Bugs and Suggestions for Metabunk.org

Not a huge deal, but I'm noticing my user menu shortcuts which are normally located at the top right above the search box are now sometimes migrating to the forum menu, in the middle of the page:


(This is in Firefox 24, btw)
Well I've been getting a weird conflict with something on this site and something in my browser - if google user content is blocked with noscript I don't get a comment window, but can log in, however if I unblock it every time I log in I get kicked off a second later. I was using facebook to log in because for some reason the metabunk password was not recognised.
Anyway I just reset the password and logged in using that, now I have full functionality and don't get kicked off. I'll log off and see if logging in with facebook results in a repeat of the getting kicked off problem.

Yep, facebook log in results in getting kicked off. I just won't use that.
Today I've periodically been getting a "Welcome to Nginx!" message in place of the main site and forum, but only on MetaBunk. Is that a problem on my end or yours?
Today I've periodically been getting a "Welcome to Nginx!" message in place of the main site and forum, but only on MetaBunk. Is that a problem on my end or yours?

I got that the past two days. I deleted my cookies and restarted the browser and it fixed.
I got that earlier today too but it "cleared itself" after a bit - I did look up with nginx is - pronounced engine-x - and was relieved to find it isn't a hacker's website! :)
I think this is simply a bit of a temporary leftover problem from me switching font end caching from cloudflare to google. During DNS changes I accidentally had an old IP address in there which is now bouncing around the world, but should clear up very soon.
Metabunk keeps crashing the browser on my Windows phone. Windows 7.8, no warning or error message and no apparent pattern. Just closes the tab. Only happening with Metabunk.
Metabunk keeps crashing the browser on my Windows phone. Windows 7.8, no warning or error message and no apparent pattern. Just closes the tab. Only happening with Metabunk.

Well, that's annoying. Are there particular pages it crashes more on? Viewing a thread, or viewing the forum or home page?

You could try unchecking "Use the rich text editor..." in Preferences:
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It appears to be when viewing threads but I can open Metabunk again and go back to the same thread and view it with no problem. I had wondered if it was threads that contained certain media types but that doesn't appear to be it. It's only started happening in the last week or so too. I'll try your suggestions and let you know what happens.
I recently started using Google's PageSpeed technology to make the site faster, that might be causing problems.
Some images in posts don't load for me lately, or pop in suddenly. Reloading doesn't always fix this.
The most recent example was in woody's thread, the pictures he was posting wouldn't show.
Zooming out seemed to let them load, though it was still inconsistent, is it because my screen is zoomed in too much?
Some images in posts don't load for me lately, or pop in suddenly. Reloading doesn't always fix this.
The most recent example was in woody's thread, the pictures he was posting wouldn't show.
Zooming out seemed to let them load, though it was still inconsistent, is it because my screen is zoomed in too much?

Possibly to do with the Google "optimization". What browser/version/OS are you using?
I tried zooming in and the pictures did seems a bit more intermittent in the way they showed up. I might try switching back.

After reading the above post and seeing a number of similar one's that accuse you of banning someone for no reason other than asking questions. Have you thought about starting a banned list with the link to the thread that got them banned? I know most of these folks making these accusations are either anonymous, or they are just making it up, but it would be easily accessible and it could show just how difficult it is to get banned from this site.

After reading the above post and seeing a number of similar one's that accuse you of banning someone for no reason other than asking questions. Have you thought about starting a banned list with the link to the thread that got them banned? I know most of these folks making these accusations are either anonymous, or they are just making it up, but it would be easily accessible and it could show just how difficult it is to get banned from this site.

I have had people make similar claims about having been banned here, but when I ask them what user name they posted under so I can see what really happened, they won't give the name. I'm sure the guy in that post is lying, but they will all believe him anyway.
People mostly get banned for spam. I don't really want to repost that spam. Also impolite posts are also generally deleted if they are impolite enough to cause someone to get banned, so linking to the thread would not help.

If people who were banned want a public explanation and appeal though, I'd be happy to do it. They just need to say what their user name is. Their posts are usually still visible to moderators.

I don't remember Sean Leurini asking about the two planes with different trails, but of course it's a question that comes up nearly every week, and I usually just point them to: http://contrailscience.com/why-do-some-planes-leave-long-trails-but-others-dont/

If he was banned, it was likely for being very impolite. It was also likely a long time ago.

He needs to do it like this guy, posting his user name and a copy of the post, so people can see why he was banned.
Can you change the code so quotes show what they're quoting? As it is it replying to a post will disappear any contained quotes, which can make conversation a little vague; it's useful to see what was being quoted and responded to in a post one is responding to.
Can you change the code so quotes show what they're quoting? As it is it replying to a post will disappear any contained quotes, which can make conversation a little vague; it's useful to see what was being quoted and responded to in a post one is responding to.

You mean so if you replied to this post....
It would look like this:
Can you change the code so quotes show what they're quoting? As it is it replying to a post will disappear any contained quotes, which can make conversation a little vague; it's useful to see what was being quoted and responded to in a post one is responding to.
You mean so if you replied to this post....


You mean so if you replied to this post....
