Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.

"CA Chemtrails" is a serial offender for stealing and misrepresenting images.

Here is a response from the owner of one such image. How long do you reckon it will last?


(Incidentally, note how you can see, if you look through the windows, that the plane is on the ground at a busy air show! Hardly top secret stuff... :) )

This photo was recently used to say it is undeniable proof of chemtrails, I didn't find a comparable image using image search. Can anyone explain what is going on? It almost looks photoshopped. I also remember one recently but I couldn't find it again that I thought was a closer up photo with something coming out besides the exhaust, maybe these are examples of a fuel dump?

This photo was recently used to say it is undeniable proof of chemtrails, I didn't find a comparable image using image search. Can anyone explain what is going on? It almost looks photoshopped. I also remember one recently but I couldn't find it again that I thought was a closer up photo with something coming out besides the exhaust, maybe these are examples of a fuel dump?
It's an aerodynamic contrail (from the wing surface pressure change, not the engine exhaust). See:
Thanks Mick, the second image could be the same? When you try to reverse search strange aircraft images most of the results are from chemtrail sites.
"CA Chemtrails" is a serial offender for stealing and misrepresenting images.

Here is a response from the owner of one such image. How long do you reckon it will last?

View attachment 9114

(Incidentally, note how you can see, if you look through the windows, that the plane is on the ground at a busy air show! Hardly top secret stuff... :) )

Didn't last long, Trailblazer. The link you provided us is already defunct. :p
Thanks Mick, the second image could be the same? When you try to reverse search strange aircraft images most of the results are from chemtrail sites.

Yes, that's another aerodynamic contrail. They come from most of the wing surface when you see them at cruise altitude, or just from the wingtips, or the end of the flaps, when landing.

Fuel dumps come from a single spot on each wing.
Fuel dumps come from a single spot on each wing.

These nozzles (when installed....not all airliners have this capability) are generally located well outboard, near the wingtips.

A Boeing 777, seen from the ground (for example):

BTW, some might wonder about this example's altitude. This instance was an hydraulic system failure during the takeoff (at Newark, NJ). The airplane was bound for Tokyo, thus a lot of fuel on-board. The hydraulic fluid loss meant that the landing gear would not retract (amongst some other problems, but there is sufficient redundancy in the design to be able to maintain control, etc).

Since the gear could not be retracted, continuing the flight was obviously out of the question. (A failed hydraulic system, another reason to return to departure airport, in any case also....).
Usually, but not always:

Yes. Commercial airliners, the most commonly-seen airplane were the focus. (They also are mistakenly some small groups of people.... of "spraying" any number of things when in fact, what are seen are merely contrails).

Specific military airplanes, such as that tanker example, are not the norm. (In that, in terms of percentage...there are far many more commercial airliners than are large military jets).
Usually, but not always:
This is a Navy E-6B Mercury (TACAMO), dumping fuel from its mid-wing vents.

Wow I had no idea those dumped from there!
I had seen that photo once years ago...

To the readers here (not to Mick who probably already knows this): Generally speaking, narrow-body aircraft do not have fuel dump capability because, unlike wide-body aircraft which have huge wings (which are the fuel tanks), a narrow-body carrying full fuel is not carrying 200,000lbs of weight in fuel that it is going to use to cross an ocean.

Put simply, the Max Landing Weight on a narrow-body is not usually drastically lower than that aircraft's Max Takeoff Weight. For example, on a 737-800 (which probably burns around 6,500lbs of fuel per hour?) the weights are:
Maximum Takeoff Weight 174,200 lbs.
Maximum Landing Weight 146,300 lbs.

For comparison, the Max Takeoff Weight of a 747-400 is 875,000lbs. The max landing weight is 652,000lbs.
That 223,000 lb difference when divided by 6.72 is 33,184 gallons of fuel. Also it is 10.6 hours of fuel based on the 747's cruise fuel consumption of 21,000 lbs per hour.

Wide-body aircraft, not including the A330 (on which it is a customer option), are equipped with fuel dump nozzles.
Boeing: 767, 777, 787, 747. The nozzle is just outboard of the outboard aileron.
Unlike Boeing, I'm not an Airbus expert, but it would be the A340 and A380. The nozzle is at the back of one of the outboard flap track "canoe" fairings.

