his YT video.

View attachment 8235

He will remove anything that doesn't fall in line with his version of events.
I was banned from commenting on VT because of a fake UFO I debunked.