I've had to switch to Firefox from Chrome because I've been unable to log in to various sites (on XP and Vista - don't laugh)
what I've read, ECDHE_ECDSA should have worked with Chrome on Vista -- and everything should be working now with Chrome on XP. Mick's suggestion to clear your cache is a good one; I tried last night to see if some of the missing component problems could be traced to possibly earlier certificate upgrades, but couldn't easily figure out how to tell which certificates were being used for individual CSS or Javascript includes under Firefox, and wasn't interested enough to do it with difficulty.
Hopefully it was just an issue with Cloudflare, and is now fixed.
Well, it's definitely yet another in a series of death knells for XP. I'd expected to be off it by now, but that was before the FBI walked off with my main PC,* sending me back to an older machine. For a while I had been able to brute-force my way past such certificate errors by enabling SSLv3 in Chrome, but after Chrome v40 that flag has been de-activated. I'm pleased Cloudflare [seemingly] went the browser-sniffing route, but certainly not every host moving to an admittedly superior ECDSA-signed suite will be as accommodating.
* Allegedly, a housemate had been dating a pedophile who -- allegedly -- had discussed and shared photos of his crimes with her. As she's been held since mid-April, I've not had a chance to talk with her unmonitored, so I don't know how much of this is for real and how much is role-play gone terribly wrong. (Chat transcripts read the same, either way...) Even though we had separate domains within the home and never entered the other's space unaccompanied, California law views it all as one, big, legally searchable space -- meaning that when they kicked in our front door, held me at gunpoint in my own bedroom, and dragged me outside in cuffs, they could search and seize any of my property. Which they did...