I don't know any of you and what you like to do with your lives but I came onto this thread by chance I suppose. I hope that maybe I can offer some insight:
first off, the debate appears to be loosely "academic" in that it has a lot of science-nous, or science-nosity as you like. I do believe the post made by resin8te, as well as his website
http://rezn8d.net/2012/11/02/geoengineering-frankenstorm-hurricane-sandy-afwws-pt1/ , make a fairly valid distinction between tin hat conspiracy theories (the owners of which we all love to get a nice superiority boost from invalidating,) and what IS an actual concern which would be the technology and it's capabilities that are actively being developed with alarming success. It appears to me, as an outsider of this thread that the above link changes the tone somewhat as it makes a very rational case for showing these abilities are being realistically pursued and likely have been obtained by varying degrees. If you consider a theory like the existence of aliens, and put it alongside the idea that Sandy had a degree of modification, the latter has a realistic probability. So in the end, the debate isn't scientific, it's social. Ultimately, Mick is asking for proof of a crime. Now I would have to say to mick here... do u think if anyone had proof of such a crime that your thread would be the place to come? Certainly not mick. aha. But really, if proof of such a crime did exist, who, really would you turn to? I mean an international court? hmmmm. I agree with you mick that the possibility of course, exists that prevailing winds created this freakish storm the likes of which we have never seen. Or climate change maybe. This is all possible.
But in light of the information Reson8t posted i would bring to mind a couple of things. First, TNT was developed by a Farmer to reduce workload and improve quality of life. Einstein helped the atomic bomb because he believed it would stop the war (nevermind that it was the ultimate science experiment purely from an entertainment perspective.) So in considering that when a powerful technology is developed by a scientist to "help" people it may be multifaceted. And if one of these facets were to be dangerous it may be commandeered by the military complex, as in the case of haarp, which certainly isn't run by NOAAH.
So in the end Mick is right. No one on this thread has provided the direct evidence of said crime. That is, that no one has shown a smoking gun which says these recently developed technologies have been used in the case of Sandy. Though if someone had such a smoking gun, i would be a little frightened for THEm. that's for sure.ahaha.
Actually, I would be a little frightened for all of us. That's why when I go to these little conspiracy sites like the
http://www.haarpstatus.com/status.html one or whatever with the little rotating atlas .gif and "donate" button which has Harp sensors all over the continental US (and apparently chemtrail ones as well??) It simply makes me feel better. It makes things easier that there are simply just crazies out there and Hurricanes are a well explained phenomena. And that if we ignore it, the weird little things that bother us about human nature and history, you know things like murder, destruction, war (in all it's facets) domination, torture and sadism, and senseless control... oooh and let me add slavery and rape on there. WEll these things just happen, the same way as a hurricane does. They aren't propagated by twisted and criminal individuals. They're just the way things are.
Obviously I'm being sarcastic here. But let me say this one last thing,... science is A-moral but doesn't escape the realm of ethics (simply because we live in the same realm, not in star trek or on a hard drive.) Sooooo if any of the good chums on this thread actually do have any real geological training or experience on hurricanes. Remember YOU"VE GOT M* F* OBLIGATIONS to your fellow man..
So. Have a nice day all