Debunked: Fake Snow, Burning Snow.

Unfortunately it does not snow round here. I'd have to drive up the mountains. I wouldn't drink it after making it all sooty with the lighter though!

The smell is either coming from the lighter, or from burned gloves or similar. Possibly both.

The way it melts is explained in the OP
Just a few seconds ago I went in my backyard & got some snow. I put it on a plate & used a "match" on the snow instead of a lighter. I struck the match & let it burn for a few seconds before putting the flame to the snow. I then held the flame to the snow until the match burned all the way down it's stick. when I smelled the snow it STILL smelled like BURNT PLASTIC. Why would that be ?
Just a few seconds ago I went in my backyard & got some snow. I put it on a plate & used a "match" on the snow instead of a lighter. I struck the match & let it burn for a few seconds before putting the flame to the snow. I then held the flame to the snow until the match burned all the way down it's stick. when I smelled the snow it STILL smelled like BURNT PLASTIC. Why would that be ?

Incomplete combustion. Try it with a pyrex jug. Same thing.

Incomplete combustion. Try it with a pyrex jug. Same thing.

OK, so that I'm clear on what you're saying is that the "pyrex" will smell like burnt plastic too ? I see the picture depicts the "soot" aspect, but I am referring to the "smell" of plastic after I did it and also there was no soot or blackening of my snow, just that smell.
OK, so that I'm clear on what you're saying is that the "pyrex" will smell like burnt plastic too ? I see the picture depicts the "soot" aspect, but I am referring to the "smell" of plastic after I did it and also there was no soot or blackening of my snow, just that smell.


The soot itself is just carbon, which does not really have a smell.

The smell comes from other products of incomplete combustion, specifically polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are more or less invisible.
theres no black because smoke/soot RISES.

[Minor point: technically smoke and soot will fall, as they are heavier than air. They rise because they are entrained in in hot air. It's not an important distinction, just something to keep in mind]
[Minor point: technically smoke and soot will fall, as they are heavier than air. They rise because they are entrained in in hot air. It's not an important distinction, just something to keep in mind]
good point. figured that was common knowledge with flames. they use smoke machines to see how viruses spread through buildings etc too and the smoke floats on air currents until (youre right) the air current is gone and the soot settles.

External Quote:

One cold, dry day in April 1970, three months after Peter Los had been admitted to the hospital,
an expert in aerosols from West Berlin arrived at St. Walberga, bringing with him a machine for making
smoke. Doctors Wehrle, Posch, and Richter wanted to find out exactly how the virus had traveled
through the hospital. The smoke man placed his machine in the middle of Los's old room and loaded it
with a can of black soot. The doctors raised the window a couple of inches, in a re-creation of what Los
had done when he disobeyed the nuns. They also left the door to the lobby propped open a crack, as it
had been during the outbreak, when Fritz Funke had put his face up to it and come away infected with
The smoke man switched on his machine, there was a whining sound, and a cloud of black
smoke poured out of a nozzle and headed for Los's door and billowed down the hallway of the isolation
ward. Paul Wehrle ran along with it. The smoke went through the cracked-open door and poured into
the lobby, and from there it boiled up the stairs to the second floor and then went to the third floor. As it
came out of the stairwell it drifted along the upper hallways. It got through the closed doors of the
cloistered hallway on the third floor, and it sprinkled a number of sick nuns with black dust.
"The patients got more of a treatment than they'd bargained on when they went to the hospital
From The Demon in the Freezer
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Wow! This is fascinating . . . these people really think they have found the 'smoking gun' . . . now along with persistent contrails and their seasonal upper respiratory infections they are convinced they will soon become zombies to TPTB . . . :confused:

The link you dropped for facebook would suggest your also MrGregory1957 ? If so then Im one of the people that you heard about metabunk from. But it wasnt on the video you posted as theres no mention of Metabunk there It was on the video i posted here on this thread post225. Yet it would seem the link I posted for this blog was erased.
No I'm not Mcgregory, and I didn't comment on the facebook post, just simply took note of it and shared it with everyone here.
He probably will not get elected because the district has a HUGE Democratic lean. In the 2012 election the hank Johnson won 76%-24%. So Greg Pallen can go full CT with no real downside for him.'s_4th_Congressional_District_elections,_2012
The 4th District has been redrawn (new seat) . . but doubt it will give him a better chance . . .
External Quote:
Georgia's 4th congressional district
External Quote:
is acongressional district in the U.S. state ofGeorgia. The district is currently represented by Democrat Hank Johnson, though the district's boundaries have been redrawn following the 2010 census, which granted an additional congressional seat to Georgia.[3]The first election using the new district boundaries (listed below) were the 2012 congressional elections.'s_4th_congressional_district
The results from 2012 reflect the 2010 redistricting and Hank Johnson won by 76-24, I do not believe any Republican can win minus some scandal.

