Debunked: Hurricane Sandy, Chemtrails, HAARP and Conspiracy Theories

Funny how all the Hurricanes move that way, but SANDY coincidentally just so happened to not follow that pattern..

Jaysen, take the time to read the thread and you'll know why. It's been explained several times here; you are perfectly capable to taking the time to read them.
Regarding your images, yes, I'm calling coincidence. You can dismiss me as a loon for saying that, but really, that's all it is.
How many references of 9/11 before 9/11 in the media would it take for you to be convinced that it can't be a coincidence?

I've shown you 2 9/11 references. If I showed you 5 9/11 references in the media would you be convinced it's not a coincidence and someone actually had prior knowledge? What about 10? 20? 30? Open your eyes mayne.. This is real what you are seeing. They see though do not perceive. It's okay man, I was there too. I couldn't believe it either.

Perhaps to you a category 3 Hurricane traveling in the direction that 10 million people live doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the news but what about those people inland that are in the projected trajectory? Don't they have the right to know that a category 3 Hurricane is headed their way?? Unless the media knew before hand it was never going to touch land, then I understand.

It should have made headlines yet it never did.. even though it was headed toward a major populated area of the country.

How could you trust a weatherman and his forecasts for the direction of a Hurricane?? C'mon man you can't be serious, can you? They always have about 5 different projections.. sighs.. oh boy. I forgive you. It's okay.

Do you live near the coastlands? If not then I can understand why you feel how you feel. If not then.. c'mon man, be real. They always report Hurricanes. It's good news for the weatherman. Why omit it??? Think deep, try to.

Path of Hurricane Erin (you can actually see the hurricane)
Path of Hurricane Erin shown in dots:
How many references of 9/11 before 9/11 in the media would it take for you to be convinced that it can't be a coincidence?

I've shown you 2 9/11 references. If I showed you 5 9/11 references in the media would you be convinced it's not a coincidence and someone actually had prior knowledge? What about 10? 20? 30? Open your eyes mayne.. This is real what you are seeing. They see though do not perceive. It's okay man, I was there too. I couldn't believe it either.

Perhaps to you a category 3 Hurricane traveling in the direction that 10 million people live doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the news but what about those people inland that are in the projected trajectory? Don't they have the right to know that a category 3 Hurricane is headed their way?? Unless the media knew before hand it was never going to touch land, then I understand.

It should have made headlines yet it never did.. even though it was headed toward a major populated area of the country.

How could you trust a weatherman and his forecasts for the direction of a Hurricane?? C'mon man you can't be serious, can you? They always have about 5 different projections.. sighs.. oh boy. I forgive you. It's okay.

Do you live near the coastlands? If not then I can understand why you feel how you feel. If not then.. c'mon man, be real. They always report Hurricanes. It's good news for the weatherman. Why omit it??? Think deep, try to.

Path of Hurricane Erin (you can actually see the hurricane)
Path of Hurricane Erin shown in dots:

And pray tell, what is YOUR expertise in meteorology and forecasting? I've been studying this for quite a few years, and I've looked through forecasts of Erin, from the day it formed as a tropical depression. It was never going to be a threat to New York City, so there was no need to mention it. It was always forecast to be a "fish" storm.

I'm referring to the National Hurricane Center, by the way. They have an excellent track record with forecasting this stuff, and most of the forecasters there have held positions for 20 years or longer. Again, I ask you. What is your expertise in meteorology and forecasting?

They always report hurricanes? No, wrong. They reported quite a few storms this year because they were a legitimate threat to the U.S. But not every storm this year made the news, apart from maybe the Weather Channel because that's their kind of coverage.

Is it a coincidence that..

(Luke 10:18) And HE said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. (fall from the heights or the high places)

Satan Hebrew translation: Satan
Lighting Hebrew translation: to flash (of lightning) baraq 1299

(Isaiah 14:14) I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.

Heights Hebrew translation: bamah 1116

Ooh.. I understand. Mkay. I guess in order for Hurricanes to make the news, they have to be a threat. That determination is made by a meteorologist. I should have known.

Thanks guys.
Yes. Everything you list is a coincidence.

Coincidences happen. When you look back at the quintillions of things that happen in history, it's very easy to pick two or three of them that have something in common, and ascribe it some significance.

