Active Member
i just discovered they made a panel on their last expedition. interesting stuff. dunno if they have released the data yet, i l ask in their discord.
I've been watching this in my spare time and one of the things that is really strange is the RNG. It is brought up a few times, one of them is at 1:40:30 (timestamp link).
Can someone explain to me why they are looking at a "random number generator"? Are they literally looking for patterns in noise? This smells like ghost hunting stuff. There is text in the slide that says "Why the heck would we bring this?!" but it doesn't really explain anything. I mean there is no reason to believe that this circuit would detect "exotic propulsion" that "affects the spacetime manifold in fundamental ways". It's just pure gobbledygook.
I mean, the RNG is based on zener diodes, which is a physical thing, an electronic component in a circuit that probably can be affected by electromagnetic noise and such, but if you want to pick up EM signals, there are circuits with antennas, filters etc. that are designed to do just that.
This stuff too often is an explanation looking for a mystery, instead of a mystery looking for an explanation.
(edit: fixing incomplete sentence)