DarkStar presented his measurement using the Eratosthenes triangulation method to prove the globe earth model curvature is right.
The sun is NOT where we see it! Due to atmospheric refraction the observers see an APPARENT SUN in different position - only the one with the sun at 90 degrees overhead sees the REAL SUN.
The sun light is coming into more dense, hot and humid air with more pressure and CO2
therefore the sun light is bent downwards to earth
Please watch this video from 2:48
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sj868IzNrk
So the SUN is NOT where we see it - that means that the sunlight is NOT STRAIGHT!
Therefore the triangulation method is WRONG because the "c" side of the triangle is NOT a straight line - ergo there is NO triangle here.
We are looking for the REAL SUN angle to calculate with the triangulation method, but we have to define the amount of bend on the sunlight.
Compare DarkStar's results of the sun triangulation: looks like the power curve is the same as the Atmospheric refraction curve chart
SO if the sunlight triangulation measurements represent the atmospheric refraction power curve, then where is the curvature?
and here is video in the attachment - I don't know the source - that demonstrates the apparent and real sun differences on the globe earth model
My argument on the Eratosthenes triangulation method is that the sunlight is NOT a straight line but a curve due to atmospheric rerfraction, therefore there is no triangle in this case.External Quote:http://flatearthinsanity.blogspot.com/2016/07/simple-proof-for-convexity-of-earth.html
Here is the heart of the proof.
Simply pick a line of longitude (along which everyone will experience high noon at the same time, doesn't have to be one perfect line of latitude but each person should measure at high noon on the same day) and measure the length of the sun's shadow at several points of latitude from directly under the sun to as far North as you can (must have at least one measurement that is above 75°). [I give a few more details in my post, must be plumb, etc]
That's all you have to do.
You can review my mathematics in more detail but IF we lived on a Flat Earth then, as you moved perpendicular to the sun's path, you would find the lengths of shadows to be proportional to the distance from the subsolar point. On a convexly curved Earth they would get longer as a power curve (which is what we observe), and on a concave Earth they would vary logarithmically.
This is a trivially true observation geometrically and the mathematics are very simple as well. And it doesn't matter what the altitude of the sun actually is! That would affect the ACTUAL values of course, but not the fact that the Gaussian curvature DEFINES the shape of this measurement.
And the cool thing is that twice a year kids around the world perform this measurement so we have years and years of data collected by kids.
They usually just calculate the circumference but 'hidden' in this data is a very simple, undeniable, geometric truth - the Earth is convexly curved.
The sun is NOT where we see it! Due to atmospheric refraction the observers see an APPARENT SUN in different position - only the one with the sun at 90 degrees overhead sees the REAL SUN.
The sun light is coming into more dense, hot and humid air with more pressure and CO2
therefore the sun light is bent downwards to earth
Please watch this video from 2:48
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sj868IzNrk
So the SUN is NOT where we see it - that means that the sunlight is NOT STRAIGHT!
Therefore the triangulation method is WRONG because the "c" side of the triangle is NOT a straight line - ergo there is NO triangle here.
We are looking for the REAL SUN angle to calculate with the triangulation method, but we have to define the amount of bend on the sunlight.
Compare DarkStar's results of the sun triangulation: looks like the power curve is the same as the Atmospheric refraction curve chart
SO if the sunlight triangulation measurements represent the atmospheric refraction power curve, then where is the curvature?
and here is video in the attachment - I don't know the source - that demonstrates the apparent and real sun differences on the globe earth model
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