But coincidences happen. People win the lottery. Do you think it was COINCIDENCE that they just happened to pick the right numbers? What are the odds?
Ooh.. I understand. Mkay. I guess in order for Hurricanes to make the news, they have to be a threat. That determination is made by a meteorologist. I should have known.

Thanks guys.

Well, yes, quite obviously. You remember that hurricane Katrina and Sandy made about 100x as much news as other hurricanes, because they were major threats.
Was the spiral over Norway the day before Obama was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize a coincidence as well?

You know Obama is going to Israel next month. I'm sure that's the man that will try to bring lasting peace to the mid-east region (he and the president before have waged many wars in the name of peace).. so, um.. I smell Bible Prophecy coming to life. I do not want to say too much, I just hope I'm alive for awhile and if I am I will explain the future events that will take place while I'm still free and the internet is free.

Let's just say Joe Biden will be president for a short while.. he did allude to it here (scroll to 0:18):

If he does become president of the USA does that mean this thing that he said was a coincidence too? Remember you heard it hear first. The prophecies must be fulfilled. They have already been written. If the sign of Jonah doesn't convince you then nothing will and you will be in danger of hell fire. I'm sorry but I tell it to you plainly. I'm just trying to help.

9/11 Morning Weather Reports | NYC Not Warned of Approaching Hurricane Erin

From the video description:

Why was Hurricane Erin travelling straight for NYC from September 3rd-11th 2001, yet it was not reported on by any major media broadcast in that area?

Erin was not mentioned in weather forecasts because it never posed a threat to land. All the forecast models correctly indicated that the high pressure would build down the coast and block the storm. That is not an uncommon scenario. Surfers love this type of storm. We call them "fish storms". They are more common than landfalling hurricanes.

Does anyone know kids were being thought to sound out, Kite, Playing, Must, Hit, Steal?? while Bush sat and watched them.

When the kids say the words it sounds like kite, plane, must, hit, steel (not in that order).. eerie, huh? To metabunkers it's just another coincidence lol.

Lord knows I try to provide the information but it's on you to decide what to do with it.

To me I smell something fishy..

View attachment 1689

Looks like someone had foreknowledge.. Based on all the info I've dug up, I'm certain Bush knew of the attacks.

View attachment 1690
If the Simpsons knew before hand, then definitely the most powerful man in the world at the time, knew as well.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps to you a category 3 Hurricane traveling in the direction that 10 million people live doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the news

Why should it be in the news if it is clear from the overall weather pattern that the storm will not make landfall?

but what about those people inland that are in the projected trajectory?

None were.

Don't they have the right to know that a category 3 Hurricane is headed their way??

Sure, if one actually is.

Unless the media knew before hand it was never going to touch land,

The media did know. The weather men told them.

It should have made headlines yet it never did.. even though it was headed toward a major populated area of the country.

It wasn't headed toward the continent therefore it would have been useless hype for it to make headlines.

How could you trust a weatherman and his forecasts for the direction of a Hurricane?? C'mon man you can't be serious, can you? They always have about 5 different projections.. sighs.. oh boy.

There are numerous forecast models, more than five, used in predicting the path of tropical cyclones. Official forcast tracks are usually taken from a blend of the most reliable models. When storms are entrained into the trough between prominent high pressures there is generally very little error in forecast track. Erin was correctly forecast to butt up against build high pressure and then get entrained into the westerlies and race off to the northeast. 72hr forecast error was 186 nautical miles. The storm actually pressed a bit further west than predicted.
Do you live near the coastlands?

I surf. I live on the east coast of Florida. Erin was reported the way most fish storms are. They made talk about it threatening Bermuda. They hyped up the effects of the swell reaching the coast. I and a lot of others were skipping work that morning to surf because high surf from a hurricane with calm local winds from the high pressure that helped keep the hurricane at sea makes for good surf.
Perhaps to you a category 3 Hurricane traveling in the direction that 10 million people live doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the news but what about those people inland that are in the projected trajectory? Don't they have the right to know that a category 3 Hurricane is headed their way?? Unless the media knew before hand it was never going to touch land, then I understand.


Looks like it was heading for Boston for a while to me.
Unless the media knew before hand it was never going to touch land, then I understand.