External Quote:
WET SNOW WITH AT OR BELOW FREEZING GROUND- It this situation the snow will accumulate on the ground. This is the best situation for producing snow where the making of snowballs is the easiest. The snow is sticky due to its high partial liquid content. The ratio for wet snow will be less than 10:1. For example, a 5:1 ratio may occur in which it takes 5 inches of snow to produce 1 inch of liquid equivalent.

DRY SNOW- A dry snow has little to no liquid water content thus this snow will be less dense than average. Less dense meaning there will be a lot of air pockets between the snow crystals. Dry snow is not sticky and thus it is difficult to make snowballs with it and the wind blows it around substantially even after reaching the surface. The ratio for dry snow will be greater than 10:1. In extreme cases it can be 30:1 or greater. Dry snow occurs when the temperatures throughout the troposphere are well below freezing and the surface temperature is below freezing. Since dry snowflakes are less sticky they are less inclined to stick together as they fall, thus a dry snow will often be composed of a large number of small snowflakes.

External Quote:
The density of new snow ranges from about 5% when the air temperature is 14° F, to about 20% when the temperature is 32° F. After the snow falls its density increases due to gravitational settling, wind packing, melting and recrystallization.
It appears that this video was made 4 days after the event, It looks like Mick was clear in the opening post on why Pallen's snow may have a higher moisture content.
External Quote:
The density of new snow ranges from about 5% when the air temperature is 14° F, to about 20% when the temperature is 32° F. After the snow falls its density increases due to gravitational settling, wind packing, melting and recrystallization.
It appears that this video was made 4 days after the event, It looks like Mick was clear in the opening post on why Pallen's snow may have a higher moisture content.

Yes, his videos show perfectly reasonable snow densities (for old snow). It's not even really clear what his objection is. The snow looks normal. It melts. He didn't stick a flame under it to blacken it.
I had to sign up to these forums just to say this, dont wanna go off topic but anyone reading this still having doubts I've lived in Colorado ALL MY LIFE. I am now 23 years old, about 11 years ago(That would make me 12) I played around with lighters every once inawhile, and we have always had great big snows(Ones with DRY SNOW AND WET SNOW WE HAVE IT ALL BECAUSE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING), But I did the exact thing in the orginal video, Crunching a snow ball together and melting it with a lighter. Back than it did the exact same thing it did now, It turned a bit black and was barely burning but I could see the water being leeched into the rest of the snow ball. Back then I was intelligent enough to know the way I was holding the flame is making this black/soot like texture and that this would take forever to melt(Keep in mind I was 12). I even grabbed another and tried giving the flame more oxygen/space and viola! No soot and its still being leeched into the snowball itself and taking awhile to melt. That was when I was 12... and I already knew this... now seeing these grown people and reading these comments.... its just baffling... THIS IS MAKING US LOOK REALLY STUPID, even though I know some of you are still sane.

The most interesting part I find about this story is, Alot of VIDEOS DEBUNKING THE SNOW IN A VERY INTELLIGENT WAY ARE OF PEOPLE THAT ARE FROM COLORADO ALSO AND SEE SNOW ALL THE TIME AND ALOT OF IT. And the ones saying OH NO PLASTIC IN MY SNOW, are in regions that dont get heavy snows very often,or none at all. Yes it was very cold... we got to 10 below... and of course its gonna make some nice fluffy snow... Why are you guys not enjoying it? instead you're afraid of it? This is crazy... Most Of Colorado.. I know I do, we love the snow and we know all the properties it brings... Just some Bad road conditions and thats it. WHAT WE should be debunking is how people that have never even melted snow with a lighter before, are all of a sudden are a expert at it and they think its gonna just melt and drip all over, so then they grab a icecube/or ice shavings(LIKE THEY SAW IN THE ORGINAL VIDEO) ( VERY DENSE NOT LIKE SNOW FLAKES AT ALL!!!) and of course its gonna make alot of water... its pure frozen water and it cannot asorb the water back into it.

