Claim: Videos of people exhaling vape smoke through a mask, demonstrate masks as useless against a virus..

"vape smoke"

Therein lies the issue. Vape 'smoke' isn't smoke at is vapour. That's why it is called vaping. What is inhaled and exhaled is closer to steam from a kettle than it is to cigarette smoke.
"vape smoke"

Therein lies the issue. Vape 'smoke' isn't smoke at is vapour. That's why it is called vaping. What is inhaled and exhaled is closer to steam from a kettle than it is to cigarette smoke.
Composition of electronic cigarette aerosol

The aerosol (mist[4]) produced by an e-cigarette is commonly but inaccurately called vapor.[1] In physics, a vapor is a substance in the gas phase whereas an aerosol is a suspension of tiny particles of liquid, solid or both within a gas.[1]
Covid droplets:
The droplets of sizes less than about 20 µm (equivalent to ~ 10 µm desiccated residue diameter), which are of importance from airborne risk perspective would dry up within a few seconds to form nonvolatile residues of size approximately half the droplet size22. In a recent paper by Stadnytskyi et al.10, a factor of 1/3 has also been used for the dehydrated residue sizes. The SARS-CoV-2 virus particles of size (100–200) nm will be incorporated into these residues which will then vector them across the indoor air space.


Stadnytskyi et al.10 estimated that for viral load of 7 × 106 RNA copies/mL, less than 0.01% of 3 µm, 0.37% of 10 µm, 37% of 50 µm droplets (prior to dehydration) will carry one or more virus and the remaining fraction will not carry any virus.


One can therefore restrict attention on large droplets only for aerosolized risks, and the remaining fraction will be just uncontaminated droplets.



Vape droplets:
The undiluted e-cigarette aerosols were found to have particle diameters of average mass in the 250-450 nm range

Vape vapor droplets are 10-100 times smaller than the infectious aerosols/droplets that masks are intended to inhibit.