Here is the best footage ever of an aerodynamic contrails (it gets you into my "Contrails don't exist" playlist also):

When the air is accelerated over the top of the wing (to reduce the air pressure in order to create lift) the temperature drops also.
Because the air's dewpoint is high due to being highly saturated with moisture, it is conducive to being cooled to it's dew-point.
The degree of cooling required to cause the invisible moisture in the air to condense into visible moisture is less than the "temperature dew-point spread" is in dry air...
The temperature and dew-point are close enough together that the temperature reduction caused by the pressure reduction is enough to condense the moisture.

Basically it is making fog for the same reason that radiation fog forms- except that it is so cold at altitude it does not condense into fog- instead it sublimates into ice crystals, creating a "man-made/induced" cirrus cloud.

If cirrus clouds of ice crystals can persist without being "chem"- then contrails of ice crystals can too!
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Wide-body aircraft, not including the A330 (on which it is a customer option)

As I've come to learn, the B757 (no longer in production) did have an "option" for the customer who bought it.....for fuel jettison.

NONE at my airline, however. ( It just wasn't worth the added cost, to the "List Price"... ;) ).

An O/W ("overweight") landing, when the situation arose, was considered "cheaper" in the long-term.

I made ONE O/W landing, in my career....on the B757, due to a precautionary engine shut-down shortly (about fifteen minutes} after take-off. It is really a simple procedure for Maintenance to check the data (the QAR, or Quick Access Recorder) and then comply with the list of inspection protocols that are required, in order to re-certify the airplane. (Of course, they ALSO had to fix the Bleed Air problem too!!).
As I've come to learn, the B757 (no longer in production) did have an "option" for the customer who bought it.....for fuel jettison.

NONE at my airline, however. ( It just wasn't worth the added cost, to the "List Price"... ;) ).

An O/W ("overweight") landing, when the situation arose, was considered "cheaper" in the long-term.

I made ONE O/W landing, in my career....on the B757, due to a precautionary engine shut-down shortly (about fifteen minutes} after take-off. It is really a simple procedure for Maintenance to check the data (the QAR, or Quick Access Recorder) and then comply with the list of inspection protocols that are required, in order to re-certify the airplane. (Of course, they ALSO had to fix the Bleed Air problem too!!).

Interesting! I had no idea they were an option.
So the qar tells what you descent rate was on touchdown?

Obviously you are the expert on the 757 here since I'm just a flight instructor who is about to apply to be a freight dog (!), but I know that the 757-200ERs that American and others have have a 255,000lb max takeoff weight while the early models (Northwest Airlines, etc.) have a really low MTOW something like 220,000 (or maybe I have a bad memory and it's 240,000)!

Check this out- I finally figured out the psychological reason why "chemtrail" believers think the way they do!
There is also a second psychology video after this video which will play in my playlist).
Obviously you are the expert on the 757 here since I'm just a flight instructor who is about to apply to be a freight dog (!), but I know that the 757-200ERs that American and others have have a 255,000lb max takeoff weight while the early models (Northwest Airlines, etc.) have a really low MTOW something like 220,000 (or maybe I have a bad memory and it's 240,000)!

There are various MGTOW limits for the B757. 240,000 for our -200s, and 255,000 for our -300s...(so the 757-300 was a "heavy" when using the call-sign). BUT, ATC now uses a standard sequence spacing for all 757s, for wake turbulence reasons. (For all B757s, regardless of type).

...who is about to apply to be a freight dog (!)....

NOTHING wrong with that!!! Just do it! ( I was young once, too.... LOL!!! )

The video? Arrrggghhh....OK, will hold my nose, and watch....oh, he actually speaks to truth!! Refreshing. So, there are some redeeming values to YouTube, after all? ( I joke...;) ).

P.S. Please feel free to send me a PM anytime.....
Glad you found's old stuff, but I recall seeing it years ago. Interesting how the 9/11 junk gets mixed in, there ...and the "jet mechanic" who claimed that the engine parts seen in lower Manhattan were from the CFM-56. (This is an incorrect assertion).
It is actually a refueling panel from a 737. It is where the fuel is loaded onto the aircraft.

Well....yeah! Seriously? Are the 'chem'trail promotion sites getting this lazy?

I mean....EVERY pilot and even the people who fuel the airplanes knows about this panel, near the wing leading edge (usually, on the right side of the airplane.....since it is commonplace to board on the left side). the fueling panel (for any number of commercial airliners) the person who is up-loading the fuel has what's called a "Fuel Slip", to indicate what amount to load into each tank. There are settings that are input manually, and when the proper amount is loaded into each tank, then various fill-valves close automatically.