It was in the media and they did know before hand that it was not a threat to the CONUS. I remember reading about Erin because I keep up with weather patterns and forecasts. Anyone who thinks Erin was not mentioned in the MSM just wasn't paying attention.

From CNN:

"Strengthening Hurricane Erin bears down on Bermuda" September 8, 2001

"Hurricane Erin grazes Bermuda" September 09, 2001

"Hurricane Erin weakens, but still strong storm" September 10, 2001

September 10, 2001

Hurricane Erin posed no immediate threat to land on Monday after grazing past Bermuda overnight and moving into the open Atlantic.

Bermuda has discontinued its tropical storm warning.

Reports from a U.S. National Hurricane Center (NOAA) research aircraft indicated that Erin had weakened slightly. The weather service said Erin's hurricane-force winds extended outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from its center, with tropical storm force winds extending to 175 miles (280 kilometers).

The storm could still affect Canada around Newfoundland in three to four days, forecaster Brian Jarvinen of the NOAA told The Associated Press.

The analysis from the NHC:

It can be seen that the average official track forecasts for this tropical cyclone were better than the most recent ten-year averages at all forecast times.

Erin was never considered to be a threat to the mainland.

September 10, 2001 Posted: 6:59 PM EDT (2259 GMT)

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Hurricane Erin posed no immediate threat to land on Monday after grazing past Bermuda overnight and moving into the open Atlantic.

At 5 p.m. EDT Monday


36.0 degrees north latitude, 65.4 degrees west longitude

North-northwest at 8 mph

Sustained winds at 115 mph

Slight weakening is forecast over the next 24 hours

Bermuda has discontinued its tropical storm warning.

Reports from a U.S. National Hurricane Center (NOAA) research aircraft indicated that Erin had weakened slightly. The weather service said Erin's hurricane-force winds extended outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from its center, with tropical storm force winds extending to 175 miles (280 kilometers).

The storm could still affect Canada around Newfoundland in three to four days, forecaster Brian Jarvinen of the NOAA told The Associated Press.

Weakening Hurricane Erin spawns strong waves along East Coast

MIAMI (AP) -- A weakening Hurricane Erin with top winds of 90 mph headed north Tuesday, away from the United States on an arching route also expected to spare Canada.
At 5 a.m. EDT Tuesday


37.2 degrees north latitude, 65.9 degrees west longitude, about 460 miles south of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

North at 7 mph
37.2 degrees north latitude, 65.9 degrees west longitude, about 460 miles south of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

North at 7 mph

Sustained winds at 90 mph

Little change

However, Erin was still generating strong waves along the upper East Coast and forecasters said it could touch southern coastal areas of Newfoundland later in the week -- but only as a further weakened extra-tropical storm.

Erin was downgraded overnight from a Category 2 to a Category 1 storm, on a scale of one to five

It was never considered a threat to the North East and it weakened HOURS before the attacks and turned. The weather system that gave NYC those beautiful blue skies we saw that day was what she ran into.
And pray tell, what is YOUR expertise in meteorology and forecasting? I've been studying this for quite a few years, and I've looked through forecasts of Erin, from the day it formed as a tropical depression. It was never going to be a threat to New York City, so there was no need to mention it. It was always forecast to be a "fish" storm.

I'm referring to the National Hurricane Center, by the way. They have an excellent track record with forecasting this stuff, and most of the forecasters there have held positions for 20 years or longer. Again, I ask you. What is your expertise in meteorology and forecasting?

They always report hurricanes? No, wrong. They reported quite a few storms this year because they were a legitimate threat to the U.S. But not every storm this year made the news, apart from maybe the Weather Channel because that's their kind of coverage.

Most tropical systems that approach the east coast get steered out to sea by the constant troughs that swing into the NE US during the summer. Without these troughs the weather would be hot all summer (around or above 90 degrees). There troughs are basically a low pressure system with an associated cold front that swing east across the northern states during a normal summer. The winds just out ahead of these troughs come out of the SW which end up picking any tropical system up and shunting it NE into the North Atlantic. Its a basic weather pattern in the summer around the NE US and can be seen coming for days , hence no notification that there was any threat of a storm in NYC.
Ooh.. I understand. Mkay. I guess in order for Hurricanes to make the news, they have to be a threat. That determination is made by a meteorologist. I should have known.

Thanks guys.

Yes you are correct this time...even with your sarcastic tone.