To sum it up, I did the exact same thing like 6 years and its the same as today. These people have literally no clue of how the snowflakes are made, heck I bet they dont even know how most of the earth works... Science is a great way to understand the world. These people WOULD THINK ITS THE END OF THE WORLD if they saw what a real rare event that happens when the ground is Frozen and heated up and repeated, and thats called FROST QUAKES when the grounds cracks/makes loud noises/even some static electricity is made(This happened to my backyard a bit and it was awesome). Why cant they be surprsied by that? We had the perfect weather for them and some did happen, but instead a majority of some people are looking at the ol' snow. I bet they couldent even understand how FROST FLOWERS are made, almost the way a Frost Quake is made, but done on sea, heck there is even a theroy they could be a source of polar atmospheric aerosol having high chemical concentrations of tropospheric bromine monoxide(Getting off topic sorry). But they wouldent know what there hearing/seeing because they dont have a understanding of how it works in a scientific way, they just see what someone else did they try out it out and of course its the same results.. and here you are.... I feel sorry for the people that actually know its regular snow and are trying to tell the lunatics that think its - fake snow/plastic... and so on... get a better understanding of your earth people.
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I've searched YouTube for a "snow pipe".
As a former pothead (20 years ago), we made improvised pipes from anything.....apples, foil wrap, carrots, etc....
I could certainly see someone making a pipe made of compacted snow.....and I have little doubt it has been done by someone, somewhere.
I don't know what this might bring to this discussion other than......the compacted snow pipe would not melt and fall apart during it's temporary use.

EDIT...found one....(excuse the juvenile behavior)
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I've searched YouTube for a "snow pipe".
As a former pothead (20 years ago), we made improvised pipes from anything.....apples, foil wrap, carrots, etc....
I could certainly see someone making a pipe made of compacted snow.....and I have little doubt it has been done by someone, somewhere.
I don't know what this might bring to this discussion other than......the compacted snow pipe would not melt and fall apart during it's temporary use.

Look up snow bong...
I'm not familiar with this woman called Rev Michelle Hopkins but she's making some extraordinary claims about the snow in this video which is starting to go viral.

Hi Emelin,

Here's the full transcription to the video:
(also uploaded here: )


Narration by Rev Michelle Hopkins.

External Quote:
00:00 When I asked my friend who was one of the world's foremost authorities in atmospheric science about the artificial snow that is falling over North America, I asked him what is this aerosol Polymer compound? And why was this compound used rather than the normal snow producing aerosols? After researching the areas being aerosoled this was the answer he was given:

00:44 The main uses for "snow, as it is commonly known are Military." He was then cautioned that that open ended conversations on this topic should be strictly avoided.

01:06 As for the cover story which I mentioned would come immediately following any information he had from me if such information is classified, this is what he was instructed to ensure the public.

01:21 The Military applications of snow "are life saving and truly beneficial".

01:31 So I have done a microscopic analysis on this Military delivered artificial Polymer snow as it has been confirmed, and this is what I learned:

01:50 The first thing that I found truly remarkable was there were Polymers in this of different types. There were white sheets of Polymers in entire sheets, and there were holes in these Polymers where living organisms had created an effect of expelling gas and creating holes in these Polymers like Swiss Cheese.

02:19 In one instance we see a living organism traveling down this Polymer. It gets stuck in this concave hole that another living creature has made when it was dying. It comes out of that hole and comes down only to be swallowed up by the Polymer itself.

02:45 I'm not entirely certain if the Polymer itself swallowed this creature, or if the creature just doved (dived?) down into the Polymer, or if actually was fused with the Polymer because something else diabolical was found in this Military "snow".

03:12 Depleted Uranium unmistakably was found in this Military "snow". One of the reasons for depleted Uranium in aerosols being sprayed by the Military are to fuse living and non-living animate, and in-animate, organic an inorganic particulates together to make a new species, fusing them together to make a Cyborg-Organism, and we are actually able to view this process.

04: 00 In this Military application snow, here we can see obvious depleted Uranium. It is most definitely depleted Uranium. We can see the depleted Uranium fusion was produced into a re-nucleated new species. This is a Meca-Organism - OK, it's a mechanical organism or a Cybernetic Organism. It is a Single Cell Cyborg.

04:37 There are Polymer producing Nanites. The depleted Uranium is being used as a catalyst to create this Meca-Orga Fusion Process and as it happens these holes are being created in this Polymer sheet because Methane gases are released.

05:06 That's part of the reason for the green colour in the sky when this is going on. Another reason is for the other organisms that are being aerosoled into the sky.

05:24 This is what you get when you fuse a single cell organism with a Polymer producing Nano-Particle, a Nano-Cyborg which is a Polymer Fiber 3D Printer. You've seen those 3D printers - you can actually program it to print out anything. It's the forerunner of Start Treks replicator. You can give it all the materials it needs down to the very molecular structure and give it a computer program to tell it exactly what to print out, and it will 3D print out anything. That's what these are - these are Nano-Cyborg Polymer Fiber 3D printers. They are programmed to print -3D print Polymer Fibers.

06:22 Here we see two large Polymer Fibers a newly fused Nano Cyborg ready to start production right here, a Nano-Cyborg Polymer Fiber 3D Printers as it's happening and a DU Nano Fusion in process.

07:04 This green globule goo, I believe it is organic material that is being reigned down on us for purposes of making us ill.

07:28 Here we have more Polymer Fibers:

(…. Long pause in narration as poor quality video images are displayed.)

08:45 Here is a more close up view of a Nanite that is creating a Polymer Fiber.

09:02 Here is a Nano-Cyborg Polymer Fiber 3D Printer in the act right now - it's printing out Polymer Fiber 3D out of both ends.

09:15 This is a Polymer Fiber Mass following its Nano-Cyborg builder.

09:30 Ever wonder why we are seeing so many rainbows in strange places? There are countless Nano-Particles throughout this Military "snow" - this artificial snow. Here' another Polymer Fiber.

09:50 The next thing I found was Shiny, Radioactive Barium which is actually unfortunately normal in precipitation now because it's being aerosoled so much by the Military. There were Polymer Fibers all throughout this.

10:13 One of the organisms that I found is a Genetically Engineered Organism that was discovered in 2010. It's called Pseudomonas syringae and what it does is it creates freezing at low temperatures thus destroying crops. Pseudomonas syringe - it was engineered to destroy crops and it's being reigned down on us, and here we see evidence of another reason for this Military application which is "life saving", OK? (slight chuckle) Sarcasm alert here!

10:55 Here we see a Desiccated Human Red Blood Cell Strand, a whole strand right there still together. These are Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells. We also see single Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells by themselves having broken from the strand, and we have activated Human Red Blood Cells that are dividing. So they're not waiting until they fall down on the ground - they're not waiting to activate these for a specific moment in time. They're activating them on the way down.

11.42 This is for plague purposes. It is for the purposes of an epidemic.

11:50 These Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells have been opened up - the shell, the outer shell has been opened up and the nucleus is taken out - it is re-nucleated with a disease, a replicating disease, and it uses this shell of this blood cell to protect it until it can be injected into whatever host, and destroy or debilitate whatever host. This is for epidemic and/or pandemic. This is the Military's life saving snow application.
12:38 End of narration.
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One of the organisms that I found is a Genetically Engineered Organism that was discovered in 2010. It''s called Pseudomonas syringae and what it does is it creates freezing at low temperatures thus destroying crops. Pseudomonas syringe - it was engineered to destroy crops and it's being reigned down on us, and here we see evidence of another reason for this Military application which is "life saving", OK? (slight chuckle) Sarcasm alert here!

MichelleHopkins must have stumbled onto an article or research paper on Pseudomonas syringae that happened to be published in 2010 or something but naturally occurring ice nucleating bacteria, including P. syringae, have been studied for over 40 years. A genetically modified version, there is a natural mutant also, that lacks the ice nucleating proteins has been developed in order to protect crops from frost damage. She has a habit of taking a snippet of truth and twisting it into something grotesque. The way she makes stuff up about shapes she sees in poor quality microscope images like identifying depleted uranium or P. syringae is exactly what she did with random patterns in low resolution pixelated images of the ocean floor on Google Maps and claiming to have found "Tesla Tech Arrays". She's a bit, shall we say... loopy?,38
My online local forecast, I'm in NE Georgia.
Rain and snow showers mixed late. Some sleet may mix in. Low 34F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 90%. Current temp is 46F
My online local forecast, I'm in NE Georgia.
Rain and snow showers mixed late. Some sleet may mix in. Low 34F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 90%. Current temp is 46F
Glad to know there's someone else in NE Ga that hasn't gone down the rabbit hole. This area can be dumbfounding from time to time.