IOW, the 'amount' per tank is input, at the fuel panel, and then it is automated afterwards.
Well....yeah! Seriously? Are the 'chem'trail promotion sites getting this lazy?

I mean....EVERY pilot and even the people who fuel the airplanes knows about this panel, near the wing leading edge (usually, on the right side of the airplane.....since it is commonplace to board on the left side). the fueling panel (for any number of commercial airliners) the person who is up-loading the fuel has what's called a "Fuel Slip", to indicate what amount to load into each tank. There are settings that are input manually, and when the proper amount is loaded into each tank, then various fill-valves close automatically.

IOW, the 'amount' per tank is input, at the fuel panel, and then it is automated afterwards.

I rarely put on fuel since if we are at home station, maintenance has done it, or we have 2 flying crew chiefs that take care of it along with minor maintenance when we are on the road. I am qualified to do it, and will do it from time to time for proficiency. Since we have 6 tanks it it similar, you simply dial in the desired amount and the automatic system handles the rest if you are refueling off the right wing port. This site probably knows it is a fueling panel, and used it anyhow.
Seems to me (just a thought) the problem with photos such as that fueling panel? Requires that each and every 'chem'trail believer must be educated as a pilot....or at the very least, as an airport ground worker.

I mean to say, that of all the professions, it only takes a bit of experience in the field of aviation to realize the absurdity of the myth of 'chem'trails.

I would invite any 'believers' to take the effort and learn just the barest minimum aspects that are encompassing in the vast area of aviation.

You can become a might wish to be a Flight Attendant. Either way, you will learn a lot. Also, as mentioned above, there is the aspect of "Ground Operations" on an airport ramp surface, and ramp areas. Fuelers, Ramp Marshallers, baggage loaders....ALL are familiar with airliner, and airport, operations. Some of these duties are cross-trained, too.

There is also the mechnanics side of aviation....become a certified mechanic! ("A&P", in the U.S....similar ratings in other countries).
I mean to say, that of all the professions, it only takes a bit of experience in the field of aviation to realize the absurdity of the myth of 'chem'trails.

I would invite any 'believers' to take the effort and learn just the barest minimum aspects that are encompassing in the vast area of aviation.

Well said!
Too bad your statement makes you a "paid shill government dis-info agent troll" huh? :)
I have ZERO experience in the field of aviation and realize the absurdity of the myth of chemtrails.;)

You guys get PAID??? Nice!

Every word that I used: "paid shill government dis-info agent troll" came from the comments of youtube users who have called me those names for explaining contrails to them and disputing "chemtrails".
I did forget one name though! One guy called me "Mossad". I told him that I had never been called that and that I was giving him "extra points" for originality!
Oh - I also forgot that I have been called "CIA".
That one I have gotten more than a few times. ;)
One guy called me "Mossad"....
..... I have been called "CIA".

Hilarious, on both counts. (Because Mossad would never hire a Jew....or, is it the other way 'round? ;) ). Sorry, my jokes are probably about to be "cut"... :D

I need to salvage this post.

Stating the truth about the myth and hoax of "chem"trails has its own burden. Bringing facts and evidence (and occasionally a bit of humor, to lighten the mood) can help.

Despite the attempt at levity here....the thread does have some very serious points and should be regarded as such.

As always, please simply allow for a bit of "intermission" between the serious discussions.....
(Originally posted by member 'KC-10FE'):

(Sorry, I copy/pasted, and it looks like I posted....bad (BB) codes!! Bad!)

External Quote:
Another one

View attachment 9149

It is actually a Convair 580 research plane operated by Institute for Aerospace Research in Canada
Edited the BB code....what is below, is from me:

The FB comment (by "Nancy Valerio") on that photo is particularly.....well...."ill-informed" to use a polite phrase.
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I have ZERO experience in the field of aviation and realize the absurdity of the myth of chemtrails.

Wanna be a pilot? (Sorry, just too easy. But seriously?).

There are going to be enormous opportunities in the coming decades for employees in many fields of the aviation biz....pilots included.
Saw this posted on the Global Skywatch FB page:

Looks like a rig for icing tests, and a reverse Google Image search confirmed that the image originally came the Alligator, Inc. website:

Looking at the comments, I was surprised to see that someone had already debunked the picture (and hadn't been banned yet), and there was serious discussion among apparent believers about the need to research such pictures, and that it was misleading to post them out of context:
